Monday, February 5, 2024

Hello Monday and Prime Purchases


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. I hope you had a good weekend! Mine was decent, but because I'm still recovering from being sick, I took it easy and stayed home all weekend. I don't have a lot to post here in terms of things I did that were fun this weekend, but I thought I'd share a few things that took place. 

On Friday night while Todd was helping our oldest son with something outside, Jonah came through to tell me he was going to pick up Subway for his dinner, and my ears perked up. I haven't had much of an appetite in the last week, but something about a Subway sandwich sounded so good to me. He offered to buy me one when he went to get his, and I ate the entire footlong sandwich. It tasted so good to me!

I got the roasted turkey sub (toasted) on white with lettuce, pickles, light mayo & mustard, oil & vinegar, and salt & pepper. Todd came in and had dinner as well (taquitos in the air fryer), and then he went to ride his motorcycle. Can you believe it was 61 degrees here on Friday, and 70 on Saturday? This, my friends, is why so many of us are sick! I enjoyed sitting outside some with the dogs while they roamed the yard, and tried to soak in some sun. (As I wrote that sentence, a mosquito just flew in front of my face.) I watched a Hallmark movie, and worked on blog stuff for next week while he was out. When he got back home and changed, we settled in for an evening of The Amazing Race. We love watching reality tv! Our favorites are the one I just mentioned, Big Brother, and Survivor. We have also loved Deadliest Catch, and World's Dirtiest Jobs. 

He did the same thing on Saturday, and while I contemplated getting out, I gave myself one more day to stay home all day. I had church yesterday and a funeral this morning, so it was my only day to stay home one more full day. You've all read about my bonus son, Alex on here, right? For anyone new, Alex is our fifth son, or bonus son, and lives on our street. His mom died when he was in elementary school, so his aunt and uncle became his legal guardians. Alex was truly an extension of our family, and God gave me a supernatural love for that boy. I literally love him like he's my own son, and I always will. His older sister died a week ago, and that's the funeral we're attending this morning. My heart breaks for him! If you think of him, will you pray for him, and their whole family? They have had way too much loss in their lives. 

The other thing that happened on Saturday was that Drew asked me if I would help him cook something for him this week so that he would have dinner each night. I love that he asked me this! He's having a hard time as well; he and his girlfriend broke up last week. I will tell you this—break ups are very difficult on a mom's heart! There is nothing as terrible as watching one of your kids go through something hard. I know it's part of life, but I also know that if it were humanly possible to shield them from things that hurt them, I would do everything within my own power to do that. As it is, I know as much as I love them, Jesus loves them even more! He will take care of them, and guard them, and watch over them; He always has and He always will. But it's been a rough couple of weeks, completely aside from all of us in our house being sick. 

Enough about the sadness, though. Drew requested chicken and rice, so I found an amazing recipe and made that for him. He had to go grocery shopping for the week, so he came to our Kroger in The Ville, and I sent him the specific ingredients I needed for him. We're doing it again next weekend! He loved the recipe that I found, and per his request, I added small florets of broccoli. Here's the recipe I used, in case you're interested. It was so good that I made some my own dinner that same night. On a positive note, he was okay when I saw him. He looked good and he was smiling, so that did my heart good to see. And that, my friends, was my weekend in a nutshell. 

And now for the Prime Purchases portion of today's blog post. I'm linking up with Tanya for this one and will jump right in with the couple of purchases that I made. First up is this bright pink Meoky tumbler that I fell in love with. Unfortunately, it's no longer on sale like it was when I bought it, but I still love it as much as the day it arrived. (Click on the picture to be redirected to Amazon.)

And believe it or not, friends, other than a few household essentials, that is the only thing I bought in January from Amazon! By essentials, I mean things like water flavoring, dog treats, conditioner, and vitamins. Nothing too exciting, but all the same, I'm kind of proud of myself that I didn't spend a lot of money there this month. Especially after buying #allthethings from there during December. 🤣

How was your weekend? What did you do that you loved? What have you bought on Prime lately that you think I should hear about? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Oh man! I hate that this illness has really lingered. I hate that you didn't feel well enough to enjoy the warm temps, but you were smart to listen to your body.
    Breakups - oh so hard. You want to help but you really can't.
    Love the meal prep! Mason has mentioned that, too, for he and his roommate. They have a meal plan and need to eat cafeteria food, but he has taken breakfast burritos back before.
    He had a big paper due today and didn't have time to cook.

  2. Thanks, Amy! It's some crazy viral thing that so many people around here have. That's the part about it that is indicative, that it lingers. I have a good day, then I have a bad day. Ugh! I was glad Drew wanted to do that this weekend and it did my heart good to see him. I think it's a great idea for them to do those kinds of things!

  3. Glad to hear you're feeling better. I'll add Alex to my prayer list, so much sadness at such a young age. That sounds like a fun time cooking with Drew - glad to hear that he seems to be getting over his heartbreak, that is tough for a mom to see her children hurting, whatever age they are.

  4. It seems like the illness lingered in our family too, but I’ll pray that you feel 100% with no relapses! Good job on not ordering too many non essentials from Amazon, wish I could say that! I am trying to do better about it.

  5. Hope you are feeling better this week Jennifer! Hope your son also heals quickly- poor sweet boy! Love that pink cup- so pretty and giving me all of the Valentine vibes :)

  6. I hope you are feeling much better on this side of the weekend. I'm so sorry for the loss of your extra son's sister. Praying.

  7. So sad about Drew's breakup. I know that hurts your heart, in a different way, as well. But how sweet it asked for help in the kitchen. Now, that is speaking your language!! Hope your Monday is off to a great start. Oh, yes, and I will say a prayer for Alex. Hugs -

  8. Thank you, Pamela! For all of your encouraging words.

  9. Thank you, Megan! I understand where you're coming from and have been there myself. I was proud of myself for not spending a lot in January.

  10. We had a very quiet weekend at home too; the only time I even left the house was to go grocery shopping. It was both so boring and yet so nice at the same time!

  11. I will pray for Alex and his family. What a tragedy for such a young man. I'm sorry to hear about the lingering illness, and your son's break up too. That's so nice that you were able to help with some meal prep. I printed the recipe - it looks like a winner! Thanks for linking up.

  12. Thank you, Jennifer! You are so right. I was so glad he asked for that!

  13. Thank you, Tanya! It is so sad about Alex's sister, but the day turned out so beautiful for her memorial service. I'll have to share about it, because it brought back such sweet memories.

  14. Oh friend, my heart hurts for the loss of Alex's sister. I will say a prayer for him tonight. It is so hard to see our kids go through hurts. I am glad you can be there to support Drew. Glad you are starting to feel better and yay for the sun today.

  15. Thank you so much, Marilyn! He is going to be okay with the help of our prayers and the support of his friends (my boys). I was encouraged when I saw him Monday, but thank you! You are so right about being able to be there for our kids. I'm so glad for that!


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