Wednesday, October 11, 2023

thoughts about the season we're in

Happy Wednesday, friends! I found this writing prompt on Pinterest and thought I'd pull a few questions from there and write about that today. Do you enjoy these types of posts? I'm just curious. I am always reminded of my early school days when I do something like this. I used to love journaling in school; I still love doing that today! Okay, I'll start. 

What are your favorite things unique to fall that you always look forward to? Aside from the obvious answer of colder weather, there are several things about this time of year that I love. I have always loved having or making a cozy home. Even when Todd and I were first married, and before smart phones and social media, there were things about this time of year that I loved. I have always loved switching out bedding, and when we first got married, I worked at Eddie Bauer Home. We had flannel sheets and pillow cases, and a denim duvet cover that I was in love with. I wish I still had it, honestly! I was always changing throw pillows and some decor items that we had been given as gifts. 

I've also always looked forward to wearing more bulky, comfy (cozy) clothes. I remember when Old Navy first opened, and Todd and I went to pick out cozy things for us to wear on date nights. We had pull-overs that we loved, flannel shirts, fleece button-downs, and he even had a pair of khaki pants that were lined in tartan plaid. It's also during this season that I love being at home the most. I'm already both an introvert and a home-body, so fall is conducive to my personality. I love having something yummy for dinner, maybe a baked good a time or two each week, and a scented candle burning. Even in the daytime during this time of year, if I'm home, I love having a candle lit. I love sitting outside, I love having a fire in the fire pit, and I love having to use blankets and fuzzy socks. 

What was your favorite fall memory from your childhood? When I was in elementary school, my friend Wendy always gave the best Halloween parties. She lived near me, out in the country, and she always threw a barn party at her house. It was exactly like it sounds: in a barn, with lots of hay and food that kids loved, dancing, and hayrides. One year, for whatever reason, instead of her throwing this party, we decided that I would have it at my dad's house. (We were always together and had all the same friends.) We met at our elementary school and rode on a hayride back to my house. When we got there, we ate dinner first, which consisted of roasted hot dogs over a bonfire. Dad has a lake at his house at the front of his property, and there was the perfect spot by the lake that was the area we always had a bonfire in. After dinner, we started to make our way to the back pasture for bobbing for apples, and all of a sudden, we heard someone crank up a chain saw. What horror movie was that from?? I can't remember, but all Clay (my future brother-in-law at that point) did was crank it up, but he never chased us. We took off running as though he was, and later on someone told me that someone had stepped on them as they were running! We rode back to the school on a hayride soon after that, but it was one of the most fun things I ever remember doing.

Additionally, each year, we had youth parties at Dad's as well. We always roasted our hot dogs over the bonfire (in the same place) and we also always had Rotel with chips, brownies. and roasted marshmallows. I loved these nights! We always had hayrides, and we always ended the night singing around the bonfire. I remember liking two different boys all throughout those years, and I loved trying to sit by whichever one of them I liked at that moment in time. I remember my heart fluttering wildly when we would hold hands. Tell me I'm not the only one who remembers things like this! Sometimes we'd shake things up and ride horses or go-carts. Those were the days! I wish our sons had been able to experience times like that, but know that my dad and stepmom were saints to always agree to hosting fun parties.

I also loved going to football games during my high school years. I always went with friends, and especially loved the fall festival nights that took place each year. Sometimes we had a dance, other times we just hung out at someone's house or barn. 

I'll wrap this up with one last question. How can you support yourself and your emotional wellbeing during the fall? I haven't talked about my quiet time habits lately, because if I'm being totally honest, it's been lacking. I mention it now, because I have to make sure that I'm staying consistent with spending time with Jesus each day for my mental, spiritual, and emotional wellbeing. I've not been great at this in 2023, because of new job situations, but I'm finally settling back into a routine, of sorts. I had done some Scripture writing for August and part of September, and I was just kind of reading wherever that day's writing was from. I'd also been doing a devotional, but I haven't been keeping up with it lately. I've read the Bible chronologically in years past, so I decided to jump in with that again, particularly with The Bible Recap since they started the New Testament on October 1. So that's what I've been doing the past ten days, and I'm reading it on my phone and following it with the daily podcast that accompanies each day of reading. Right now, I'm reading all throughout all the different gospels, and I love reading about the life that Jesus lived while He walked on the earth among people. i always find myself moved by His words, and how He was so often moved with compassion for people. I highly recommend this way of reading, if you've never done that! 

Additionally, I am still eating healthy foods, I'm moving a lot, I'm reading a lot, I'm spending time with the people who are life giving that I love so much. I go to church, I treat myself every so often with things like pedicures or a new shirt on a Saturday shopping day with my Mom and Trish, and I spend time in the kitchen making scrumptious meals for the people who live here. All of those things are good for me mentally and emotionally! I'm looking forward to spending part of Saturday in the kitchen, when I cook for a big family dinner. Drew and Caitlyn will be here that night eating with us, and I'm so excited. It's been way too long since we've had a dinner like that! 

I'd love to hear from you now! Do you have a favorite fall childhood memory? Or what do you look forward to that's distinct for you during this season? I'd love to know! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Love this! I do many of the same things you ended with and I have so many memories of fall from childhood until college. I lived on a lake and all the neighborhood kids hung out. I loved wearing shorts with a long sleeve shirt on my bike. Is that a weird memory? My birthday is in the fall so I loved the first leaves falling, Halloween, my birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas - all the lead up. We also went ice skating on the lake and that was fun. I spent so much time outside that I am sure that's why I crave being outside now.
    Saturday will be so fun! I want to hear what you are making! I love talking about that kind of stuff! Hit me up if you need ideas!

  2. This was fun to read! One of my favorite fall traditions growing up was Halloween Night- my mom would make a "light dinner" of cheese souffle and then we went trick or treating and we had the best neighborhood for it!

  3. Thanks, Amy! I loved hearing about where you grew up. It would have been so much fun growing up on a lake like that! My dad had a lake in his front yard, but it was really more of a pond that we called a lake. 🤣 I have found that everyone always loves whatever season their birthday is in...which is probably why I love December so much!

    I'm excited for Saturday! I have a few ideas floating around in my mind already, things that are their favorites. Thanks for that!

  4. Thanks, Holly! I love your memory of one of your favorite memories. Halloween night was always a lot of fun for me as well! I love that y'all had the same thing for dinner each year and that you lived in such a great neighborhood. We lived in the country, so my dad would drive me and a friend around for trick-or-treating. 🖤


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