Monday, December 4, 2017

Friday Favorites [all things Christmas edition]

Happy Friday!  It is a gloriously beautiful day in The Ville, where I live.  Today is one of my favorite days of the year!  But more about that in a second.  I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals, and her friends, for the writing of this post.

I'm backing up all the way to one week ago, when my dad, sister and my family all went to Zoo Lights together.  Every year for Thanksgiving, we celebrate with him and my step-mom on Friday.  We eat early, then we go to the zoo.  This is one of our very favorite things to do together as a family.  I love that even though my boys are all teenagers, they love it now as much as they always have.

We have taken people with us throughout the years, and this year my oldest son's girlfriend joined in.

This is my sister Trish and me inside the ice skating rink.  We love to watch the ice skaters every year, and we laugh when they fall.  I realize that this makes us sound like horrible people.  We're not, I promise.

Look at my beautiful sissy!  Her eyes are gorgeous in this picture.

So, this is Chip.  He was my favorite part of last week.  He's been with us for one week today!  He is seven weeks old, and so far, he loves me the most.

I am totally smitten by this little rascal.

I keep posting cute puppy pictures on my best friend's Facebook wall, because the world around us stinks right now.  And we could all use more cute puppy pics, right?!

One down side to this new puppy are the early morning wake up calls he's been giving me, but that is also an up side for me, because I am a morning person.  This means I've been having some really good quiet time each day.

On this particular day, I decided it was a good day to watch my favorite Christmas movie of all time, White Christmas.  I love Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney. 

Two things in one, in this picture, are my favorites.  One is the new tablecloth you see pictured.  I ordered it off of Amazon, and I love it.  The second, and best, is this picture of my bible open to Proverbs.  I've been reading through this book during the month of November, and I finished it this week.

One night during the week, I had a girls night out with one of my favorite people in all of the land.  These Snapchat filters are hilarious and we were like old women playing on a teenager's phone.

This candle is my favorite!  It's by Nature's Wick, and it's a crackling candle.  I love it, and my sweet friend Andrea pictured above gave it to me for my birthday.

Our town tree lighting happened one night this week, as well, and that is always a favorite tradition.  I love our little town, and this sweet friend so much!  I think her hubby took that picture and I love how it turned out.

Last, but not least, is this scripture writing plan for December.  I love reading, studying, and writing out the names of God. 

I started this post Friday morning, but am just now getting around to finishing it and posting.  Oh well, looks like I missed the Friday link up, but I always say that this blog is more for me and my family than anyone else, so, I'm okay with that.  Thanks for reading!  Love to all. 

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Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? I hope that you can say that it was a good one. Mine was pretty great and it went by really fast...