Thursday, December 15, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! Rebecca Jo and I are here for another installment of Thankful Thursday. I hope you'll join us this week! 

I have so much to be thankful for, as always, that it's almost hard to talk about just a few things. I am definitely thankful that I feel better. I woke up feeling bad Monday morning from a sinus infection type thing I'd felt coming on since Friday. I never ran fever and my throat only hurt for about 24 hours, but you know that yuck feeling that is there when you first wake up and like that? It stuck around most of that day, but thanks to vitamins, tons of water, hot tea, suphedrine, acetaminophen and Mucinex, I turned the corner and felt loads better by Tuesday. And yesterday was the best day of all so far this week. You can still hear the congestion in my head through my voice, but I am so grateful to be feeling better during which would be a terrible time of year to be sick. And so many I know are! Many of us have the same type of thing, but I felt like I had a leg up thanks to all that I mentioned. 

I feel like all of this has been exacerbated by the boat loads of rain we've had in the last week. The weather is literally jumping from 40 something to almost 70 and then falling again, so it's no wonder why. But, yay for a sunshine-y day today! The high is 50 and for the next ten or so days, the weather calls for sunny skies and cold temperatures. I've never been so excited! I desperately need sunshine in my life. 

I needed to feel better ASAP, because I had some fun things to do this week that I didn't want being sick to stop. I am so thankful that I've gotten to do everything I wanted! This was me last night at a worship ministry appreciation banquet. I loved the trees that topped the tables. The room looked beautiful and it was a fun night. I sat with my hubby and the rest of the tech team to start off, but they all left me to go work (imagine that), so I joined my friends at the next table. It's nice of our worship pastor to give these for all of us! The food was good and it's always fun being with friends. The room was buzzing! 

Another fun thing I was able to do this week was Tuesday night. Because we write Bible studies and don't get paid for it or make any money off the sale of the books, the church treats us to a super nice dinner about three times a year. Tuesday night was that night and we went to a restaurant that was new to me, called Southern Social. It was beautiful! Here are some pictures I found on the internet. 

The ambiance was spectacular, which I love. I also love the booth we sat in! It was so cozy. 

Left to right are Barbee, me, Amy and Lynn. Isn't it funny how we look all coordinated and festive for Christmas? You'd have thought we had planned that. It was such a fun night and I am so thankful I was able to go and be with them. You can tell we never have any fun together, right? 😉 It's really fun when we get to travel together, which I love to do. We had a trip planned to the mountains in the fall, but it was canceled, so hopefully we'll be able to reschedule in the spring for a long weekend. 

I'll share more about that dinner on Friday, because it was definitely worthy to make my Friday Favorites post. I'll see you back here tomorrow, I'm wrapping this one up for now. It's Wednesday night and I am exhausted! Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. 

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  1. So glad your cold was short lived. I need to stock up on Mucinex. It's good stuff! I am hoping the four of us stay healthy. The college kids are still doing finals and writing papers and not sleeping enough so that is a recipe for getting sick. Fingers crossed.
    What a beautiful restaurant and what a nice gesture of the church. I think now that I am this age all I want is quality time and a nice atmosphere in a restaurant and decent food. Is that too much to ask? He, he.
    I am thankful for so much this week, too. I was happy that our principal started the week with an announcement for the kids about mental health and a gratitude practice. It was really great and I hope they listened!

  2. Oh that restaurant is beautiful but yes I love how festive and coordinating you ladies are- beautiful pics! Grateful you are feeling better and I am grateful for being able to have flexibility with my job so I can be present for my girls :)

  3. Thanks, Amy, me too! I am with you about going to places with a nice atmosphere and good food/service. I think I appreciate it even more now that I have a son who works in the service industry. I know it's changed the way I tip people! That's what they live on. I think that's awesome that your principal started the week off with that. I hope they listened as well! They needed to hear that, I'm sure. ❤

  4. Thank you, Holly! I'm so glad you have that flexibility. I know it makes a world of difference! What a blessing. ❤

  5. Hi Jennifer :)
    I now have a sore throat and congestion too, which I thought was strange, since I just shared the jello trick with you last week.

    It's gone from almost 80 degrees this week, to waking to 40 degrees this morning. wonder I'm sick!

    Unfortunately, I've cancelled some things with my kids because of the babies. Can't take any chances.

    On the other hand, my thankfulness comes from having a nice warm house to spend my days in, while drinking all the jello, tea, water and binge watching Heartland. It could be worse!

    Have a wonderful day!

  6. Debbie, I hate to hear that you're getting that now as well! Hopefully it'll be very short lived. I agree- there are situations that you have to be careful in! I was hesitant to see my dad this week, but he wasn't bothered by me being a little congested in my head. We just didn't hug when they came over on Wednesday.

    Amen to what you said! I did a lot of that this week early on and took several naps. I think sleeping more is one way my body recovers from illness. I'm almost back to normal now...hoping the same for you, my friend. Take care!

  7. That restaurant is beautiful! I need to make a trip to TN just to have dinner there! How sweet for the church to appreciate you and your friends that way! So glad you are feeling's to staying healthy for the holidays. (I currently have no voice which I really, really need for the Junior Church program this weekend!!)

  8. I read your post earlier and I thought I commented, but I guess not. Anyway, I'm glad you're feeling better. Some pretty wicked stuff going around out there. My mother-in-law and sister are both sick right now. I love that table cute. Some people are just so creative!

  9. Jennifer, you really should and then I'll go with you! 😉 It is very nice of them to do that, you are so right. Oh NO! I hope you gain it before the weekend's festivities! Drink all the water and hot tea that you can. It helps, I promise!

  10. Thank you, Cathy! I hope your mother in law and sister both feel better. It's definitely the season to be sick. We're taking all the vitamins and drinking all the water to help us.


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Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? I hope that you can say that it was a good one. Mine was pretty great and it went by really fast...