Monday, August 21, 2023



Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's blog post. How was your weekend? I had a great weekend. I did all my favorite things, which is always something I am thankful to be able to say. I love getting together with family and seeing friends each weekend, and even if I don't go out with friends, I get to see them and catch up at church. Here's a bit of what my weekend looked like. 

Todd and I had a fun and non-typical date night on Thursday. We were out so late! That's fun to do from time to time, but I am definitely not a night owl.

We went to dinner and play at Theater Memphis. Funny fact: Todd was in a play here when he was younger. He had a part in A Christmas Carol. They still put that play on every year! I'll be honest: I watch these plays and hear their music and sometimes think how fun it would be to be a part of something like that. Maybe someday...

On Friday, I canceled plans with Dad the week prior, because I knew I'd have to deal with things for my new job at church. I did those things Friday, after enjoying an easy morning at home, then I came home to eat lunch and take a nap. 🤣 I mentioned how I am not a night owl, remember? I tried to take a nap, but it actually didn't work. 

Every once in a while, I go through this phase of not needing or being able to sleep for more than a few hours. For instance, I go to bed at my normal time of around 9, then I read for a while before falling to sleep. I am awake for periods of time in the night, usually starting at two or three, then by 4:50, I can't lay there any longer. I have mentioned how mornings are my busiest and most productive time, then I settle in a bit after lunch and read or watch a show, and a lot of time I'll fall asleep for about fifteen minutes at that time. But lately, I'm asleep and up by those same times, and I'm either not tired like usually would happen when I sit down after lunch, or I'm so tired that I can't fall to sleep. I feel like this is a great problem to have—apparently, I'm rested and getting enough sleep, or I'd feel terrible. I also feel like this is health-related, and it's because of the new lifestyle I'm embracing.

Anyway, moving on...

I did end up meeting Dad and Sandy for dinner that evening. We enjoyed a yummy meal, and we sat and talked for about an hour and a half after we'd finished. It was nice seeing them both and being able to catch up. Todd didn't work this weekend, but he was busy with a class that he took and it took up the entire time he would have spent with the sheriff's department. I will talk more about what he was doing in a later post, but I still had some free time because of that. I met Mom on Saturday morning, and we met at my favorite boutique. I bought two dresses and two shirts. Here's one of the dresses.

Yes, it's a summery color, but we have a lot of summer left here near Memphis. Check out our temperatures this week! If you live in Texas, I apologize for not sympathizing with you before.

I'm dreaming of cool mornings and autumn nights! Todd and I stayed home that night, though we'd contemplated eating out. We did that last night instead, and I worked some and we had an easy dinner. I was up before the birds on Sunday morning for my last time of singing on praise team for unforeseeable future, and had some time to spare, so I watched a movie. This was excellent! 

It's an older movie that I watched on Prime tv. I enjoyed some cuddles with Chloe this weekend! She's getting big, but she's a sweet little girl. She eats my hair, so when I hold her, I have to tuck it behind me. This was after my early shower on Saturday. 

My friend ran like crazy in the bookstore, since we had a conference going on, so I was grateful that she ran it while I did that. 

We were home for the rest of the day, leaving only to eat street tacos at our favorite local Mexican restaurant. I read, we watched one of the Fast and Furious movies, and I did laundry. It was an easy weekend, and it felt kind of good, because it is so hot here right now. Two of my sons have jobs that have them outside, and I always get concerned when the temps go up this high. I know they'll be fine, but it always makes me a little nervous for them. Tell me something good about your weekend; I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Your weekend sounds nice- how fun to have one last Sunday of singing. We are going to have hot temperatures this week as well though not as hot as yours, lol. But hot nonetheless. It was 55 degrees Saturday morning and Abby and I went on a long walk before we took her back to college later in the day. I hope your sons do OK being out in the heat this week. I'm sure they're looking forward to fall more than the women who can't wait for pumpkin spice lattes and adding pumpkins to their porch.... Have a great Monday!

  2. What a fun weekend! I chuckled because I always need naps after late nights too- ha! Good luck in the heat and good luck to your boys- you got this :)

  3. Maria, once again, I am jealous of someone else's cooler weather. Does it warm up to being hot again? I wish I could say that. We did have one nice morning like that about a week ago. The high that day was only 78! What a tease. Sweltering or not, I'm putting out my pumpkins in a couple of weeks! Your comment made me smile about them wanting fall! I hope your weekend was great!

  4. Thanks, Holly! I get so sleepy after late nights; I'm glad I'm not the only one! We've got this. You're right!

  5. Oh, I empathize with you over the sleep issues. I don't always sleep very long, but it does help if I take my over the counter sleeping pill. This is definitely our hottest week we will have this summer, so I am thankful it is just one week of it. This is typical August weather and it helps to know it is hot everywhere at this time....well, maybe not San Diego or the north east/west! Very soon, we will have cooler weather. I have just come to accept that won't really be here to stay until October :). Cute dress too by the way!

  6. Love your new dress and the one you are wearing while singing. Sounds like a perfect weekend to me.

  7. Honestly, your sleep pattern sounds like mine. I have never slept all through the night. I wake up around 2:30 and lay there until finally falling asleep again, only to wake at 4:30-5:00. They say it's hormones. I have started taking Magnesium and it is helping.

    I feel your pain with the high temps! It was 108 here yesterday and it's just stupid.

    Have a great week :) Enjoy your bookstore!

  8. Your sleeping sounds much like mine. With this heat, it is a good time to have a low-key relaxing weekend. I hope your sons are able to stay cool and hydrated while they are working.

  9. My sleep patterns are much the same as yours and yet I rarely nap... I am not a good napper since it always leaves me feeling more tired than rested. It sounds like you had a lovely weekend. I always get nervous when it gets real hot and my guys are working outside too; thankfully we haven't had that many crazy hot days here at all this summer. I hope you all manage to keep cool (enough)!

  10. Thanks, Marilyn! It's good to know I'm not alone in my very uninterrupted sleeping patterns.

  11. Debbie, I do keep reading about magnesium and am wondering if I need to add it to my arsenal of vitamins and supplements. I'm glad it's helping you! It's interesting that so many of us are going through the same thing. It does also seem very related to hormones. I think I woke up with my first middle of the night hot flash early Tuesday morning. I had to get out of bed, so here I sit.

  12. Thanks, Tanya! So many of us are going through the same thing!

  13. Joanne, we're all going through the same thing! I think I may have touched a nerve talking about sleep, or the lack thereof. I'm just thankful that even though I'm not getting a ton of it right now, I am getting the right amount to feel rested.


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