Monday, December 12, 2022

weekending/Hello Monday


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. I have so much to tell you about! Here's how my weekend started. 

Every year, my best friend and I go on an annual friend-versary trip to a small nearby town. Some years we spend the night, others we just go for the day and then come home. This year we decided to go to a town in Mississippi named Canton for the day. Online it looked like such a cute town square, and it was! The problem was, it was further than we thought it would be and it was a ghost town. It doesn't matter, though, we had a blast driving there and laughed ourselves silly when Missy kept taking pictures on her phone by accident. 

Here's a few pictures I took.

This was the townhall. It's so pretty! We ate a good lunch, then walked around for a bit, but we didn't hang around long. After this, we went to Oxford, Mississippi, which was way better. We got there later, though and just hit up the bookstores they had on the town square. 

We had "dinner" after this at Townhall Cheesecake. 

It was so good! We made it back home by around seven thirty that night (we left at eight thirty that morning), and look what I came home that my husband surprised me with!

He and Jonah made a Christmas tree for our flag pole. I love it! I wrapped up the night by eating a snack and watching Ticket to Paradise on Peacock.

I went out for a bit on Saturday, but it was rainy, so I didn't do much except for run an errand with my mom and sister and then we had lunch. That night, a couple of friends from church and I went to the Chris Tomlin and MercyMe concert. It was fun! Such a great concert, too...which was way more worshipful and less performance.

These are my friends Carol (on the left) and Kim. Funny fact: my husband went to high school with Carol and her husband Mark! They go way back. I bought a cute clear bag for this event earlier that day. I was out WAY past my bedtime and only got about four hours of sleep, and had to be at church super early Sunday morning. Thanks to everyone on the worship staff and even in choir dropping like flies because of sickness, the whole day was a major comedy of errors and just kept getting worse. So many people were out sick and we were having to cover for people and doing things we normally don't have to do in their absence. Last night was our Christmas night of worship, which was so good and that all our parents came to. 

The first two are my mom and dad, which you know.

This is Mom and Bill, my awesome stepdad.

And these next two are Todd's parents, my in-love's Phyllis and Wiley. I always appreciate how they come to everything! 

It was a great night. So, how was your weekend? What's something fun you did? I'd love to hear from you! I will confess that it's about this time of year when I feel like I start limping to the finish line that is Christmas and the new year. I am tired! I also don't feel great and sincerely hope I'm not catching what's going around. I could barely talk by the end of last night, so I will be resting some this week in between all the things and activities. (Seriously, it's THE busiest week again!) I can't even finish a book, if that tells you anything. 

Before I wrap this post up, I made a bonus post yesterday! It was a suggested post, and you can read it here. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all!


  1. Uh oh - I think you may be getting sick, too. I recommend Starbuck's medicine ball tea - you can make it yourself, too, and hot toddys. I took lots of hot showers, did my Neti pot, and drank more water than I thought humanly possible. I had a pretty relaxing weekend and it's probably good because this week has the potential to be super crazy at school. I have a long list of things to do today and we will see how it goes!
    I love all the photos of your parents and in laws. You are lucky to have close relationships and that everyone lives close. The shopping trip sounded fun!

  2. Amy- I'm thinking the same thing. I'm going to Google how to make some tea like Starbucks. I know I have some bags somewhere...I need to find them. I actually meant to go get one at Starbucks yesterday, but completely forgot. I'm staying home tonight! And maybe even today...I haven't made up my mind yet. It's early still! I can't talk on the phone sounding the way I sound. It was nice that you had an easy weekend, especially for this last week of school. I'm sure that always goes a little crazy! You are so right and I feel so fortunate to have them all close by. I don't take it for granted!

  3. What a FUN and FULL weekend! Hope you are able to catch up on some rest! That little town looks adorable and the cheesecake looks fantastic. Love seeing the pic of you and your mom and stepdad- so sweet!

  4. Looks like that was a delicous cheesecake dinner and I support that! Glad it was a fun adventure and sounds like an adventure at church too. I hope you are able to sleep well and feel better in the midst of your busy week.

  5. Thanks, Holly! Me too. Ha! Have a great day, my friend!

  6. Marilyn, me too! Thanks for that, friend!

  7. Hi Jennifer :)
    What a fun trip! Sometimes it's the mishaps that bring the most fun (like a ghost town trip) :)

    I hate that you're feeling bad, but here's a tip that I learned...if you have a box of jello, boil some water, fill your coffee cup with the water and add a few tablespoons (to taste) of the jello powder. It coats your throat and helps with your cold (vitamin C).

    Your choir situation sounded like a Hallmark Christmas movie plot :) I'm glad it turned out ok in the end and your parents and in-laws all look so nice.

    Well, here's to a hopefully restful week for you!

  8. My husband and I actually went out on a date! I don't know the last time we did that. We went to a winery for Christmas Vacation trivia. It was so fun, even if we didn't win. We did place third though!

  9. I would so love to visit those bookstores. They look so very inviting. And I really love the "Choose Joy and cheesecake" sign! This post was fun and I really enjoyed all the pictures. Hope you have a great week.

  10. Oh I hope you're not coming down with anything!! Those bookstores all look like so much fun.

  11. What a fun day out for your friend-aversary! Hope you get some rest and don't come down with anything.

  12. I love your black Swiss dots and that bookstore is so my jam!

  13. Hey, Debbie! You are so right. We made memories together, and that's what counts. Thanks for that tip about the jello for a cold! I've never heard of that before. Today I made some tea with a little amount of lemonade felt good to my throat! It's a little raw from coughing. Thanks for the sweet words! It ended up being a great night- and one we won't soon forget. Again, with the memories!

  14. Kirsten, that sounds like so much fun! That's actually a bucket list date night item for me. We have a local pub here that has trivia every Monday night. I want us to go and participate sometime! That is awesome that you won third place!

  15. Cathy, aren't those things fun? The bookstore and the cute sign wall? I love things like that, as you know. Thanks for that, friend! I hope you had a good day!

  16. Thanks, Joanne! I love it when a bookstore has new and used books and more than one level! They hit all the requirements. 😉

  17. Thanks, Tanya! It was so much fun. I am taking all the things! Vitamins and meds to keep it from getting worse and I'm drinking tea like crazy. I should maybe make sure it's decaf, though...

  18. Thanks, Andrea! I've had this top for a few years, but it got stuck behind some other clothes and I just recently found it again. I love it when that happens! We would get along well...I love bookstores, especially when they're new and used combined and have multiple levels. I was swooning.

  19. That bookstore is precious!!!!! I'd spent the longest in there.
    Chris Tomlin - my FAV!!!! He puts on the best concerts. You leave floating on a cloud,dont you?

  20. Rebecca Jo- I KNOW! You know I love a good bookstore. I love him too. It's the second time I've been to one of his. I don't think so...I'm going to look now!

  21. The little town looks gorgeous! I really hope that you can get some rest during this busy time and that you feel better soon.

  22. Thanks, Ruth! It was really cute. I do feel SO much better!

  23. I really need to visit a cute small town (they are the best) and especially one with a Cheesecake place that cute!! What a great way to spend a day!!

  24. Jennifer, you really do! I was so surprised at how cute the cheesecake place was. We used to have one of those here, but ours was nowhere near that adorable. I love a mural wall!


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