Friday, January 15, 2016

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  I am linking up with Andrea at Momfessionals for this post.

This week has been very quiet around here.  It's been really good, just quiet, as we settled back into our routine.  I've been stressing a little about homeschooling and have had the thought that I need to change things up a tiny bit, so that is what I did all this morning.  (It's 9:36 as I write this.)  I feel better now, having made some changes on our grade and attendance reporting website.  I also reported grades for this first semester of the school year, and I ordered a new literature book for Graham and Drew.

I let the boys sleep in some, because they were all up super early yesterday morning and the morning before that.  They've been really great this week at getting up earlier than usual and having quiet time.  I am proud of them.

My first favorite highlight from this week is Noah talking to me about a passage he read on Tuesday morning.  He came downstairs talking about it and asked if he could use my bible to read what he had just finished reading in Philippians chapter four.

I love when something "clicks" for them in the pages of their bibles.  And I am proud of them for reading God's word~I didn't really do that much at all when I was younger, and I don't want them to be like me in that area, so I have taught them to make this a priority each day.  Some weeks they do great at this, others, not so much.  It's a constant ebb and flow, as they are kids, and I don't expect perfection.

Another favorite from this week was this picture that Jonah and Noah allowed me to take of them...a rare thing!

Twins twinning.  This was how they had dressed for the championship bowl game on Monday night.  And yes, those are the hoverboard things they got for Christmas, and no, they have not exploded.

(They only catch on fire when you leave them charging for too long, it only takes an hour and a half to two hours to charge them.  The cases of them catching fire was when they'd been left charging all night long.)

Back to my favorite picture from this week, though, I cannot believe they're almost thirteen!  The days are long when they're little, but the years are short.

On Tuesday afternoon, I had to be somewhere at eleven, so before that I had Drew drive and drop me off at the entrances to all the places I needed to go.  This was a favorite moment of mine this week, because I realized that before long, I will be seeing less and less of him.  Since Graham got his driver's license, he is always off, doing something, and I know it will be the same way for Drew.  He has matured a lot in the last year, and his driving skills have improved greatly.  (GREATLY.)

A favorite picture that I saw on my friend's Instagram this week was of this sweet child.

This is my best friend Christa's little girl.  Is this not the perfect picture?  She is absolutely precious.

And last, but not least, is my favorite moment from yesterday.  We had gotten home from our homeschool group and were all exhausted.  We came home to eat lunch and then fell asleep watching a show on the Velocity channel.  I woke up first and snapped this before I woke them up to leave.

It's been a great week!  I hope yours has been as well.  Love to all!

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