Monday, January 15, 2024

a weekend recap, 1.15.2024.


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. I hope you had a good weekend! Mine was wonderful, and I love how it started and ended. 

I kicked it off by doing one of my favorite things for myself; this felt heavenly!

I usually talk with the person who is doing this for me, but I'll be honest; it felt so good to just sit there and read and completely zone out. I never want to take the gift of  getting a pedicure for granted! It's a treat, and it's not cheap. I always get the gel pedicures because the polish is dry the minute it sets for the last time under the UV light. I ran into a friend a year ago who always gets that kind, and she's the one who told me about it in the first place. Also, the polish lasts for weeks! My polish never lasts that long, probably because I have dogs who are always stepping on my toes. I do this every two months, and it's my favorite way to treat myself.

I got this orchid purple-y color that I love. I'm probably going to get something similar on my nails the next time I go. After this my dad came over, and Noah picked us all up some lunch from Chick Fil A. It was a hard Friday; Dad's memory was really bad on that day, and it seemed like a struggle to even talk. It was a long day, and we both ended up taking a nap as we sat and listened to quiet music in the background. 🤣 I sort of feel bad for sharing that about my dad here, but I always also like to be honest in this space and to be truthful about my time with him each week. I am so glad he is still able to come to me each week; it gives my stepmom a much needed break! My sister is also able to be with Dad every other week at his house, and it's another chance for Sandy to get some time alone. Bless her! It is not easy being his caretaker. He is the sweetest man, though, and my heart aches at seeing him in the state that he was in on Friday. 

I learned something neat about him that I thought I'd share. I shared with them about Todd falling through the ceiling while he in California last week, and when she heard what happened, Sandy's mouth dropped open. She told me that since Todd had left on Sunday, every night at dinner, Dad prayed for God to protect Todd from falling through the ceiling! He did not pray that Thursday night, which she thought was odd. It's because that was the day it happened, and praise God, he was fine! God really did watch over him, and I am so thankful that the prayers of the righteous are effective, like we're told in James 5:16. Isn't that amazing? All of this blows my mind, but my dad's prayers were Spirit-led. 

On a lighter note...after I dropped him off, I came home to get comfy and to eat leftovers for dinner. I read the entire evening! I needed to finish a book that I was able to borrow for 48 hours on Net Galley. Do you use that website? If my memory is correct, you have to meet some criteria to be able to have advanced copies of books there. If you're a blogger and use an e-reader, you should try signing up! I read an advanced copy of my favorite author's book that will be released this summer. (Pamela Kelley is one of my favorite authors.) I finished the book and went to bed shortly afterward. 

I got out for a bit with my mom and Trish on Saturday. We met up and went straight to Costco for me, then they picked up some things while we were there. You should have seen the madhouse that it was there! The predicted snow did start here on Sunday afternoon; that was why it was so crowded everywhere. I also filled up my car with gas while I was there, then we went to lunch at Longhorn. It was delicious! I wore this adorable new sweatshirt I bought last week from an online boutique, and I love it as much as I thought I would! 

This was me playing around with the timer on my phone for pictures. I forgot that this is a feature! 

For the rest of the day, I stayed inside and cozy. I had pizza for dinner, and I watched some episodes of Magnum P.I. (the original one). 🤣 Todd made it back home from California and came to bed right after midnight. Our son Graham picked him up from the airport. I was so glad to know that he was home safe and sound! We were up bright and early on Sunday for church, then we came home for a bit afterward, then left again for Costco, Harbor Freight, Lowe's. 

This was me trying not to freeze in the truck while he ran into a couple of places. It was frigid out! 

Todd and a couple of the guys brought some firewood into our garage, then they covered our flower beds with plastic that Todd picked up from Lowe's. I came in and got cozy, then Todd built this gorgeous fire. 

The snow continued to fall gently to the ground, and we stayed put for the rest of our evening. We had a snack-y type dinner with shrimp cocktail, smoked sausage cooked in the air fryer, chips and dip, baby dill pickles, and slices of cheddar cheese. It was delicious and perfect and simple. I relished in the fact that Todd was back at home. We alternated between listening to music and watching tv for the rest of our night. I read a book, and I worked on blog posts for the week, and did some laundry in between all of that. 

How was your weekend? I'd love to hear all about it if you want to share! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. We’re starting to get a wintry mix of snow/ice here in Louisiana! It’s so cold. We’re not wired for this, you know!! We had a good weekend. I stayed home with the sick kids and we tried to rest and heal!

  2. Aww, I'm sorry Friday was hard with your Dad, but how incredible about that prayer? Wow! It's so nice of you and your sister to have those regular times for Sandy to get a break.
    And, nice that you had an outing with your mom and sister on Saturday.
    I feel kinda bad that I didn't do much this weekend but it was just so cold and there was nothing I had to do, plus I knew I had an extra weekend day. I did look at some online sales and did a massive closet cleanout. I basically hate all of my winter clothes! Ha!

