Monday, September 20, 2021

Come on in! Fall home, 2021

 Happy Tuesday, friends! Happy FALL! Insert all the heart eyes emojis and pumpkins here. It's my favorite time of year, especially when I need something to help me feel happy and cheerful. Anyone? I thought I needed that last year, but it seems even more necessary this year. 

I'm jumping right in with today's post. If you're new here, welcome to our home! 

This was taken back in the early days of summer when the flower beds were a little more precise and the grass was super green. We ended up having bug issues with some of our plants, which is what that dust is that you see on the soil and plants. Everything has grown a lot this summer! The bushes in front of the windows are almost up to the bottoms of them. Also, we have a "Don't tread on me" flag hanging under the American flag. I'm blaming Todd for that one.

This porch picture is from last year, but because the heat lasts so late, I won't get a mum until October.

Speaking of this mum, I did not keep it alive last year. I'm rolling my eyes at myself. I did manage, however, to keep all the hanging baskets alive all summer long, which I feel like needs to be documented. I did NOT inherit my mom's green thumb.

All throughout the house, I have small touches of fall. None of it is extravagant and I'll never win any home decorating awards, but somehow when it's all put together, it makes our home feel warm and inviting. 

Most of what I use is more than a decade old. A lot of it was handed down to me from my sisters. I like to use what I have, so I'll find books that are sitting around that look a little more "fall", like the Harry Potter books, or books with a darker cover. 

I don't move a lot of things around, I kind of just rearrange some of it and work in the fall stuff here and there. The lights on the mantel stay up all year, but the banner is new.

I can never decorate without giving the house a thorough cleaning. Because of our dogs, it gets dusty so quickly. I don't know what I ever did before we had a Swiffer duster. I use that thing just about everyday! It's great at catching dust and hair. 

This bookshelf above used to be where I kept our homeschool curriculum. There is a little bit of that left, but it's mainly my books and Bible studies that I've completed now. I need to finish clearing off some of the clutter and get rid of the studies and magazines I don't want to hang onto. One of these days...

(I like it better without the banner and will probably take it down.)

I love decorating this three tiered stand in the kitchen for all the seasons. This was a birthday gift to me one year and did you know they NEVER go on sale? I didn't know that then. 

I struggle so much with our dining room. It's a lot of wood furniture and flooring. If I were more gung ho, I'd paint the hutch with some chalk paint change out the knobs. Again, maybe one of these days.

Pretend you didn't see the dusty top of my fridge. I do clean it, I promise, but I obviously missed it on this day. I still love this arrangement my mom made for me years ago, but unfortunately it has to be stored here for when I decorate. My cat likes to eat dried floral arrangements. Again, with the eye rolling.

This little area gets used a lot. The plates get used all the time, that Google mini Nest you see is usually playing some music that sounds like the season at that time and the cutting board gets used on occasion. 

I got that saying from a Pinterest board. I love this letter board! It was a Christmas gift.

I *might* have a slight fall scented candle addiction. I have new ones now, though. I replenished my stash at Aldi's a few weeks ago.

I came across this image a few weeks ago on Instagram. It's something I have to remind myself of often. Our home is older and it could use some major updating on the inside. We are busy, though (I'm saying "we", because I cannot do things I want to do without some help) and realistically, this is nothing that is going to get done anytime soon. Maybe once our sons start moving out, we'll do more. Just one night last week, Todd and I were talking (dreaming) of all that we'd like to do. It's so much more than I'll mention on here and some of it may never get done. I'm okay with that, though, as long as minor things are accomplished, like painting in rooms that need a fresh coat. This is just the stage of life we're in, but I have to be really, REALLY careful and pray continually for the Lord to help me guard my heart. 

For me, this means that I have to limit my time on social media and to try and remind myself not to get caught up in the comparison trap. I have to remind myself that "stuff" and what our home looks like isn't all that important, in the grand scheme of life. Sure, I want it to look and feel welcoming for those of us who live here and for anyone who visits, but I don't need to focus on that so much that it becomes something I obsess over. There is nothing wrong with wanting your home to be beautiful for your family, that is not at all what I'm suggesting. It becomes an issue when it takes over the first place in my heart. First place in my heart should always be reserved for the Lord.

More than anything, I want people to feel welcome when they come over. I want them to feel the love of God and be able to sense His presence as we visit. I want our home to feel like a refuge and a safe place for all who come. I'm not saying that this is something that is always accomplished, especially after my Monday and a puppy with her SECOND UTI in as many weeks. All of Monday I felt irritated and frustrated and un-loveable. But, God is good and He is sufficient. I pray all the time that the Lord would help me to remember to focus on kingdom things, not on the temporal and earthly things I get sidetracked with every few days. 

