Friday, May 19, 2023

Friday Favorites! 5.19.23.


Happy Friday, friends! School countdown after today: two and a half days! I am so ready. I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. I will jump right in with today's post. 

This is one of my favorite pictures that Todd took last weekend, on Mother's day. I feel like this picture is symbolic for how I spend so much of my time—always looking for one (or more) of my sons to come home so that we can spend time together. I guess it spoke to Todd as well, because I had no idea he was taking this while I was looking for Graham. 

I was waiting for us all to be together so that Todd could take this picture.

They're my favorites! You should have seen how many pictures we took to get this one. Drew and Jonah struggle with keeping their eyes open. 🤣 These flowers that Drew brought me have been my favorite to enjoy all week. They're still going strong! I also got cards and Barnes & Noble bookstore gift card that I can't wait to use. 

Seeing pictures like this one below is my favorite thing. I love seeing my boys having fun in life, especially because they never really go anywhere out of town. They will travel on occasion, but I just like to know they have things to look forward to. It makes my heart happy seeing them happy.

Crash has NOT been our favorite dog this week. He chased after a woman with a dog this week when he got out in the front yard, and the dog had Crash's neck in his mouth. He was in so much trouble the hour before I took this picture. I don't know if it's the medicine he's on that has altered his personality or what, but he's banned from the front yard for the unforeseeable future. 

This fan is my new favorite gadget! Mine broke, so Todd ordered this new one for me on Monday. It's slim, but powerful. It does great at keeping me cool while I'm out. 

Last, but not least, yesterday was my favorite with my little Kindergarten friends! Our last day with K was yesterday, and today is the last day with all our other students. Monday, Tuesday, and the half day on Wednesday will be spent purging, filing, cleaning, packing, and other end of year procedures. 

These are the three that I've had in my group for the past few weeks. I do love them, but they are each quite the handful in their own unique way. 🤣 That's putting it very mildly. 

They've kept me on my toes since January! Other favorites from the week include good lunches that I've packed each day, time spent laughing with my friends and coworkers over unexpected things, being able to sub for a 4th grade class during recess on Wednesday and seeing a couple of my favorite students, and getting things cleaned up and ready for the last day of school. I've steadily brought home the things I had taken to my classroom, so that when I leave on noon Wednesday, I won't have much to take with me that day. 

Did you happen to catch my other blog posts this week? 

On Monday I shared about our weekend.

On Tuesday I shared a little from my heart about what's next for me in life.

On Wednesday I shared about a few things I've learned while working in an elementary school. 

Tell me a favorite from your week! I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!


  1. You are so close and I am so jealous! I have a 5 day week next week and then a 4 day week the following (one day without students). It is dragging because I have classes with several out for state testing. I am also babysitting test proctors' kids, so that makes it weird.
    I shouldn't wish this time away - I know!
    I hope you have a fun celebratory lunch planned on Wednesday after you finish at 12! You need to celebrate because you did a hard thing and it lasted longer than you had planned!

  2. Gosh I love that pic of you waiting for your son- just beautiful! Those kids are so lucky to have you- they look so happy :)

  3. I bet the kids will miss you :) I feel like you probably added a lot to their time at school.

    Doesn't it feel so good to know you saw it through to the end? Now the reward is coming! :)

  4. I love the picture of you waiting for your boys to come over. That definitely describes our stage of life too! Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Amy, I know! This week is flying by, which I am surprised by. I thought it would be slow since we aren't seeing students. I think my hubby and I may go out and celebrate! We kind of did that today at school today, as well.

  6. Thank you, Holly! That is very kind of you to say. I feel fortunate to have them!

  7. Thank you for that, Debbie! I will miss them too. I pray I made an impact that will last forever. It does feel good! I feel proud of myself and what the Lord helped me to achieve.

  8. Thank you, Tanya! I know it feels the same for you as well. I hope you're having a good week!


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Friday Favorites; the Galentine's day edition (2.14.2025.)

  Happy Friday, friends! How's your week been? Mine has been pretty good; I am glad to have plans all of tonight and tomorrow. That'...