Friday, March 24, 2023

Friday Favorites, 3.24.23.


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for my favorite blog post of the week. It has been a week for me! Reentry into school and a full-time job after a week after spring break is no joke. It's been really good, don't get me wrong, but it's been kind of crazy, which I'm seeing is the new normal. I'm okay with this! This job is my favorite job to date, with the exception of being a wife and stay at home mom to our sons. That was my all-time favorite job of all time, and I am so thankful for the years I had to do that. This new phase feels amazing, though, and I love how I spend my days!

I'll tell you what's NOT my favorite this week—getting this notification on my phone last night.

Yikes! A/C problems are no fun. I hated for Todd to come home to this last night, but it can't be helped. I'm thankful that it cooled off decently enough last night, thanks to a cool shower, our ceiling fans and the fact that I stripped the bed down to the bare minimum. Hopefully we'll figure this problem out sooner rather than later. I'm so glad it wasn't any hotter than it was here today. 

On to better things, I took these pictures last week during our family birthday dinner without the boys knowing. My son Graham is in the picture right below, and call me crazy and all, but doesn't he resemble Rip Dutton from Yellowstone? I'll do a little comparison for you.

Why have I never seen this resemblance before now? Tell me you see it too. I know who he needs to dress up as if he ever gets invited to a costume party! And this one below is Jonah with his girlfriend Laura. Aren't they cute?

Because each time I wear these readers someone compliments them, I am going to share my favorite Amazon purchase of 2023 so far once again. These glasses are stylish, blue light-blocking, and the strength that I need to see well. You can find them here. You can compare them to the Peepers brand, which is about $30 for one pair. These are $18 for SIX pairs. I love them so much that I have bought them twice. When I started working, I decided I needed to keep a few pairs at school, since I have options of colors and can match my outfits.

Most of you know that last week, Todd and I went to Louisville, Kentucky for a few days. It was so much fun getting away and meeting up with friends, new and old. One of my favorite things that we did while there was touring a historical (supposedly haunted) mansion and then walking in this beautiful neighborhood looking at homes. 

I think this area is called St. James Court. It was another favorite from the week because I got to meet up with Amy, from Coffee and Cocktails at the Casa. Do you read her blog? If not, you should! 

And even though bourbon is NOT my favorite, seeing this beautiful distillery and learning the history of their start was. This was Maker's Mark Distillery in Bardstown, about an hour away from Louisville.

I'm the age where getting new shampoo and condition in the mail is my favorite. You should smell this! I used them last night when I took my shower, and the smell is incredible.

And last, but not least, is nail day! I couldn't wait another day to get my nails done, so I went on Tuesday right after work since Jonah was at home already to check on the dogs. I was ready for a soft, spring white color. I have used this color before, by the Dip & Dap brand, and the color is called Fairy Princess. (SO cheesy, I know, and OPI it is not.) 

Don't forget to come back tomorrow to link up with us for Share 4 Somethings! We're sharing what we loved, read, learned, and ate this month. This linkup occurs on the last Saturday of every month and the prompts will stay the same throughout 2023. Here are the two other blog posts I wrote this week.



Thanks for reading my blog, friends! I hope to see you back here tomorrow. Love to all! 


  1. Thanks for the shout out and great favorites this week. I am so happy you love your job and that you came back from your little trip with fresh eyes.
    Have a great weekend!

  2. I agree on the readers AND that lipstick is on point and makes the readers pop even more- gorgeous! Louisville looks and sounds amazing!

  3. Your nails are lovely! I really enjoy reading Amy's blog a lot.


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Friday Favorites; the Galentine's day edition (2.14.2025.)

  Happy Friday, friends! How's your week been? Mine has been pretty good; I am glad to have plans all of tonight and tomorrow. That'...