Thursday, January 19, 2023

Thankful Thursday, 1.19.23.


Happy Thursday, friends! I can't believe it's already Thursday. I am excited about my day today and grateful it's finally here. I hope to see my mom, since we had plans for yesterday and canceled because of rain, and I have some training today at our school district's office for my new job. Eeeekk! I'll keep you posted! 

For anyone who doesn't know, my last day at the attorney's office (my sweet and perfect little part time job) was Tuesday, and I am starting full time work as an intervention teaching assistant as soon as my paperwork and testing is processed. Intervention is for kids who are falling behind in reading—they come to us for one hour during their school day to work on reading comprehension. I'll get to work with all kids in grades kindergarten through fifth. I've been told it's a super fast paced day, which is something I'm excited for, that there is lots of walking back and forth in the long hallways, and that it's a fun environment. They kids love coming to that classroom, because they're seeing progress. They're young enough that it excites them to see that. 

I used to work at another local elementary school when the boys were young. I was the cafeteria monitor for four years—and loved almost every single minute of that job. I loved seeing all the grade levels and that it was a fun time for them during the day. If you want to read about my last year of doing that, you can read that story here. This particular day that I wrote about was such a bittersweet day. I was ready to leave, because of some things that were taking place within the school district at the time (it was a county wide district at the time, but now we're a municipal district), and I knew it was time for a new era. That's when our homeschooling journey began, in the fall of 2012. 

Here are some other things I am thankful for this week.

I am thankful for encouraging words! I was texting with the principal at the school I'll be working at earlier this week, and she told me that some of my friend have been saying some really nice things about me. I can't wait to start working there! I just love the principal, the one assistant principal that I met, and the others I met that day plus the friends I have who work there. 

I am thankful my man and I have a trip to look forward to! We have an old friend who lives in Louisville, Kentucky, and Todd and I are planning a trip there over my spring break to meet up with John and his wife Stacy. We were at their wedding twenty years ago, back when we were just a family of four (not six). John lived here in Memphis for work when Todd and I were young and married. We lived in the same apartment complex, and became the best of friends. Our family just kind of adopted him as one of their own, since he wasn't from here and always stayed in the area for holidays. He spent many a weekend/family celebration/holiday event with us. I can't wait to see him and Stacy! Do you have recs for me, if you've been there? We're staying near North Hite Avenue. I know it's somewhere downtown and toward the east of that area. I want to be near there and the river that goes between there and Indiana. Is that right? I don't have a map in front me of at the moment. I can't wait for our trip! Todd and I also plan on doing a food/bourbon tour of some sort, especially since it's the bourbon capital of the world. I'm open to suggestions!

I'm thankful that I've been able to spend time with friends lately. I have more plans for that this weekend. I also have a date night planned for my husband and I, and I'm excited about that as well. ❤

(Just for fun and to keep things fresh and interesting, here's a picture of us at Christmas in 2017.) 

I am thankful for the word of God, as always. I can't let a day go by without saying how much I love and need the living, active word of God.

I'm thankful for beautiful sunsets and the pictures my husband takes to send to me of them. 

I am thankful for extra time to spend soaking in my daily devotional reading and quiet time. 

What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! In case you missed it, I made a bonus blog post yesterday. You can read it here. Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! ❤ 

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  1. I am so excited for your job to start! Can you give your kids stickers at the end of your sessions? Even my high schoolers love stickers.

    Um, uh hum, I am your go to Louisville girl! I will DM you some suggestions and we can talk more on IG, but did you forget that I live in Louisville? Ha! I wonder if I know them? That sounds like such a fun little getaway for you and Todd and because he works so many weekends, this is great!

  2. Love that sweet pic of you and your hubby! This week I am grateful for being able to work from home to help get Diana to and from midterms! I am also grateful for being able to get outside to walk a few times this week before an impending snowstorm- eek! :)

  3. Amy, I bet I can! I have some that I can use, if so. I'll have to ask! I'm with you- even I still love stickers! I'll message you his name on Instagram. I was hoping you'd suggest some great things for us! We'll be there on a Wednesday- Saturday, since it'll be the week of my spring break. (March 15-18.) I know, we're both excited! We went out of town for one night back in May, when we went to Nashville, but before that, it was October of 2017! This is overdue, needless to say.

  4. Thanks, Holly! That's so great you've been home to help Diana. I know you loved that!

  5. eeek! Starting a new job is such a fun and exciting time! You're going to be making such a huge impact in the lives of those kids. They're lucky to have you! Today I am thankful to be an Aunt. I got the opportunity to hang out with my youngest niece and nephew last night (almost 3 and 6 respectively) and they're goofy, and sassy and sweet in all the best ways. I love them both so much and am thankful to have a front row seat to watch them grow up.

  6. Thank you, Kirsten! I cannot wait! I appreciate your sweet and encouraging words. That is an awesome thing to be thankful for...being an aunt is the BEST! I know they loved being with you yesterday!

  7. 2 things... first, I didnt know you worked in an attorneys' office - I work in an attorney office - LOl

    2nd - um... hello... I'm in Louisville! Well, lived in it my whole life - work in it still, but live out in the country over the river now... but anything you need to know - any questions - I'm your gal!

  8. Rebecca Jo- that's funny that you didn't realize I worked in an attorney's office! I got that job in late July last summer and officially started around the first of August in 2022. I loved the job! But this new job literally found me and the Lord Himself put it right into my lap.

    Why did I not know you lived in Louisville?! I thought you lived in or near Ohio, for some reason. That's crazy! I may be emailing you about our trip- thank you for that!

  9. New Here! Joining in for Thankful Thursday after finding your link up on Google the old fashioned way! Love that you also still do date nights as we do! Love that you've planned a trip as something to look forward to and love that a new job opportunity has opened up for you! I really look forward to hearing how your first day goes! Gods doing mighty things for you by the sounds of it. Looking forward to following you!

  10. I came over bc I had an extra minute this morning. I haven’t read any blogs probably for months! What a surprise to find out you are done with your part time job and getting a new, FULL time job!! So excited for you!!! I need to make time to be reading your space so I can stay up to date. Love you, friend.

  11. Another wonderful list of blessings and things to give thanks for! I am so excited for your new job. How did it go today? So nice that you already have a date night planned. Celebrate...and anticipate all that God is going to do through this new adventure!! Happy Thursday to you friend!

  12. Melissa, I'm so glad you joined up with us today! And thank you for stopping and taking time to leave a comment. I left one on a recent post of yours too. Thanks for your sweet words! I get to start next week. I can't wait!

  13. Bri, I know! So much has changed. I don't think I had even applied or interviewed yet, the last time we texted. I have so many new things going on! It's crazy how fast it all happened. I'll share one day next week, in case you come head is still spinning a little and I need to sit down and write about it to process it all. Love you too, sweet friend!

  14. Thanks, Jennifer! Today went GREAT. Everyone at the school board was super nice and helpful. I get to start next week, most likely on Tuesday. I appreciate your encouragement, my friend!


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