Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Hello! I hope everyone who reads this is having an amazing week!

I had a great devotion this morning...the subject was hospitality. The core word there is hospital which means to heal or to be cared for. I thought how much I would love for someone to be able to say that we are a hospitable family. Too many times I care about the condition of my house...whether it's straight, or clean, or if all the dust is mopped up off the floor. But what would I prefer? A perfect house, or one filled to overflowing with laughter, love, and friends? And don't forget all the little foot prints on the floor, and the doghair in the corners.

Of course I would prefer a house filled with people and laughter, love and friends! If you love to "entertain" (which is what I call inviting friends over), then I challenge you to invite someone over this week. If you don't like to entertain, I still challenge you to do this. Pray about it, and see who God places in your heart. Chances are it'll be someone in need of healing, or someone who needs to be loved on. Call them, invite them over, and feed them. It doesn't have to be expensive, either. You can do appetizers or desserts only, whatever you decide is good enough for that person. See how much it blesses you this week, and watch and see what God does through you.

1 Peter 4:8~10 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 9 Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10 Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.

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