Wednesday, January 22, 2025

a hodgepodge post


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Joyce today for this fun link party. I'll jump right in!

1. What's a memory you treasure (can be from any winter in your lifetime)? There was a year that we got a lot of snow; that was when the lake at my dad's house froze completely! I remember my brother-in-law taking an ax to see how deep the ice went, and it was at least six inches deep, so I got to ice skate on the lake that year! It's the only time that ever happened; though it would partially freeze from time to time, it was never like that again. It was such a magical few days! I have a picture of that somewhere that I just brought home from Dad's house. 

I think snow and ice are beautiful to look at, even though I don't want ice. 

2. Tell us about the last time you were caught up in red tape. Does it send your frustration level off the charts or is it something you've come to expect when dealing with any sort of bureaucracy? My life is currently caught up in red tape, so I laughed when I read this prompt. It doesn't really frustrate me now like it did at the beginning; though if someone texts me about something snarky, I want to snap back a quick and rude retort. This happened two weeks ago today; I immediately wanted to reply, but I let it go for about twenty minutes and then sent back my attorney's contact information and address, should they need to speak to me about anything again. I've not really heard anything since then. 🤪 I keep reminding myself to rise above the situation and to take the high road. I won't let my buttons be pushed anymore with setting this boundary. 

This is me, grinning and bearing life circumstances. I'm fine, it's fine! 

3. Do you eat/like fish? Do you cook fish at home? What's your favorite fish dish? Ever been ice fishing? I love fish, and I do cook it at home when I have it on hand. I love salmon the most; I like to buy a big fillet of it at Costco, and then bake it at 350 for about fifteen minutes, or until it's pink. I coat it with olive oil, salt, dill, and lemon juice. I love to serve this with broccoli and either rice or oven roasted potatoes. It's delicious! I have never been ice fishing, and though it doesn't interest me, I'd love to experience that at least once in my life. I kind of think it'd be fun to stay on a cabin nearby on the ice. I've watched too many Hallmark movies! 🤣

4. Did you watch any of the U.S. President's Inauguration coverage on Monday, January 20? On a scale of one to ten (with one being not at all and ten very), how interested are you in politics in general? Do you follow/keep up with/get involved with local politics? I loved watching the Inauguration; my dad would have loved to have watched it as well, and I thought of him all morning. I stayed home long enough to watch the new leaders get sworn in; and loved the historic moment of seeing only the second President in US history entering into a second term in non-consecutive order. Regardless of where you stand as far as politics go, it's such an amazing thing to witness. I would love to visit DC again someday!

I am moderately interested in politics and keep up with the bare minimum, but I'm not involved in local politics at all, except for voting and being on my town's library board. But the board membership isn't political. 

5. What's the coziest thing you own and what makes it so? My blankets are cozy, but so is this pullover!

It feels like a blanket when I wear it out, and I still always get complimented on it each time I have it on in public. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. I'm sharing a current favorite song...

This is a song called Praise You in the Storm; it was originally put out by Casting Crowns, but in the last couple of years, Phil Wickham redid it, and it's my favorite song of the week. I hope you enjoy!

I want to remind you that this Saturday (January 25th) is our first Share Somethings link party of 2025! Here are all of the details for how it'll work this year: it will be on the same day of every month, the last Saturday of each month. I'll keep the party open for a couple of weeks each month, so I don't care how late or early you are to the party. The prompts for the entire year will be the same each month—we'll be sharing some things we loved, some things we learned, some things that went well, and some things we let go of. I hope you make plans now to join me each month! The dates will be January 25, February 22, March 29, April 26, May 31, June 28, July 26, August 30, September 27, October 25, November 29, and December 27. 

Thanks for reading my blog today, friends! I'll see you back here tomorrow. Love to all! 

Jenn 🖤

Linking up with: 


  1. Loved how you got to skate even though it was only one time! That's such a fun memory. I chuckled at your red tape story- good for you!! Woohooo- so proud of you! XO Can't wait for your Share Somethings Linkup this year too- I will definitely be joining :)

    1. It was such a fun memory! But, oh the red tape. I'm ready for it to be cut far away from me!

  2. That's the only way I have ever ice fished... we set up tilts and watch them from inside the house near the woodstove. We've had a few years where the ice is so thick we've even seen trucks and 4 wheelers out there! This week we've been watching a snowmobile out on the ice each night. It doesn't seem to matter how thick it is, I still don't like walking on it. Every time it pops or cracks or settles it unnerves me.

    1. That's so neat! I don't want to participate, but I'd love to witness it once in my life. That's insane! It would unnerve me as well.

  3. We had a small, shallow creek on our property that froze over pretty often and we'd skate on that. I'll bet the one time you did it does stick out in your mind! I really like the song, "I'll Praise You in the Storm" though the version I'm thinking of is probably the original one. Have a great day!

    1. So fun! I'm sure those are great memories. I love the song in all versions, but this one is my new favorite for now. I hope you've had a great week!

  4. We are off today for the cold! Well, we are having online school so I have to be at my computer all day pretty much.
    The talk of ice fishing makes me want to watch Grumpy Old Men today!

    1. Oh wow! I'm glad you ended up getting out of the house after being stuck at the computer all day. It was good talking today!

  5. Sorry to hear you are caught up in red tape at the moment! That is cool you are on the library board!

    1. Thank you! It'll be over with eventually, and I will be so glad. It's such a fun thing to be on!

  6. Skating on the lake sounds like so much fun! I like the snow but I am not a fan of ice as much.
    hahaha! The red tape question made me laugh too. You are so right, we need to rise above the situations that we are in and take the high road. Everything is just fine!!
    I am not that interested in politics that much but the Inauguration was so interesting, I watched almost all of it.

    1. It was fun! I'm not a fan of ice either. Yes! We will rise above. I loved watching it because of the history of it all, and I agree that it was fascinating. I hope you've had a great week!

  7. I liked the skating story. I think when you live somewhere where snow is more on the rare side it's extra special when it comes. When you live in a place where it snows a lot for months it can get tiresome. Good for you setting your boundary and not getting sucked in to something you don't need to be caught up in. Love your blanket sweater : ) Have a. nice day!

    1. Thank you! I think you're right, which is why that stood out to me in my mind. I love the warmth of that pullover; it's been so cold here lately!

  8. That sounds like a fun blog link up party you have planned for 2025.

  9. Skating on a lake in Tennessee sounds like a once in a lifetime experience! You are so smart to stop and take a breath to avoid having your buttons hard to do! Love the cozy top!

    1. It was! It never happened like that again. Thank you for that! It's not always easy, especially when I'm being baited, you know? I hope you've had a great week so far!

  10. My dad used to make a skating rink in our backyard every winter when I was a kid and it's a favorite childhood memory. So fun that you got to skate on the pond - that is a special memory, I'm sure! Your striped pullover looks cozy and fun! No wonder you get compliments on it. Have a great week!

    1. How fun! It was such a great memory for me, because it never happened before or again after that year. Thanks for that! I hope you've had a great week so far!


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