Thursday, August 22, 2024

thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! If you know me at all by now, you know I love to look on the bright side of things everyday; though times haven't been easy, there have been so many great things that have happened in my life lately. I thought I'd list some of those things that I've been thankful for this week and am considering a bright spot in my life. 

  • family

I have said it a million times, but I'll say it until the day I die: I am so thankful for the gift of family. I have spent literal hours on the phone with my sisters and my mom since June. I'll share more about all of this in the next few weeks, so stay tuned. 

  • friends that feel like family

I had such a terrible panic attack of a day on Tuesday that I called my best friend and she came to rescue me. She met me at work, and for twenty minutes, we sat in my car and she calmed me down and helped me make sense of things I was questioning. Then she walked me inside, and took over things that I needed to tell people for the next few hours of her day. I will never forget the warrior that she has been to me! Everyone needs a Missy in their life. 

  • the gift of laughter
  • the silly show Reba on Netflix
  • weekend plans
  • extra hours at work this week
  • the task of sourdough bread baking 

  • friends that send very random texts at all hours of the day and who want to go to lunch
  • friends that understand when I forget plans I'd made with them 🤣
  • the very living and active word of God

These are all things I'm so grateful for this week. What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all! 


  1. The love and support of family and friends is priceless!

    1. It really is, and while I have known that in my head forever, I've never lived it and needed it so much as I do right this very moment in my life. They are kisses from my King, as my late friend Kari always used to say.

  2. This week I'm thankful for old friends and mentors that played a part in our lives as a young, newly married couple. We lost a great one this week, but the memories that we have with him are precious. I'm thankful that God puts surrogate parents in the lives of young people. These people can fill in the gap when you need extra wisdom in your life.

    1. That's a great thing to be thankful for; I feel the same about the people who are older than me in both years and faith, that the Lord has given to me. I'm sorry for your loss!

  3. Aww, I'm so sorry about Tuesday! Yes, Missy sounds wonderful! I hope your week has improved.

    1. Thank you! It greatly improved yesterday; and today will be the same, I know. I hope you have a good day at work, my friend!

  4. How great that you have a friend who is always there when you need her- such a gift! It is heartening to me to see your unwavering faith and love of Jesus when you are going through something so difficult. Please note that I am not heartened that you are going through a tough time (I think that's obvious but wanted to state it...). It is easy to sing Jesus' praises when things are going well but it can be a whole other thing when our world has fallen apart.

    1. You are so right. And I knew what you meant! I still can't imagine where I'd be without Jesus in my life!

  5. You might laugh, but I am thankful for these blogs. I don’t have many people in real life (in the season) that I communicate with an a daily or even weekly basis. It’s wonderful to have these lives to check in on, people to pray for, and ideas that inspire me. I know you know how fortunate you are to have the incredible support system that you do :) Consider taking the time todo this therapeutic to others ❤️

    1. I know exactly what you mean, my friend. I feel the same way! I do have people in my life, but this blog is just an extension of that here online. I'm so grateful for this community! Thank you for your kind words!

  6. I'm so sorry that life is so difficult, but I'm so glad you know Jesus and that He is with you every step you are traveling on this hard road. He shines out in all you say here. It's also wonderful to have friends and especially family to help. I don't know what I'd do without my sister. I treasure her support and even her kind rebukes when needed. I can't imagine not having her in my life. I also can't imagine life without my sisters in Christ. Still praying for you and your boys.

    1. Thank you! I know that He is near. I know you're thankful for your sister! I can't imagine life without mine.

  7. So good to know you have so many friends to hold you up during these times- you deserve it XO

    1. It is such a gift! Thank you for that, sweet friend.

  8. How wonderful to have the support of family and good friends. Sending love and hugs.

  9. Much like Jennabell stated, I am thankful for your blog, too! I read it as I drink my coffee in the morning before my busy day gets started. It always reminds me that there is peace and love available at all times from the Lord and from darling people like YOU!!!! ❣️ you! XOXO

    1. I didn't mean to be anonymous...fixed it 😂

    2. Thank you! I'm so glad we're real life friends as well, though. Sweet Holly will forever be dear to me, but also now because she introduced us! You are so right. Thank you, my friend!

    3. Thanks for not making me wonder who you are! 🤣

  10. Replies
    1. Aw! I'm always thankful for you as well, sweet friend!


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Thankful Thursday

  Happy Thursday, friends! It feels like it's been a minute since I've shared a Thankful Thursday post, so this feels good to share ...