Friday, June 20, 2008

Jello, Sore Abs, and Kinky Hair

We had an amazing day today! We went to Mud Island in downtown Memphis, which come to find out, is completely free. The monorail over the Mississippi River cost $4 a person (well worth it unless you want to walk ALL the way over in the heat!), but the rest was free. This is a picture of the boys on the monorail. They were strangely curious about how it worked. I think they thought it would fall into the Mighty Mississippi. We went with my dad, aka Pappaw. We had a blast! This is them below!

The boys waded in the scaled down version of the river, and eventually got wet enough to cool off. They had their swimming trunks on, so at least they were comfy!

And Jonah had to be convinced to get wet. Imagine that.

Anyway, after lunch we were walking to a big area where they could go swimming, and Drew took a step onto what he thought was a solid surface. Nope, it wasn't. It was algae. The look on his face was priceless, and one I will never forget. We made some memories today! I haven't laughed that hard in quite a while! The pics are below. Notice Drew's (the one in the green shorts) sheepish expression!

And this is me, happily agreeing it is time to go home. It was getting hot, and my arms were getting sunburned. The whole day was overcast, until the last hour, and after paddle boating in the completely flat position of me laying down in the boat, my knees felt like jello, my abs were hurting, and my hair was getting kinkier by the minute. All recipes for disaster. Oh, and the paddle boat? The guy who was SUPPOSED to be helping was nowhere to be found...until AFTER I had to CRAWL OUT OF THE BOAT. My legs were shot. Did I mention that? Yup, we made some memories today, my friends.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds awesome! Glad you had a good day with your boys and it looks to me like they had a great time, as well! What a great momma you are!


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Wednesday Hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond  for today's post. I'll jump right in!...