Monday, July 28, 2008

126th Post

I cannot believe I have written that much. I must have a lot to say. Ha ha, not really. The bad thing about this blog is that it has taken the place of journaling. I still write in my journal, just not as much and not so much at length like I used to. I have actually turned my journal into a prayer journal. I write prayers out to God...there is something so cleansing about that. And I've always been better at writing thoughts instead of speaking them. I also still use my journal to write out Scripture. There is something very powerful about reading aloud God breathed Scripture as prayer.

For those of you here (in Memphis or around) who are reading this and did not get my email about the Beth Moore simulcast, WE STILL HAVE TICKETS!!!!!! I have asked, begged, and pleaded for you to come...and I will do so one more time. It's this weekend, people! I assure you, even if she ever comes to Memphis for a live event, it will cost much much more than $25! When I went to the Deeper Still conference in Nashville back in September, even though I was there live, I didn't actually look at her...I looked at the enormous jumbotron. I couldn't even SEE her without my glasses. Your life will be changed as a result of this weekend...and it's so awesome to join your girlfriends and worship together!! God is working through us ladies, I pray that you will make an effort to come and join us and see what God does! If you have questions or need more info, go here.

We had church yesterday. I don't mean we went to church, I mean we HAD church. God is moving in our church, He's making some changes, and He's pulling us all together as His body, and it is awesome! We had some anointed praise and worship...this is the third week in a row that I have cried like a baby. That's when I know that God is meeting just can't help the tears that come. This was after an incredible week of family vacation Bible school, too. We had around 150 kids each night, and about 15 kids came to know the Lord as a result! Praise His name!!! It was so cool, too, that last night Pastor Ben had kids come up that wanted to pray for the first time to ask Jesus into their hearts, and we had some kids that went through Evangelism Explosion that came up and prayed with them! It was so neat! Of course not all the kids could pray for someone alone, there were 4 or 5 that came up and about 20 kids who went down to the front to pray, but they all gathered around and prayed as a group for these kids. Incredible.

I am on fire today...I hope God will use me through this...please join me in prayer for this coming weekend at my church. I am praying that lives will be changed, and that we who go to that church will reach out to visitors in love and acceptance, no matter the background, no matter the sin. We are all sinners saved by God's amazing grace, all sin is the same in His eyes. I hope you all have a blessed Monday...God love you all.

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