  3. I´m sorry that your Friday afternoon was challenging and appreciate you sharing the easy and hard on your blog. Online toxic positivity is just that- toxic, because readers wonder what is wrong with them and their life that isn´t always positive and easy. I´m glad that Todd is safe and sound- love the story about the prayer for him. It is crazy cold here- I hope you are staying warm today!

  4. I'm sorry about your challenging Friday but so glad to read that you got in rest and reading this weekend- so therapeutic! So so glad Todd is ok- the power of prayer XO

  5. Hi Jennifer :) Thank you for sharing your time with your dad. It's so tough to watch our parents age. But what a blessing to know that he is still sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
    It sounds like you had a busy weekend! And isn't it nice to have grown sons that can pick dad up at the airport? I love having boys :)

    Happy Monday :) Have a cozy day.

  6. I just love your daddy‘s prayers for Todd! Definitely spirit led. I’m so glad he’s home safe and sound. I’m glad you had a sweet weekend as well you deserve it and boy is that orchid polish color is so pretty!

  7. Megan, we're in the same situation, though maybe not quite as bad as you are in Louisiana. I'm sorry your kiddos were sick! I hope everyone is feeling better soon!

  8. Thanks, Amy. Isn't that amazing about his prayer? I was blown away! I'm like that sometimes with my weekends; I just don't always feel like doing something, or much at all. With the exception of Saturday, mine felt the same. I did want to get out a little before the snow came, though, because I don't usually get out while it's on the ground. It's good that you cleaned your closet! I know that always feels good to do that kind of thing; I did mine recently and I was so glad that I took the time to go through it all. Enjoy your day off, my friend!

  9. Maria, thank you for that! You are so right about the toxic trait of pretending like everything is always fine. It's definitely not, and I actually like to go back and re-read some of what I write here just so that I can remember how things were. I do feel a need to be careful here, especially when it involves someone other than myself, but what I wrote wasn't dishonorable towards Dad; it just feels good to write what is on my heart sometimes. I appreciate your kind words, my friend! XOXO

  10. Thank you, Holly! You are right, those things are so good for us!

  11. Thanks for your sweet words, Debbie! I feel blessed to experience his Spirit-led prayers. It's not the first time that kind of thing has happened, and I know it won't be the last. It is so encouraging to witness someone walk a lifetime with the Lord; even sometimes what we see as elderly and feeble, the Lord sees them as righteous and their prayers effective! I love that. I agree with you about having sons, and I was so glad that Graham went to get Todd for me. What a gift!

  12. Thank you, Andrea! I loved hearing the story about his prayers. I hope you had a good weekend, as well, sweet friend!

  13. I know it's not easy seeing your dad like that. My dad had alzheimer's and it was so hard to watch. So I understand and will pray for all of you. So glad your husband was protected and such an amazing thought that the Spirit prompted your dad to pray for him and he was faithful and did it. Amazing!

  14. Thank you, Cathy! I so appreciate those prayers. Isn't that incredible? I never want to get used to that kind of thing and take it for granted. God is faithful and Dad has been a faithful follower for a very long time. ❤️

  15. SNOW! I want to move to the south to get away from the snow! Oh my. I'm sure it is a lot of fun for you guys:) And all those cozy evenings by your fire and in the cutest sweatshirt!! I love it!! You found it online?? Glad your husband is home and hope he is healing nicely. What a blessing to know God protected him well! Have a wonderful week my friend!

  16. Love that nail color and I too have always found pedicures to be relaxing. So sorry to hear that you had a tough day with your dad but I am sure your step mother is so grateful for the reprieve. Glad your husband is okay too and back home safe and sound.

  17. A pedicure and Chick fil A for lunch - what a great day, lol! I'm sorry to hear about your Dad, it's so tough to deal with the issues that our elderly parents suffer from, more so when they seem physically ok but mentally they are failing. Praying for comfort for you and your stepmom. Thanks for the tip for Net Galley, I will check it out. I went to Costco on Thursday and it was a madhouse! We had the low temperatures forecast for the following day so everyone was stocking up. Your fire looks so cozy and the snack-y dinner sounds yummy.

  18. Jennifer, it is fun for us for a few days, because it's such a rare occurrence. Thanks for all of that, my friend!

  19. Thank you, Joanne! I love it too...and thank you for the kind words. I know she appreciates a small break every once in a while. It's nothing compared to what she lives, but she is such a champ!

  20. Pamela, right? That is pretty much a perfect day. Thank you for the kind words, my friend!

  21. So sweet of your dad to be praying for Todd! I am glad he is back home and is okay. You are also a great caretaker of your dad. I am sorry it was a hard day for your dad.
    You were brave to go to Costco on a snow predicted weekend! Glad you stocked up on essentials and sounds like a good weekend!

  22. Thanks, Marilyn! Isn't that an amazing story? I am glad he's back home, too, but his soreness has gotten so much worse since he returned. I think it's our mattress not being firm enough for him. I hate seeing him hurt like that, because he is never one to complain about aches and pains. And he still doesn't, but I see it all over his face. Girl! I deserve an award for going to Costco on both Saturday AND Sunday! 🤣


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