I know I'm not the only one who goes through ups and downs in life. Some days are great, and everything is as wonderful as it could be. Other days are not so much and are just tough, in general. Sometimes I know the cause of such troubles and heartache. Sometimes I don't know why I seem to be a little down in the dumps. On the inside lately, I have been kinda blah about everything and just not full of joy, like usual.
I had such a revelation with the Lord in my car while I was driving yesterday, that I feel like I have to share it on here.
First off, sometimes when I drive, I listen to K-Love or Air One. Other times, though, and this is my favorite thing to do of all, I pray. Yesterday was one such time. I have to start by saying that I have really tried to be consistent lately in my quiet time with the Lord each day. Some days it goes on for a while, other days it lasts for about twenty minutes. Even though on those days when I do have my quiet time I read, I find that I will sometimes skimp on the prayer portion. Note to self: do NOT skimp on that part. If I skimp on anything, it should not be prayer. He wants for us who believe in and who are followers of Him, to come to Him with everything in prayer.
So while I was driving to Costco yesterday, I was praying. I love to praise God for who He is; His attributes. He is faithful, Prince of Peace, a good and loving Father, who is slow to anger and rich in love. He is merciful and mighty and just and full of grace. He is my strength, and He is the song I most love to sing. After the praise part, I always ask Him to examine my heart and show me my sin. This could be anything from gossip to a mean thought I had about someone. Whatever it is, I confess it and I ask Him to forgive me and to change me. The thanksgiving part comes next, followed lastly, by supplication, or prayer for others.
I always ask for Him to use me, and to guide me and lead me throughout my day, and then I ask for Him to help me to walk in submission to Him throughout my day. I don't want to leave that last part out...asking Him to help me walk in submission to His authority in my life means that He allows me to pay close attention to when the Holy Spirit might lead me to something, like a place or a possible conversation like what I am about to tell you about.
I got my things from Costco and while I was there, I stopped to look at some books. (I refrained from buying any.) I overheard a lady ask a sales associate about a book, and since I knew of the author and the lady that worked there couldn't help any, I spoke up. I told her my boys had loved books by him and that the ages of the book would work for the age range she was interested in buying for. And then, we had this moment, the lady buying the book and myself, and realized we knew each other from our days at the local elementary school. We realized we had homeschooling in common and we both started the same year. We ended up talking for about ten minutes, each encouraging one another, and then we exchanged phone numbers and I left. (I gave her my number because she was curious about homeschool curriculum and had questions about what we liked and didn't like.) I left feeling like she had encouraged me, but the Lord showed me that maybe I had encouraged her as well.
The reason I share this is two fold.
One, is that the Lord is so good to us. He is such a wonderful, kind Father to us, and He hears us when we pray. He knew I had been a little down in the dumps lately about a few things, mostly self-esteem type issues over different areas of my life, and He gave me this sweet friend to lift me up and to encourage me. Because in the short time we were together, that is what she did, reminding me of some really sweet things that took place under my watchful eye while I worked at the elementary school.
The second reason is this: do not neglect prayer. Take it all to Him each and everyday. When you feel little fiery darts coming your way (like I have lately), most likely it is the enemy trying to mess with you in your life. One of my favorite verses in the bible is Ephesians 4:27. It says not to give the enemy a foothold. Because that is all he needs, friends. One little foothold leads to more and more and quickly, strongholds are forming in your life and your heart is becoming bitter and hardened. I take great comfort that greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4).
When I got back to my car and was pulling out of the parking lot, I was just overcome by the goodness of the Lord. I started praying again, praising Him and thanking Him for all that He showed me through a divine appointment He had set up before this day was ever even a thought in my head. I ended up doing that for the entire drive back to the Ville, which was about fifteen minutes, and in that time, I experienced His presence in my car while I was driving.
What does that feel like, you wonder? I don't know! All I can say to explain it is that I was overcome with gratitude in my heart and by the emotion of the moment. Tears were pouring out of my eyes, but I could clearly see and I wasn't sobbing. I was just praying and the tears were streaming. I promise, I was not a danger to society, like I said, I could clearly see. I was just having a moment, and thanking Him and without even realizing it really, I was praying Scripture back to Him.
I encourage you, if you are in a season of life that is difficult right now, or tiring: pray and ask the Lord to give you little pockets of time to spend with Him. Whether that is at home before anyone else is up, or in bed late at night, or while driving in your car, when you find moments to pray, pray. He knows the timing of your life and He will help you in this, I promise. Quiet time doesn't have to be hours and hours long, friends. It can be one chapter in the bible, or it could be a section of Scripture. Any time with Him is better than no time. Ask Him for help with this as well! I promise, He is faithful and just, and He will help you.
Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all.
P.s. Here is the December scripture writing guide, and check out the theme!
How appropriate and reverent and holy it will be to write all of this out. Join me?
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