Friday, July 22, 2022

Friday Favorites, 7.22.22


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Erika and Andrea for this weekly blog post. I'll jump right in!

My favorite day this week was Wednesday. I spent the morning at the pool with my mom-in-love and we had the entire place to ourselves. It was SO. NICE. 

I mentioned yesterday that I don't like swimming in July, because usually the temperature in the pool feels like tepid bathwater. I was very pleasantly surprised to find that wasn't the case on this day! The water felt so cool and refreshing, and it was so nice to swim again. I haven't been in a pool since the last week of June and I felt like my tan was fading. 🤣 

My favorite nights this week were a tie. On Friday night last weekend, I had dinner out with one of my best friends, Andrea. We ate at our favorite Mexican restaurant, then we drove to Drew's work so that I could take something to him. Secondly, another favorite night was when Todd and I double dated with Graham and Jessi.

Lastly, another favorite night was when we had a "family dinner", minus Graham. He did come later, but it was good to have them all at home for a bit on Tuesday night. 

My favorite dinner this week—food wise—was Wednesday night, when Todd and I had takeout sushi. 

Routines are my favorite, most of you probably already know, but I love the morning routine I have. I wake up in the five o'clock hour, I let our dogs out, I make a cup of coffee, I read all my favorite blogs, I get one more cup of coffee, then I spend time praying or reading. (Yesterday morning I read because I'd started a book the night before and was already almost finished with it and couldn't stand the suspense.) Around 7:15 I get up to feed the dogs, make lunches and coffee or chocolate milk to go, then I sit down to read the Bible. That happens as people are leaving, so by eight thirty I'm finished with that and have started my first load of laundry. Then I grab a breakfast protein drink and come into the living room to drink and call my mom. She helps me solve all my problems, so I love spending a few minutes talking to her every morning.

Did you know that out of all the chores I do in our home, folding laundry is my favorite? It is. It's so satisfying to see that messy basket turned into very neat and tidy piles of clean clothes. I'm also very good at this task. I blame it on the fact that I worked at Eddie Bauer Home back in the day, and my items had to be done perfectly and uniformly, in order to fit a certain number of towels into the proper cubby.

Yesterday I had lunch with a couple of friends on the town square. I couldn't find a parking place, so I parked behind the Methodist church and used the cut-through to walk to the restaurant. Our town square is my FAVORITE!

On an unrelated note, I think I have a new favorite author and series of books. It all started with the show I watched on Prime Tv, The Summer I Turned Pretty. I binge watched the one season on a Saturday, then I turned around and read the first book. I didn't realize it was a trilogy, and I finished the final book yesterday before we had dinner. I hate finishing such a great book or series! If you've not read her before, check her out. These books will go down as some of my top favorites for the YEAR.

Lastly, I've had two songs on repeat this week, that are both favorites of mine. The first is Battle Belongs by Phil Wickham and the second is The God of Possible by Katy Nichole. 

These songs are ones I've turned into prayers this week. 

If you've missed my other posts this week, here they are below.

Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 


  1. I think this turned into a great week for you! Your pool looks amazing! I hope you get to go at least once a week because it seems that you really enjoy it. I have a similar morning routine. I was trying to exercise before anything else but I have gotten really lazy with that. I only did that on Monday of this week. Oops. There are so many daily morning household chores to be done, too. It can eat away the whole morning if I let it. I am trying to be better at setting the house the night before. Happy Friday! I hope you have something fun on the agenda!

  2. I agree about the pool water feeling too warm. That usually hits in August here, but I'll still get in. Your morning routine sounds similar to mine. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Cool photo! You really do have a pretty town square!! It has to imagine that a pool would be empty. One in our area is always empty as well - and the neighborhood it belongs to is huge! Why wouldn't people be at the pool?? Especially the kids. When I was young, we LIVED at the neighborhood pool. As did all our friends. We also pedaled our way there on our maybe I'm just old. HA! Have a great weekend, friend. I enjoyed catching up a bit. I'm so behind this week!!

  4. I’ve heard both of those songs on the radio. I especially like In Jesus Name. Hope you have a great weekend

  5. I loved reading the fact that you worked at Eddie Bauer and was thinking about how clothes are so properly folded at stores :). Thanks for sharing the music recommendations. I am going to listen this weekend. Enjoy yours!

  6. Your morning routine sounds really great. I also love seeing a huge pile of messy laundry folded neatly which is a good thing because I have two full baskets waiting for me!

  7. I left this long comment and then it didn’t post. 🤪 Love seeing your Bible time set-up; it’s perfect! Glad you had a nice time at the pool and that it felt refreshing this trip. Haven’t heard too many say folding laundry is their favorite so totally learned something new. Do you still fold all the things like at your old job? If so, would love to see pictures of some of your drawers. 😍

  8. Amy- it did turn into a much better week! It helped tremendously to get out of the house. I do usually try to swim at least once a week...I'd love to do that more, but it never seems to work out. My weeks fill up awfully fast for someone who doesn't "work" outside of the home. I hope you're able to get to the gym this week, especially if it's something you enjoy. I love to reset the house each night! I cannot stand to go to bed with a dirty kitchen. I hope you had a great weekend!

  9. Thanks, Tanya! My saying is that even warmer water is better than no water. It's the only thing to do when it's so hot!

  10. Thanks, Jennifer! I agree- who wouldn't want to swim in a pool? We also lived at the pool every summer. I loved those days!

  11. Cathy, that is my favorite song right now! I hope you had a great weekend!

  12. Marilyn- the towel cubbies were THE BEST!

  13. Ruth- yes, it's a good thing it's something you enjoy! I hope you had a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by!

  14. Thanks, Bri! I know it's so weird. I do fold very neatly and I fold each shirt in thirds, by tucking the arms backward. I don't like a crease down the middle of the shirt! My hubby's dresser drawers are neat because I put his things away...but I don't have a lot of things I keep folded, and you know the boys' drawers are not neat! I do fold all the towels the same as I used to and each place where I have them, they're neatly stacked. I hope you had a great weekend!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? I hope that you can say that it was a good one. Mine was pretty great and it went by really fast...