Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tips & Tricks on Tuesday

So, it's no secret that my brain is unique and works in weird ways.  As in the fact that I make "deals" with myself.  I do this in so many areas in my life that it's not even funny.

Here's my favorite~I make myself drink lots and lots of water every single day.  If I've had a certain number of cups before lunch, then I'll allow myself to drink a glass of tea with lunch, but I have to switch back to water right after.

I really love a clean kitchen.  If I focus on one area of my kitchen, like the sink, to look really clean, that will overflow into the rest of my kitchen.  I got that one from The Fly Lady...if you haven't read her blog before, you should.  She has lots of great ideas.

When I light a candle, it inspires me to straighten the rest of my house.  Well, at least the downstairs part.  ;)  And, your house really doesn't have to be "clean" to look clean~when you straighten up the couch cushions, clear the clutter off the surfaces and light a few candles, it takes on that appearance.  I also love to have people over, so I like to keep things as neat as possible, in the downstairs area, or as neat as one can be with four boys who have school at home everyday.

If you love to cook and are stuck in a rut with your meal planning, go watch tv.  Or read a blog.  For dinner inspiration, I love to watch The Food Network.  For something to read, I love The Mix and Match Mama.  I also love The Pioneer Woman's blog.  My favorite actual cookbook is Southern Living's Easy Weeknight Recipes.  All the recipes are few in the amount of ingredients and only thirty minutes to make.  Easy, shmeasy.

Maybe I'm slow, but I've recently discovered the internet and Netflix for homeschooling.  My boys do not love to read (the middle school two).  I have decided that when they finish their work early, they can watch documentaries on Netflix on topics that might interest them.  Today Jonah watched one on Navy Seals.  Tomorrow we're going to watch one called Abandoned America.  There are documentaries on dinosaurs, the Titanic, the Arctic, any animal you can think of and lots and lots more.  We use the internet for current events and instruction manuals.  As long as they read something, I am okay with that.  Anything at all is better than nothing at all.

Thanks for reading!  I've had a couple of newbies stop by and read...so thanks, also, for the comment love.  :)  Love to all.

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