Saturday, August 26, 2023

Share 4 Somethings: the August edition


Happy Saturday, friends and welcome to the August edition of Share 4 Somethings, where we talk about things we've loved, learned, read, and ate and/or enjoyed throughout the month. Don't forget to link back here and to leave some comment love on the blogs you read! 


This month I have loved Timehop memories, singing on praise team, my new job, rearranging my kitchen table to make the room seem bigger, new jeans that are fit great, blonder hair, excellent and quality priority time in the mornings with Jesus, and a deck that is like new with it's newly arranged space. 

It's been an amazing month, and I consider myself thankful and blessed. 


I've learned to do some things that are taking me out of my comfort zone once again, thanks to my new job and having to do math. I am capable of doing hard things! It feels good to prove that to myself and to learn new skills. I'm here for whatever the Lord has in store for me! 


I've been reading a lot of my old blog posts, because I've been sending them to my niece. She started her own homeschool journey this week in Colorado with her girls, and was asking about our early days of homeschooling. I ended up creating a Pinterest board for her, and if you'd like to read it for yourself, you can see it here


I have enjoyed some delicious and healthy food this month! Some examples are: protein bites with my bestie on Wednesday nights, my fav protein/coffee drink for breakfast, spinach cups made in a muffin tin, tuna/chicken salad with Dad, lunch out with Mom, mini pizzas made in the air fryer with my mom-in-love after Bible study, Dave's Bread bagels with peanut butter or Nutella, sushi at home with my man, Mexican out at our favorite local spot, and great dinners I've made for all of us.

It's your turn! What are some things you've loved, learned, read, or enjoyed this month? I can't wait to read about it, so make sure and join the link party! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

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  1. Your new job sounds so great- minus (see what I did?) the math. How fun to start something that you are excited about and enjoy and get to buy new outfits for ;). Love the throwback pics and revisiting old blog posts. I do the latter from time to time. It's amazing how life changes as our kids are in different stages. Have a great weekend, friend!

  2. Speaking of math...while I was not feeling well this week, I went down a very long rabbit hole on "velocity banking" :) I don't even know who I am anymore! hahaha.

    Anyway, I've been reading a great mystery by Colleen Coble. I picked up some books from the library, which I found is a great incentive to read more because they have to be back by a certain date!

    This month I have loved seeing my youngest kids get into a new townhouse. You know...when your kids are happy, mom is happy!

    What I've learned this month is when the Lord tells you to do something, he doesn't change his desire for that directive. No matter how many times I want to veer off the path, when I come back to ask him for directions, he reminds me of the last thing he told me to do, that still needs to be done. I need to write a post about this, but thought I'd share here too.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. I love the giant spoon! haha And actually everything about the pictures of your home and yard - it's all pretty and looks so comfortable and inviting. I like what you said about it feeling good to prove that you can learn new things and do hard things. I've experienced a lot of that this year and the things aren't fun or spectacular, but it sure does feel good to get through it and realize that I CAN do it. (But only with the Lord's help, of course!)

  4. Great month Jennifer! Congrats on the new job! Your home looks fabulous, certainly worth all the work! Like Kym, I appreciate your words of encouragement, yes we can learn new things (at any age!) and do hard things!

  5. Jennifer, I love moving furniture around, too! It gives our spaces a fresh look and helps us appreciate, again, the lovely possessions we've been given.

    Thanks for hostessing! These are always fun blogs to read and write. Have a great weekend ...

  6. I enjoyed your monthly review and photos! I'm glad you are enjoying your new job and learning new skills!

  7. Those throwback photos are so fun! You can do hard things... and the more you do them the easier they become too.

  8. Sounds like you've had another full month, Jennifer. I love how your deck looks! I've read some old blog posts lately too ... it always brings back memories of God's faithfulness through good times and bad.

  9. I love your answer that you've been reading your own posts. I sometimes do that when I'm looking for something - a quote or a memory - but I never count it. I will in future!! We shouldn't discount our own work! Looks like you had a great month #ShareFourSomethings

  10. Your living room floor looks a lot like ours. More dog beds than there is floor space. If it were truly like ours there is fibers of love (dog hair) all over the floor as well. Love the pup!

  11. Hooray for new jeans that fit great (and look great) and for blonder hair! Well, at this point I would take any color hair - lol! (Such a slow process...) Thanks for hosting the link-up. Here's to a great week ahead. Happy Monday, friend!

  12. I enjoyed reading your post and seeing the photos of your kids growing up. I love going back and reading some of my old posts and reading of things I've forgotten. I guess, I consider my blog a journal of things in my life since September of 2008. Hope you have a great week.

  13. What a great month. I love what you did with your back deck.

  14. Thanks, Maria! You made me laugh with your punny math comment.

  15. Debbie, I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one who goes down rabbit holes! That's so funny that you looked into velocity banking...I have never heard of that and now intrigued.

  16. Thanks, Kym! I love that picture of Drew with the spoon as well. I love that you know what I meant when I said something about proving to myself. We are our own worst enemies, right? It's good to know we can difficult things.

  17. Thank you, Donna! I always appreciate words of encouragement from readers like you and Kym. 🖤

  18. Thank you, Linda! Isn't it funny how doing something so small can make such a big statement?

  19. Thanks, Joanne! I can, and so can all of us, right?!

  20. Thank you, Lois! This IS always a fun post. I love reading them all!

  21. Thanks, Lydia! We should never discount our own work, right?!

  22. Barb- I love that we have that in common! And we also have lots of "sprinkles" of their love for us as well...all over the place! 🤣

  23. Jennifer, you made me laugh with the hair comment! But you're right, yay for all the small things in life that bring a smile to the face and a spark of joy to the heart.

  24. Cathy, I love that about your blog and consider mine the same. I love looking back on old memories!

  25. I don't know if we have talked about it before but I am also reading Live in Grace by Bob Goff this year. I love your hair and jeans, you look cute. The dining room and deck both look inviting. It sounds like you had a great month!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

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