Monday, November 27, 2017

the weekend and some things

Every year for Thanksgiving, we celebrate with my dad and step-mom on that Friday.  We always get out there while it's still light out, which is usually around four, we eat dinner around four thirty, and then we all ooh and aaahhh over the Christmas lights we hung a few weeks prior.  It's our first official night to see the lights all lit up, and it always breathtaking.

Here's the actual house, which I never seem to get a picture of.  It'll always be home to me.  

Then, we leave his house and go to the Memphis Zoo, for Zoo Lights.  

They had several new exhibits this year, like these giant ornaments...

...and this pretty reindeer...

...and these singing deer.  

It's always worth the trip and the crowds, though this year was the most crowded I think it's ever been.  We go on what is probably the busiest night of the season, which is maybe something we should consider next year.  It would be fun to go on a week night, when nobody is there.  

Also, you get to use the tram for free the entire time you're there, but if you are local and reading this, make sure you stand at the pick-up for that at the sign that says Zoo Lights.  It will not stop at the regular zoo hours tram stop signs.  

Perhaps the most favored thing of all to do each year is to watch the ice skaters (fall).  We always stay and laugh and watch.  We're never brave enough to try it on our own.

I always love this tunnel of lights, but it's blurry.  This was right before they all rode the carousel that you can also ride for free.

 I just love all the lights.  

It's fun because of the cold, but on this night it wasn't bad.  We have gone before and frozen half to death, and we have gone before in hot weather.  I like it best when it's cold, and I'm all snuggled up in cozy clothes.

Earlier in the day on Friday is when Chip came to live with us.  Our friend brought him over, and while we were gone, a sweet teenager dog sat for us.

He's adorable. 

We were up early on Saturday morning, and we sat and watched White Christmas together.  Also, I love our Christmas tree this year!  We put less ornaments on it, if you can believe that.  The boys did a novel job at getting this and some other decorations knocked out.

We were up even earlier on Sunday morning.  This was us snuggling.  Somebody just wanted to sleep in my arms.  

Meanwhile, all the other animals have lost their minds in this house.  Crash attacked Chip Saturday morning over his food, Callie is just living in her kennel because Chip terrifies her and she won't eat, and the cat tried eating Callie's food this morning, after Crash ate her first bowl.  I seriously cannot make this stuff up.  It's funny that something so tiny can cause such chaos in the house.  And who would have thought that I'd have more patience with Chip than Jonah?  He makes Jonah crazy, and he prefers Chip only when he sleeps.

Quiet time has been on the back burner with the pup around, but this morning I finally got back on track when Jonah and Noah woke up and came downstairs.  I've been having it, but it's just been later in the day.  I was able to pray while I sat in my chair and held Chip in the wee hours of the morning.  This isn't the ideal week for a new puppy in the house, either.  Todd will be gone every single night, as will one or two of the boys, so it'll just be a couple of us at home with him, three at the most.  I'll take any and all the help I can get, but I'll also live, if it ends up just being me.  I am definitely a seasonal widow all of this week, as we are all our separate ways, but it's only temporary.  

I keep waiting on my old self to kick back in...but for now, I'm embracing the spontaneous and relishing in the moments.  This Christmas season will definitely be one to remember.  Prayerfully Crash and Callie will regain their sanity and start acting "normal" again.  Whatever that means. 

Thanks for reading my blog!  Love to all.  

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