Monday, January 24, 2022

share four somethings, January edition


Happy Tuesday, friends! I'm linking up with Heather for this month's edition of Share Four Somethings, a monthly blog post where we share what we have loved, gleaned, braved and achieved all throughout the month. 


I have loved the three times that it has snowed this month. If it's going to snow here, I prefer that it happen in the month of January. Two times it happened on a Sunday and once on a Thursday. It's always so beautiful! 

Once February arrives, I'm usually over the season of winter. It's strange how fast it happens, because I love winter. I love the cold, I love the shorter days and the cozy nights. Sadly, there are years when February and March are our snowiest and coldest times of year here in the good old midsouth. This is proven by the fact that we've had to cancel birthday parties for the boys, because of being snowed in. Graham, Jonah and Noah are all March birthdays. Graham is the eleventh and Jonah and Noah are the tenth. Another thing I've always loved about the month of January is that the whole month feels like a giant time of rest. After the bustle of the holiday season, this always feels good to me. 


I'm loving our Bible study right now! 

Each week we're studying things like why God made creation the way He did and we're learning about the biblical male and female roles in life and in marriage. When we started this last week, I gleaned some new information about God's creation right at the beginning as we looked at Adam and how he got his start in life. This is a great study and I'm thoroughly enjoying the time I spend doing homework each week. I love our small group time and I love talking about what we all learned throughout the week. I am just a facilitator and we all learn from one another. 


Over the weekend, I braved being in a large crowd while out shopping with my mom and sister. I say this like it's a new thing—it's not. I just couldn't figure out what else to say for this word. I will say, I don't love being in crowds very much anymore. People feel a little meaner and more unfriendly than they've ever been before. I usually don't let that stop me, though. I know that people need people to be kind, so as much as I'm able to, when the Lord gives me an opportunity, I try to make the most of that moment. I greet people by name in stores that check me out, I smile, I make conversation, I try to mention the name of Jesus somehow. I don't always do all of those things, but I try to always extend kindness, grace and mercy. 


I'd love to say I've achieved a lot this month, but it wouldn't be true. I did clean out and organize the pantry yesterday! That counts for something, right? Seriously, I've achieved things like reading books, watching movies and seasons of shows on Netflix and HBO Max. Remember how I said this is the month that reminds me of rest? That's a small part of what rest looks like to me. I am updating this to add something my friend Maria suggested and that is writing. I've achieved a lot of that this month, both here and in my journal. I've written here regularly since October, I'm not sure if you've noticed that or not, but since I started my blog calendar in a notebook, I've written one post (sometimes two) every day since then. Before it was more hit or miss. I write them and work them throughout the week and then I schedule them to publish at midnight the next morning. Many of you are early birds! I'm looking at you, Maria! Thanks for your encouragement.

Well, that's about all I've got today, friends. What are some things you've loved, gleaned, braved and achieved this month? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. I am with you on not liking to be in a large crowd. I never have and it has gotten worse the older I have gotten. I will add something to your paragraph of what you have achieved this month- you have written a number of blog posts. Your writing content always offers encouragement, insight and/ or is just enjoyable to read. Writing is a disciple and for me anyway, is time consuming. So I would add writing to your list of achievements :).

  2. Maria, I think at one time I didn't mind large crowds. Then after I had kids, I started changing. Since my late twenties, I don't even hardly enjoy concerts anymore, unless they're at a larger church. Event arenas are DEFINITELY out of the picture these days and it's getting worse with age. That's so strange!

    Thank you for the encouragement on writing...I have written a lot ever since I started scheduling blog posts and since I made a calendar for what I'm going to write on. I really do enjoy writing. I hope you have a wonderful day, my friend!

  3. You're so right. Crowds have always freaked me out but now, people are meaner & ruder... I prefer to steer clear as much as possible

    1. Rebecca Jo- yes! Same here, my friend, same here.

  4. I'm so happy for you that it's snowed three times this past month. I'm not a fan of snow, so I am happy we haven't had any so far this year (well, 2022 that is, we had some in December, but not much). As for your Bible study I love learning about God's creation of the world too. Isn't it amazing?

    1. Hey there, Astrid! By the way, I LOVE your name! I feel like one of my favorite series of books as a teenager had an Astrid and I've thought it was such a great name ever since. I totally get you not enjoying snow! I think I'm in the minority on this with most my friends. It's such a rare thing for us here. I am blown away by studying creation in Genesis! We're learning about biblical femininity and it's been so good. There is so much I've never realized, like where the name Adam comes from in our modern translations. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I'm definitely a hit or miss blogger. Hoping to become a little more regular. Just trying to get in the swing of retired life.

    1. Cathy, I was that way too until I made a calendar. It has made blogging so much easier and it takes the wonder away- as in wondering what to write about. I am sure you'll find your groove soon!

  6. I'm totally with you on your thoughts on January and winter. I love this season, but it is nice to welcome spring weather too when the time comes. Our snows this year have been so pretty! I do hope we get at least one more though :).

  7. Writing/Blogging as regularly consistently as you do is for sure and for certain a huge achievement! Congrats - and keep it up. I so enjoy stopping by and "keeping in touch" and appreciate how you encourage us and allow us into your life a bit!!

  8. Achieving rest is a THING! In today's world being intentional about resting is something to be proud of!! Thank you for linking up!

    1. I agree! It's not always easy, but it's definitely needed. Thanks for always hosting us!

  9. Great Four Somethings, Jennifer! I’m a winter person too. We’ve barely gotten any snow where I live in Kansas, but maybe February will provide it’s usually freezing temps, snow and ice again this year. March sounds like a busy month at your house with all the birthdays. Are they a big production with boys or does it just depend on the person?

  10. Thanks, Lois! March is VERY busy at our house. When the boys were little, we would always do big family and friends parties with three of them at once and Drew on his own for his April 3 birthday. Now that they're older, I'm not sure what they want to keep doing. I was thinking about this over the weekend and plan on asking them soon. We've never done big, away birthday parties. We've always just had gatherings here at home and they'd all have sleepovers each year. Who am I kidding? They had sleepovers every single weekend! I let them invite more kids when it was their birthday. Thanks for stopping by!


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