Saturday, January 22, 2011

More Recipes to Come...Maybe

This is not going to become a cooking blog, I assure you.  I might from time to time post recipes on here if I'm asked, but if you want to view a REAL cooking blog, click here for my friend Katie's yummy dinner ideas.  I must warn you, though, if you weren't hungry before, you will be after you read through all her yummy recipes.  I love to cook...I just get tired of the same old stuff I constantly make.  That's my only complaint about cooking...well, that and my 2 picky eaters.  Graham is much better nowadays because he finally realized that his taste buds had changed. 

But Jonah?  Heavens to Betsy, that child is going to drive me nuts.  I swear, he is going to turn into a giant peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  That's all he ever wants. 

I would love to talk about the mystery of having friends over.  It's a mystery for me because the more kids we have (if they're sweet kids, that is), the more peaceful of a day we have.  I know it makes no sense, but I's true.  We had 4 kids last night (we traded Drew for a kid named Eli), then 6 at one time today, and now we're at 5.  And we're having a nice, quiet, relaxing afternoon.  Todd's watching a game and I'm on here.  Life is good.

I have to take a few minutes and tell you about the power of prayer.  I know...abrupt subject change, but bear with me.  My friend Sharon opened up her home to a group of moms that are wanting to commit to praying for our school, our kids and our teachers and staff.  It's's called Moms In Touch.  And it's open to anyone that has kids in our local schools that want to come.  We pray for Collierville Middle, Collierville Elementary and Tara Oaks Elementary.  We meet for one hour every Monday, from 9-10. 

Anyway, we have had already had some answers to our prayers!  It's exciting to see God moving in the midst of us...and it's so cool to be able to pray with a group of women who come from different denominations.  I'm already excited about our next meeting.  If you're reading this and want to join us, I hope you do.  You don't have to pray aloud if you don't want's all about what you're comfortable with.  I know our teachers and staff sure appreciate the prayers, and it's something I am so glad to be able to do. 

So...that's about it.  I don't really know what else to write about now...unless you want to pretend you're a fly on our wall and listen to some conversations around here.  But that's a whole 'nother blog post. 

Oh...and all my chicks are back under one roof.  I'm a happy momma.  Love to all.

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