Saturday, September 6, 2008

And one more...

I saw on a friend's blog that I've been "tagged" so when I am finished and if I tag you, play.  It's kinda fun to get to know someone like this.  Love to all!!!


Four places I go regularly:

1. Target

2. Kroger 

3. the boys' school

4.  Church (NOT necessarily in this order, either!)

Four people who email me regularly:
1. Christa

2. Phyllis

3. Todd

4.  Melba =)

Four of my favorite places to eat:

1.  Lunch anywhere with a great friend (Christa and Katie and hopefully some more of you soon!)

2.  Old Venice Pizza Cafe (did I get that right, Katie?)

3.  At my mom's house on Saturday nights

4.  With my sweet boys at school!

Four Places I would rather be:

1. the beach

2. the mountains

3. the beach

4. the mountains

Four TV shows that I watch:

1.  Well, from the previous blog, football on the weekends

2.  The Bachelor (I KNOW, bad bad bad!)

3.  Dancing with the Stars

4.  Suite Life with Zack and Cody

Four people that I tag:

1.  Christa

2.  Amy

3.  Rene

4.  Stacy 

Tag!!!  You're It!!!!

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