Thursday, March 23, 2023

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday, friends! Rebecca Jo and I are back for this week's weekly gratitude post. I am so glad you're here with us today!

As grateful as I was to have a week off for spring break last week, I was also thankful to be able to return to work on Monday. I really do love my job and co-workers! I still don't know how long I'll be there, which is so strange to me, but I'm taking each day for what it is and enjoying my time there. I'll figure out all the rest later. (My position is temporary and dependent upon when or if a teacher decides to come back from medical leave.)

I am thankful that tonight, my family will all be back in one city. We've been all over the place this week! Todd and Graham are flying home from New Mexico tonight, and I'll be glad to see them.

I am thankful that it was an easy week with minimal cooking/meals. It's easy to cook for three people! 

I am thankful for the help of our sons. Jonah helps out around the house by doing simple chores that he gets done when he sees the need, and Noah picked up groceries for me for the second time in a week and then put them away afterward.

I am thankful for time away to make me appreciate being at home. Sometimes I need a good dose of perspective!

I am thankful for friends who are helpful. A few of us at work have been working on a big project for the better part of a month now, and we're wrapping it up this week. One friend in particular has been so helpful and encouraging to me as she has made revisions, helped to edit, and even rewritten portions of something we're turning in soon. Our school was nominated to be a National Blue Ribbon school, which is a very prestigious award. Out of the almost 6,300 schools in the state of Tennessee, we are one of a small group of nominees. Even to just be nominated is an extreme honor! The percentage for this to happen in our state is around 0.1%, so you see what I mean. (I think I have that right, but it could be less than even that.) Needless to say, the application process is intensive and thousands of words long. I volunteered to edit it all from being written in multiple voices, to blend it into one seamless voice. I will say, I had no idea what I was getting into, and even though I love doing this kind of thing, it's very laborious and it's what's been taking all of my time this week. I used the work day for this yesterday, since we knew our kids would be busy working on personal goals during the time they were with us, after I made sure it was okay with the principal and my co-workers. They really pulled through for me and covered my students so that I could get the biggest portion of this done. 

I'm thankful for the fact that I've talked to my people, even if I haven't seen them much. 

I am so thankful to say that I found out yesterday that I passed the huge test I had to take a couple of weeks ago! I know I asked some of you to pray for me if you thought of me during that time, so if you did that at all, thank you so much! I am so relieved to have two huge things behind me—this test and knowing that I passed and this huge application that has been hanging over my head. I am not a fan of things hanging over my head, so you can imagine how this thrills me. 

What's something you're thankful for? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for linking up with us today, and thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

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  1. You are just killing it! I would be very surprised if they didn't beg you to come back next year - whether that teacher returns or not. When schools find good people, they find a position and make it work!

    I think you deserve a weekend starting tomorrow! I hope you get some time with your people and some normal weekend time to releax!

  2. I have a feeling that you will land a permanent position in that school- I will keep the prayers coming- you got this. I am thankful for the start of spring, for a great school year for my girls (especially after COVID) and the promise of some new business coming :)

  3. Thank you, Amy! I have said before that I am blown away by the principal and good leadership starts with her. She's the kind of person who makes you want to do things for the school, and often times, you'll find her doing things herself. I love that about her! I am excited for the weekend, so I hope to do all of those things as well. I hope you have a great day!

  4. Thank you so much, Holly! And those are great things to be thankful for. I'm excited to hear more about your new opportunities that are coming up!

  5. I do love how being away from home, for even a few days, gives such a fresh perspective. Speaking of being thankful and away from home, David and I are in Dallas today for a job interview. I'm thankful that I can travel with him and for kids that can hold down the fort at home.

  6. Good luck getting your project done! It sounds like a lot of work but it will be worth it. The school system in our town is a great one and there is something to be proud of in being part of a good school- whether it's because our kids attend there or we work there, it's a good feeling ;). I have only worked one day this week and it has been so nice to be at home. I like being at school some but my heart is in my home so I am thankful for being able to be home so much lately.

  7. Yay! Good for you passing that test and getting the application almost finished. That has to be a big relief. We never get to know what our future is going to hold for us, but, I know, we both know the one who does and He is worthy to be trusted!!

  8. Congratulations on passing the test!

  9. Debbie, I love that too. It's always just what I need, at just the right time. God is sweet to do that kind of thing for us, is He not? That's so exciting that you're in Dallas for that interview! I will look forward to hearing about how it all turns out.

  10. Thank you, Maria! Just yesterday we turned in the 29th draft and we are DONE. Woohoo! Now it goes to outside readers, then we'll proof again, then we'll submit it to the state on April 7th and someone will proof it there, then we'll make corrections and submit it one last time in the middle of the month. The hardest part is done, though, and I am thrilled!

    I totally know what you mean- I love working and being there, but my heart is also inclined to be at home and I miss being here. I don't miss it enough to quit working, though. I am still loving the job and all that comes with it. I want my family to meet the amazing people I work with- that's how much I love it there and everyone I work with.

  11. Cathy, thank you so much! And amen. That is so comforting to know, even when I forget it so often. I was talking about that very thing with my best friend yesterday. I know God didn't take me that far to leave me hanging by failing a test. He obviously ordained every moment of me working at this school, and I am so thankful for how He has provided this for me, for however long He wants me there. He is so good, all the time!

  12. That's so great that you passed the test, congrats Jennifer! What a huge relief, I'm with you in that I really don't like having things hanging over my head. It sounds like you are working at an amazing school with some really great colleagues. God willing, I hope that you get to stay there.

  13. Thank you, Ruth! I am the same way. I hope this very thing!


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