Friday, June 2, 2023

Friday Favorites! 6.2.23.


Happy Friday, friends, and happy June! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's favorite blog post of the week. I have all the favorites this week, so grab some coffee and enjoy the read!

These are some of my favorite things about this time of year! All of this is true. I've already been working on my lighter hair and darker skin this week.

The water was definitely not the warmest, but it felt so good to be in a pool again. I got really hot the second day I spent by the pool and got in the water almost immediately. I firmly believe that you get better sun when you're in the water than you do just by laying out. I rotate like a rotisserie chicken while I'm floating/treading water and talking to my mom-in-love, so that I can get an even tan. I don't burn anymore, either, thanks to being diligent about sunscreen. I wear my glow screen to the pool under my makeup (it helps prevent burning), and I apply and reapply 50 SPF every hour. I spent a grand total of four hours poolside this week, and nothing was even the slightest shade of pink. 

These are the days! I'm so grateful for time here.

This is one of my favorite things that I saw online this week. I wholeheartedly agree with these statements! Life is too short to not appreciate and do all the little things that can bring about joy in your day. 

Fresh fruit is a favorite of mine during this time of year. I don't always buy it, so I need to remember to go in and actually pick some out soon, but I do love eating it when I have it on hand. I also love to put it out and display it in pretty bowls, like this one that was a wedding gift to us almost twenty-seven years ago. I think the prettier it looks and the easier it is to get to, the more it's eaten. Do you do this?

I've been waking up and watching a show or a movie in the mornings this week. I watched this movie yesterday and was reminded of why it's one of my favorites. Have you seen this one? I like it because the actors aren't the typical Hallmark actors, and the scenery and story line is different. There's also music in this, which is why I love it so much.

Another favorite that I don't have pictured is that Mom and I went out yesterday morning. It was so good to do that again on a weekday! We had errands to run, and it's always more fun when we can do that together. I had to make a run to Ulta to replace the bottle I just emptied last week, and I picked up a $3 pallet of shimmery eyeshadow for the summer. I actually needed a replacement of that too, but I've been making do with what I already had. I love that they had such an inexpensive option! After that we had lunch at Tacos 4 Life, then we went to Hobby Lobby. I bought some flags to use around our house and a graduation card for a party I'm going to on Sunday, and after that, we were finished. It was a lovely day out together. 

Lastly, a favorite thing from this week were a couple of blog posts that I read pertaining to summer reading. Both Sarah and Jen put together a great list, so I thought I'd share them here in case any of you are interested as well. My list of books to read is growing by the minute! I thought about putting together a list of my own, but I couldn't do any better than what they already put much thought and effort into. I so appreciate bloggers like them who do things like that for us to make our lives simpler. 

Did you happen to catch my other blog posts this week? I posted everyday and I even had a bonus post on Saturday! Click on each day below and you can read for yourself. 

Saturday was the Share 4 Somethings link party, which is still open if you want to join!

Monday was a special Memorial Day tribute.

Tuesday was my weekending post.

Wednesday I shared about the books I read in May and some shows I've been watching, or that I want to watch.

Thursday was all about sweet summertime and all the things I love about this time of year.

Lastly, don't forget that this Wednesday the 7th is when I'll open up the Currently link party, where we'll be sharing what we're currently loving, doing, trying, seeing, and reading. In July for Currently, we'll be talking about what we're currently loving, savoring, celebrating, remembering, and trying. I hope you make plans to join us and link up, it's a fun one! Tell me something good from your week—I'd love to hear from you! Thank you for reading my blog, friends. I hope your weekend is great! Love to all. 


  1. It's great that you're enjoying your summer so much already. Our neighborhood pool is super loud during most of the day with kids so it's not a relaxing place to go... though perhaps first thing in the morning it wouldn't be too bad. I've noticed that we eat more fruit when it's out. I have my "fruit bowl" as a centerpiece on the kitchen island that always has tangerines, apples, and/ or bananas in it. Have a great weekend!

  2. Thanks, Maria! I get that, and her pool does end up being like that, the later in the day it gets, which is why we usually don't stay much past noon. I am like you with the fruit! I eat more when it's at my fingertips. I need to buy some more this weekend! I hope you have a great weekend as well, my friend!

  3. Oh yes, I think I just ordered a good 8 books this week (after promising myself I wasn't going to request any and read the ones I already own!). I find that even with sunscreen I tend to burn and at the very least turn pink but I've gotten better about being in the shade and wearing hats and things.

  4. It's so lovely to see you enjoying the warm summer days in the pool! It's winter for us but even though the mornings and evenings have been cold, the days have been quite warm this week. I read somewhere the other day that we are in for a much warmer winter than last year and I'm all for that! It's so great that you had a fun day out with your mum. I'd love to see a pic of yyour shimmery eyeshadow. I bought a neutral pallet from Nars with shimmery neutrals that I really love. Hope you are having a great weekend 😊

  5. Joanne, my sister is like you. I think I take after my mom's dad. He would get really tan in the summer! I don't get that dark, but I never really get very light when it's the other seasons.

  6. Thanks, Ruth! I know you're glad to have the promise of a milder winter this year. I'll try to remember to share a picture of the eyeshadow palette here this week. I've been using it everyday! I hope you have a wonderful week at work, my friend!


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