Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Four Somethings, September edition


Happy Wednesday, friends! Once I month I link up with Heather G to share four somethings from the month. I'm a little early for this linkup this month, but the rest of my September blog posts are allocated for other topics. I love documenting things like this from each month—I love to look back on these every once in a while. Here are the things I loved, read, treasured and look ahead to next month. 


So much! I loved putting out touches of fall here and there throughout my house (click that link for a tour) and I loved the cooler weather that we've had this month.

I loved seeing our dear friends and old neighbors one Sunday afternoon. They stopped by very unexpectedly and it made my entire week. 

And I loved seeing our sons flourish in this new season of life. I've written lots about them lately, so keep scrolling to see "a few things" we've had going on lately. 


So many good books! I plan on writing about my September books next week, so make sure and check back then to see more details, but I've been reading more mystery/suspense and I even read one book by a new (to me) author! Shari Lapena is being talked about a lot right now and her books do not disappoint. 


So many things good things. I always treasure the gift of time. This month brought a barrage of emotions and heartache as I saw people I know and love suffer with tremendous illness. 

Time spent in the Word of God is always something I treasure each day. 

And Bible study is something I always treasure! My friend Dedee hit it out of the park last week when she taught on Esther four. It's been so good to study this beautiful book with my friends and family from church.

Looking ahead:

I love October. I love it so much that we picked that month to get married in. We will celebrate 25 years of marriage on the fourth of October! I'm looking forward to celebrating. I have no idea what we're doing...originally we had talked about going out of town, and we will eventually, but I don't really want to travel right now. We went to New York to celebrate our twentieth anniversary and fortieth birthdays, so that was fun. I'd love to relieve where we went after we were first married...and I'd love to revisit New England. We went to Maine and the surrounding areas right after we first got married.

I'm looking forward to more cool weather and all the fun things that go along with that, like hanging out on our back deck and watching the fire and/or television. 

What are some things you're looking forward to in the coming weeks? I'd love to hear from you! 

Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! ❤ 


  1. Aw, New England sounds beautiful anytime of year, but especially fall!! So glad its been a good study on Esther. I just started a study of 1 Peter and it is also so good. Have a great day!

  2. Esther is one of my favorites. Glad you're enjoying the study. Happy upcoming Anniversary! Hope you get to travel soon to celebrate. Hope you have a great day!

  3. I need to get my SFS post ready!! I love that link-up!! September has definitely been a month of extremes (the highs and the lows) but it is great to look back and focus on God's goodness even during the harder months. Maybe, especially during the harder months! Here's to a beautiful month ahead. A month of healing - in so many ways. Oh, and a little celebrating:) Early happy anniversary wishes!! Such a gift to celebrate our marriages!!

  4. 25 years! So amazing and so happy for you two!!

  5. Marilyn- New England is AMAZING in the fall! I would really love to visit again. I bet your study is good too! We are past the halfway mark on Esther...I hate to see it end!

  6. I love this linkup as well, Jennifer! It's such a great, but simple idea. I understand a month of highs and often feels that way for me as well, different reasons as to why, but it seems that everything is a battle these days. Thank you for that! I am excited to read your upcoming post.

  7. Happy anniversary! I am an avid reader and would love to hear more about what you have been reading :) I love the cooler temps of fall, thanks for sharing.


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