Wednesday, November 25, 2015

our week so far

We didn't do a whole lot of anything on Monday, except for going to Costco for some much needed supplies, and coming back home and changing back into pj's.  (Did I mention how tired I was that day?)  It was a quiet day, because Jonah and Noah were with Todd at work that day, then at Pipes and Drums practice later that night.

The other boys ended up being at the church when they were done with school work, and then they ended up eating dinner at Chick Fil A with friends, so I had the whole house to myself and watched Christmas movies all the day/night long.

That is a good problem to have, my friends.

Yesterday morning I got up and made Monkey Bread for my family.

And proceeded to start a fire inside my oven.  I always forget that when I bake this, I have to sit it on a baking sheet in the oven, because the biscuits rise and the juices drip all over the place.  Hence the oven fire.  It was yummy, but that burnt smell made me feel sick to my stomach and I was forced to take a nap so that I could feel better.

(Another good problem to have.)

I woke up after twenty minutes and felt a little better, but my house smelled bad all day.

The boys all got their school work done (we only did math and science this week, to make it easy on them) and after lunch, they went and played soccer.  Then they went to the church to finish up Christmas decorating in the youth room, then they went and ran an errand, then were back home by five.

I read and watched movies all day again, with some housecleaning thrown in for good measure.  (Actually, we all really cleaned, because on Thursday night, the halls are getting decked!  I love starting with a clean slate.)  After the cleaning and laundry, while I was in the living room, these two kept me company.

They're really cute, even though they BOTH get on my nerves with the cats.

We had dinner at a Mexican food restaurant last night, in celebration of a really sweet girl turning fifteen.

Emma is one of my favorite teenagers in all of the world.  She is funny, sweet, beautiful (inside and outside), and she loves my family and Jesus with all her heart, soul, mind and strength.

Here's another one.

If I had a daughter, I would want her to be just like Emma.  She is precious and wonderful, to quote Jonah's kindergarten teacher.

This morning is lazy.  Coffee abounds.

And when my husband leaves in a little while, I will be doing laundry and watching Christmas movies again.  And enjoying the scent coming from my favorite candle, the one that this boy can't seem to put down.

I am guessing a lot of you are spending your day cooking today, but I don't have to, since my mom and step-dad do all the cooking.  (For the record, I have once cooked an entire Thanksgiving meal, and I love making all of the trimmings, but I am never asked to take anything.)  So in lieu of cooking today, I will be spending a quiet day at home again, and later today, I get to see my best friend and her hubby and their sweet little girl.  Can't wait!

Happy Wednesday and Thanksgiving eve to you.  Love to all.

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