I feel like this should be a linkup, but I'm about to just give up on those. They're so much more of a pain than they're worth! I hope you consider sharing some of your own home, if you're a blogger. If you're reading through this on social media, share some pictures of your home! I'd love to see them. 

Thanks for reading my blog, friends. I'll do this same post in another few weeks when I decorate for Christmas! Love to all. ❤


  1. I really like your fall touches; your home is pretty on the inside and out- just like you :). Loved your written sentiments as well (as always). You keep the main thing the main thing and encourage me to do the same.

  2. Thank you, Maria! What sweet words of encouragement. I'm so thankful for all that the Lord shows me...this has been 25 years in the making, but He never gives up on us. I hope you have a great day!

  3. Your home is so cozy. I agree that social media can be a comparison trap!

  4. I love this post. That's kinda how I decorate for fall. Just small things here and there. In fact, last year was really the first time I ever decorated for fall and I'm using the same stuff this year. Except I bought a new mum for outside.

  5. Your home is lovely - and says "home"...which is wonderful!! I love all your fall touches. Don't they just make you feel warm and happy inside?! Congrats on keeping those plants alive all summer! And I have never kept a mum I even try? Just a porch! Sorry your link-ups are hard. Blogging should not be hard work. But so glad you opened your door and shared your home today!! Next time, I'll bring a cup of coffee and stay awhile:)

  6. Your home does look ready for fall and warm and inviting! My mother bought me a mum a few weeks ago and I am keeping it inside for another week or so :). I usually don't keep them alive past the season, but they are pretty for this time of year. Thanks for sharing & thankful for you and your blog!

  7. Your house looks beautiful, Jennifer! And I was going to comment and tell you how much I love your hutch before I read on that you want to redo it. I love it as it is, truly... so beautiful! Isn't it funny how we can look at our house and think it needs work done and then someone else can look at it and think it's perfect the way it is. I have gone through stages of wanting to get things done here, but they aren't happening, and right now I'm okay with that too. I do often think about how this is just a temporary home and none of it matters... you know what I mean... because someday we will be gone and this will all be nothing. Love what you've done and love the goal you have for those that enter your home.

  8. Thank you, Tanya! A cozy home is my dream home. Isn't that true about social media? I truly have a love/hate relationship with it...I love it most days, but I hate what it can do to me when I let it carry on. I hope your day was good!

  9. Thank you, Cathy! I keep it kind of simple for fall, but I go all out for Christmas! It's my jam. ;) That's so neat that you've started decorating for fall! I know lots of people don't really get into that sort of thing. I have always loved to decorate and make a home. Having children just magnified all of that, though, because their reactions to it were so over the top. I'll probably do this forever. Even when we first got married, my husband would come home and our apartment would have been totally rearranged. I learned from the best- my mom! I hope you had a great day!

  10. Thank you, Jennifer! That is the nicest compliment I could ever receive. Yes, to answer your question. It makes me so happy, especially because I stay home so much. If I'm going to do that, I might as well make it pleasing to my own eyes! I feel like mums are hard to keep alive. I think they need a certain percentage of sun/shade, so that makes it tricky. If I could find a realistic enough fake one, I'd buy it in a heartbeat! I used to have one, but it was pretty sad looking after a few years. I wish you could for real come and have coffee with me! Maybe someday. That reminds me of my favorite books by Robin Jones Gunn- the Sisterchicks series. Have you ever read them? I feel like we're like that and could be forever friends. I hope you've had a wonderful day, my friend!

  11. Thanks, Marilyn! That is smart thinking to keep inside a bit get the issue with our weather. I'm so excited over the "cold front" moving in this week! I hope it doesn't disappoint. Thank you for that sweet encouragement! You know I feel the same about you, my friend. I hope your day was great!

  12. Bri- Thank you! And thanks for that about that hutch...I have moments of that same thought, which is why I've never painted it. I even started to one time a couple of years ago, but I went and got a towel and wiped it off before it could settle in! I'm afraid to do something I might later regret. Our perspectives are a funny thing, aren't they? As one who loves to switch things up as far as decorations, some things I want to stay the same forever. You are so right...who was it said that said, "This world isn't my home, I'm only passing through!"? Billy Graham? What a wonderful reminder. I appreciate your friendship and sweet words of encouragement, Bri! That has to be one of your top spiritual gifts! I hope you had a great day, my friend.

  13. You have such a lovely home! I try to focus on making it cozy and nice too and not worry so much about it being perfect.


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Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

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