Monday, November 7, 2022

weekending/Hello Monday


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for this weekly blog post. 

How was your weekend? Mine was really good, even if it did go by way too quickly. I started off by going to Dad's house for lunch on Friday. My sister, niece and great niece were here visiting, so it was good to see them for a little while. 

These pictures are of my niece Amanda and my great niece Claire. I won the way Claire's heart, because I took her the first two books out of my favorite series of all time. I was her age when I started reading Nancy Drew books, which she has yet to read. She started reading while I was there and we were fast friends. She is the coolest kid! I love her so much and enjoyed seeing her so grown up this time. It's been a couple of years since I last saw her. We talked all things books, movies, tv shows, food and hobbies. It was a great afternoon! 

After that I came home for a little while to check on the dogs, then I went to Mom's and Bill's for dinner and to see Mom's Christmas decorations. Bill went and picked up catfish from a local restaurant near them and it was so good. The bonus was that my mom's house looked beautiful and I left feeling inspired. She gave me a few new things to use here at my house, but I loved looking at all of hers. 

Mom is such a talented decorator! She used to do this for people when I was young and I have vivid memories of watching her and being amazed. Actually, all of my sisters are really good at this and I love their homes equally as much. Trish helped her with all of this, but these were a few of my favorite areas. 

We attempted to go out on Saturday to our favorite shops in Memphis (more about this tomorrow), but it was an epic fail, even where we ate lunch. We weren't out all that long and when I got home, Todd left shortly after to work a shift. I watched a couple of really great Hallmark Christmas movies, and called it a night. I spent the entire day Sunday at church, and I'm not exaggerating. I was there by 7:45 that morning, back at 1:15 and was there until six p.m. for an extended Christmas music rehearsal for choir. It was a LONG afternoon and as I'm writing this, it's eight p.m. and I'm seriously contemplating bed. I'm so tired! I picked up a couple of Subway sandwiches for Noah and me, then showered and sat down to work on my blog for this week. 

How was your weekend? What's one thing you did that was fun? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Sounds like a pretty great weekend despite your mishaps and your moms decorations are beautiful- can't wait to see yours!

  2. I love your mom's tree and the hutch! So pretty. Glad you got to see your niece and great niece. Your Sunday sounds busy at the church- I'm sure it was nice to spend time with your friends there, volunteering, and worshiping. I was just thinking that I generally spend very little time at church on Sunday. Our church doesn't have Sunday school or a Sunday evening service. And though I do volunteer, it's for a position during the week and not on Sunday. So, typically, we go to church and hear the message Sunday morning and that's it. Our weekend was good- low key but productive. I loved getting the extra hour on Sunday ;).

  3. Your mom's decorating is beautiful! I am not that good at it! I am pulling out a few Thanksgiving decor items and putting away my few Halloween specific items. Most of my stuff now is pumpkins so I am keeping it out. I usually decorate the day before Thanksgiving since I am off and that way right after Thanksgiving that isn't held at my house I am in Christmas mode.
    I can't wait to hear what happened on your failed shopping and lunch trip.
    So sweet about your great niece!

  4. David and I kind of had a weekend of busts too, but some good times mixed in, as well. I'll post about all of that today.

    Your moms decorations are beautiful! And your great niece makes me think about my nieces and nephews, who I don't get to see very often. But when I do, it's fun to get to know them at different stages and ages.

    Have a great week!


  5. Thanks, Holly! I can't wait to start. Hopefully I'm in the mood for this tonight and tomorrow- I wanted to do it Saturday night, but nobody was home to help me get things out of the attic. Fingers crossed!

  6. Thanks, Maria! I have had times that were similar- about doing things at church other days of the week, but not being there for long on Sundays. It's usually like that now, honestly...yesterday was just the exception. I slept so good last night!

  7. Thanks, Amy! It's interesting that different town have different days for Christmas open houses...because our town had that day here on Saturday, we just assumed it would be that way everywhere, but nope! Two of the shops were actually closed for decorating. It seemed late to be doing that- most shops I know of are doing this at the end of October. Who knew?

  8. Thanks, Debbie! I'll look forward to reading about that! It is fun to see family at different ages. I've loved being with my great nieces recently! Some of them are coming home for Thanksgiving this year, which is so exciting.

  9. Your mom definitely as a talent for decorating...what an inspiration. We had family over for lunch on Sunday, and I think I was ready for bed about 6pm! That time change makes it a long day! have a good week!

  10. Your mom's house is lovely! It sounds like you had a wonderful afternoon catching up with family too. I used to read Nancy Drew books when I was in school too... those and the Babysitter's Club were my favorites.

  11. It sounds like you had a great weekend. Love the decorations at your mom's, especially the tree. We're currently watch "A Royal Christmas on Ice". Hubby recorded it so we could watch it now. He prefers to watch them recorded rather than live so we can fast forward through the commercials. Hope you're enjoying the movies as much as we are. Have a good evening.

  12. Hooray for another fun weekend! So fun to have family in town...and really nice when Mom shares some of her pretty Christmas things with you:) I'm curious which Christmas you watched that were so good. I'm always looking for suggestions:) Happy Monday my friend!

  13. That's your dad's house, right? I am in LOVE with his bookshelves!! I would love all that space. So fun that you could share those books with your great-niece. And your mom's house looks gorgeous all decked out for Christmas!

  14. Your mom's decorations are beautiful!

  15. Thanks, Tanya! Girl, I know you are exhausted. I would have been so tempted to go to bed as soon as they all left! I'm glad y'all are home safe and sound from your fabulous trip.

  16. Thanks, Joanne! I loved Babysitter's club as well- I think I had the entire series and I read them over and over again...remember those "super specials"? I loved those too!

  17. Thanks, Cathy! It was a good one. I'm loving most of the movies...there have already been some that are a little hit and miss for me. I like the GAC Network too. That's where a lot of Hallmark actors went to!

  18. Thanks, Jennifer! I'll be more diligent in keeping up with the names, but one of them was Christmas Bedtime Stories. It was SO GOOD! I really love the Hallmark Movies and Mysteries ones even more than the regular ones. I also have certain actors and actresses I watch for. I hope you had a great day!

  19. Bri- Yes! I love those bookshelves. They call that the library and it's one of my favorite places in the house. Thanks for that, friend! I love Mom's house too!

  20. Your mother’s decor is absolutely gorgeous and I’m so glad you got to spend some quality time with your family.

  21. Your mom's house is stunning! What a fun time with your family!


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