Thursday, September 9, 2021

thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, my friends. I'm joining in once again with Rebecca Jo and Leslie as we co-host this weekly linkup. 

One thing I'll start off with is the gift of encouragement, from people I don't even know face to face! I mentioned here recently that I've had more "traffic" on my blog posts lately and I am so thankful for the encouragement that so many of you have given to me! Yesterday's post was especially that way—if you click on the image below, you can be redirected to check it out, if you're so inclined. 

I am thankful for podcasts. I was telling my friend yesterday that the things that are keeping me sane right now are Jesus, podcasts, phone calls with family and friends, and lots of lots of reading. I am so thankful I have a plethora of these things at my fingertips.

(This is a new one I just found yesterday. It's about God stories. I need all the encouraging and uplifting I can get right now.)

I am so thankful for cozy nights spent at home with my husband. Right now he feels like my safest place and I have come to enjoy our Wednesday nights at home alone. We are making our way through the show Manifest on Netflix and when the episode ended on Tuesday night, I literally gasped. I wanted to watch another one, but I had to go to bed.

I'm thankful for unplanned visits and friends that are more like family. 

This is sweet Katie, one of my dearest friends and old neighbors. The years they lived next door to us were beyond magical and I know neither of us will ever forget the years we had together. What a blessing friends like these are! We camped with them and the path between our houses was much loved and often used. 

I am thankful for long weekends. Last weekend was so, so good. I spent Saturday at home and completed most of my Bible study homework, I cleaned some, did other house thing and caught up on laundry. 

Most everyone was gone all weekend, so I read, I watched movies—it was perfect.

And speaking of reading, I am so thankful for an online community book club I joined recently. I found a new author that I love—Pamela Kelley—and her books are so good! She has written a ton of them, so I have loads to keep me busy until I read them all. I also love that within that online community, people give excellent book recs.

I'm grateful for new (nice) neighbors and kind sons. Todd and our new neighbor Josh were talking yesterday and Josh told him how nervous he got when he pulled up and found out that we had all these sons with big trucks. He actually told someone this week how nice all our sons are—and that will never be lost on me. His kids are equally as nice and have great manners. Also, funny side note—he and Todd knew each other because of Todd's work with the sheriff's department and Josh is a firefighter for Shelby County. 

I am so thankful for good food. I love to cook, but I really love good food. I almost always prefer to eat at home, because I can make most things better than restaurants. A huge pet peeve of mine is unseasoned food, and thanks to all the Food Network shows I've watched over the years, I have learned some invaluable skills that my family greatly appreciates. If you click this picture above, you'll be redirected to a link with the recipe. I loosely followed that recipe, and had the chicken resting atop potatoes. The drippings from the skin on, bone in chicken breasts soaked into the potatoes and HOLY MACARONI it was good. Trust me.

What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Click on the blue button below to link up with us. Thanks for reading, friends. Love to all! 

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  1. That food looks so good! Yes, I am thankful too for good podcasts that help encourage us through the week. I am thankful for those and blogs...all these new avenues for encouragement among women. Thanks for the link up, the kind comment and have a great day too!

  2. Your weekend sounds wonderful. I agree, time with our husbands is the best. In fact, my thankful post talks about that very thing. We are binging 3 different shows right now. JAG, Murdoch Mysteries and Bones. I just love sitting down with him in the evening and watching these and talking too. I have to say, that chicken looks delicious! Hope you have a great day and thanks for co-hosting Thankful Thursday.

  3. Wow, great post yesterday (which, yes, I reading today:) I spent yesterday helping my brother move. Sigh) But thanks for sharing..and capturing my heart and feelings on social media. Such a two-edged sword! What a powerful quote! I'm printing that one out... it is a good one!! Hope you have another great weekend! Oh, and hooray for fall decor out in the kitchen (in your photo)!!:)

  4. Marilyn- I feel the same way about the whole blog world right now. It's by far my favorite thing on the internet these days. Enjoy your evening!

  5. Thanks, Cathy! I love that you feel the same about time with your husband. These days are so new for us, of having sons who are no longer in school, but we're learning to adapt and I love this new life! I'm here for as long as the Lord gives me- when He leads me to change something I will, as far as a part time job, but for now I'm enjoying making our home a haven again. Hey, where or how do you watch JAG? I've heard great things about that show!

  6. Jennifer- thank you! Isn't that quote something else? It literally stopped me in my tracks and I kept reading it over and over again. It helped me recognize some of the feelings I've had lately. You know I love fall! It makes me so happy to have it out for the Harvest movies to start on Hallmark again. They're as good as the Christmas ones!

  7. What a sweet comment from your neighbor about living next to you and your boys! Shows you raised them right, friend. Love seeing your kitchen space. It’s so inviting. I love the lamp in there. Makes me think I need to add one in mine. Have a great weekend.

  8. Thank you, Bri! I know we gave it our all. Of course, they all still aggravate the daylights out of us, but for the most part, we really like our sons. ;) Thanks for the kitchen compliments! Every time I want to paint it, I see a picture and it makes me love the yellow...even though I'm tired of it after years and years. Our whole house could stand to be repainted. You should get you a lamp! This particular one was $10 from Home Centric. It's like a cheaper version of HomeGoods, but Target often them for very inexpensive as well. I love lamps! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  9. I need to check out that podcast - I need some good stories & good vibes more than ever lately


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