Friday, October 9, 2015

Friday Favorites, church edition

Happy Friday!  This week has been spent at my church.  Literally.  It's a good thing that I consider that to be my home away from home.  I'm linking up with Momfessionals for this post.

Last weekend, one of our favorite families came to visit for dinner.  Not only are they are dear friends, they were our neighbors for a good amount of years.  (It's too early and I haven't had enough coffee yet to think back to how long they were actually there.)  They moved to Murfreesboro back at the end of May, and let's just say that it was bad when they left.  We couldn't even say goodbye to each other.  Over the summer we went to visit them for a few days, and then last weekend they came here.  We celebrated Myles' birthday with pizza and cake.

He's the one on the back row, the second from the left.  The little guy to the right of him is his younger brother, Zander.  We love this family so much and were so glad to get to see them, even for just a few hours, last Saturday night.

Last weekend, I was so glad to have cool weather!  Fall weather is my favorite.  Not only is that my favorite, but cozy sweaters are, too.  I was so chilled after church last Sunday that I came home and changed clothes, pulling out this favorite sweater from last year.

It feels like a blanket.  Seriously.  I'm pretty sure that right after this was taken, I fell asleep.  Sunday afternoon traditions are also my favorite.  It's the only day of the week that I always schedule a short nap.

Now begins the church part of this blog post.  On Monday afternoon, the older boys and I went to our church, to paint something for a seniors dinner that took place Thursday night.  It didn't take us that long to actually get it painted, but we had a great time while we waited just laughing at the antics of the boys.  This is my friend Cathy, who was so sweet to come help me with the sign.  She also helped during the dinner last night.

These might just be two of my very favorite pictures ever.  My boys crack me up, and not just the older two, but all of them.  On Wednesday night during a dress rehearsal, Noah was on a side section of the stage, just dancing his little heart out.  I didn't know that boy could move like that!  And Jonah cracks me up with his adult-like personality and his love of laughing.  I am so thankful to God for my boys!  They're all so sweet and make me incredibly proud.  They are DEFINITELY my favorite.

Tuesday and Wednesday didn't make the list of favorites for this week, but they were normal days, spent doing schoolwork, Bible study stuff (for me) and Wednesday night church/choir practice.  I will say that Thursdays are always a day that I love because of my Bible study friends.  I love my small group of ladies that I see every week, and I love our talks and our time of praying together.

Last night, we had to be at church at five.  The dinner that I keep mentioning was something put on for the senior citizens at our church, and a few weeks ago, I was asked to help organize/manage the teenagers that they wanted serving and performing.  I had to come up with a list of eight teenagers, four boys and four girls, and we met several weeks in a row for practice.  This event was called "The Fabulous 50's", and it was dinner and a performance after.  Our teenagers served our seniors, and they waited on them.  After the dinner portion of the evening, the teenagers headed backstage and performed.  The music was amazing, and all these teens did a great job.  I was incredibly proud of all of them, and their servant hearts.  Last night was the highlight of my week and I know it'll be a favorite memory for a long time to come.

This sweet lady is the wife of our new youth pastor!  I am so thankful for this family that God sent to us, and I have loved getting to know sweet Sunday.  (Yes, her name is Sunday.)  Precious.

These are the amazing and fabulous teenagers who helped last night.  Left to right are Emily, Kaylee, Emma, Nancy, Drew, Andrew, Graham and Alex.  The only one missing is Jonathan, who just about brought the house down while he sang, "In the Still of the Night".

These kiddos served with such willingness last night, and it almost brings tears to my eyes, thinking of them serving the seniors.

Jonathan was the one singing, and these boys lip synced the background vocals.  They also had to move in time with the music, and I was impressed!  Especially because my Drew (in the teal vest) cannot clap and sing at the same time.

This is Emma, my most favorite girl of all time.  I love her heart, her sense of humor, and last night, I loved her red lipstick!  We were showing off our lipstick marks on our cups.  We were proud.

It was such a fun night.  I ended up sitting out in the audience with my mom and step-dad, and I was glad that I got to watch.

Well, thanks for reading about our week!  I must wake the boys now.  ;)  Love to all!

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