Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Calm Before The Wake Up

I have a few minutes of silence before I have to start waking every one up for school, so I thought I would write.  Graham just walked out the door.  He had to be at school early this morning for an FCA meeting.  I'm thankful for a neighbor who offers to drive him along with his own daughter. 

It's been a pretty good week.  I'm glad today's Thursday, though.  We're back to weeks that fly by because of all we have going on.  I know it's going to seem like just a few minutes pass until our birthday season arrives.  I have yet to figure this the time goes so quickly, but I do know that the older I get, the faster it goes.  I don't know how I feel about that, either.  Sometimes I still feel like I'm in my early or mid-20's, and then I remember...oh yeah.  I'm in my mid-30's now.  :(  Do you do that??

It's been kind of a roller coaster week.  Jonah had to miss school on Tuesday b/c of a fever he was running (for no apparent reason), and now Todd has the crud.  So much so that he scheduled himself an appointment with our friend who's an ear, nose and throat doctor.  You know the man is sick if he willingly goes to the doctor.  I'll be glad when he gets some medicine...I do not enjoy having sick people in my house.  God has blessed us all with great health, so this is not something we have to deal with that much.  I feel like I need to be walking around with a can of Lysol!

So...if you're my friend on facebook, you'll see that I've been reading Sarah Palin's Going Rogue.  I have about 10 pages left to finish it and I have loved every bit of it.  I just love her, period.  Politics aside (well, maybe not), I just like her as a person.  Her show on TLC has helped.  I bought her new book at Costco a couple days ago and can't wait to read it.  I think before I pick it up, I'm going to read a fiction one first.  It's one by my favorite author.  I also bought another book yesterday called Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst.  She's the founder of Proverbs 31 Ministries and she's been guest hosting on the KLove morning show the past 3 days.  The book sounds's all about finding out what is in your life that distracts you from God (food, tv, computer, etc) and doing less of that and more of seeking God.  It, too, sounds great and I can't wait to pick it up.

Then there's Decision Points by George W. Bush, then...ahhhh, the list is never ending.  I love to read.  It's a hobby that keeps me sane, and why not fill my mind up with wholesome stuff?  Like KLove being the only radio station I listen to, the only fiction books I read are Christian fiction.  I don't usually do much non-fiction, but these that I'm reading or plan on reading are by Christian people.  I like the old saying, "Garbage in, garbage out."  We are products of what we watch/listen to/read.  I don't know about you, but I'd rather it be good, wholesome, God-pleasing stuff in.  I'm more likely to be a better person...a nicer person...and doing life this way, well it helps me through my days. 

Well, this post kind of took a random turn, but why not?  I have to run...I hear water running and kids stirring.  Hope your day is blessed beyond measure.  Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with your last two posts! I want to read "Made To Crave" let me know what you think of it! I also agree with the KLOVE thing....we listen to nothing but that and I love it!! The kids like it too, and I love hearing them sing along in the car! Love ya girl!


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Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? I hope that you can say that it was a good one. Mine was pretty great and it went by really fast...