Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Monday night sleepover

I mentioned yesterday that my hubby and two youngest sons are in Kentucky, at middle school youth camp.  I got the idea on Saturday, to see if my oldest two could stay the night with a friend so I could have a sleepover with the junior girls.  (Except that now, they're officially seniors.)

So thanks to my friend Rhonda, my two boys, and another friend went and stayed the night at their friend Zack's house.  I asked them to stay gone from seven last night until ten this morning.  We cleaned and even changed sheets so the girls could use some of the beds to sleep in.

Eleven of them came!  This was us at the start of our night.

It was so much fun!  We had tons of junk food, and for a couple of hours, they all sat around this table that you see and laughed and watched videos and looked at social media.  I know that sounds strange, but it's normal for teenagers today.  They weren't being quiet either, even with their phones, they were laughing and cutting up.  My heart was so full, having them all over to stay the night.

I love time with them.  I may have mentioned that a time or a million two.

My sweet friend Abbey sent me a text of her and my hubby last night.  My two favorites!  I sent her this picture in return.

The girls eventually all went upstairs and played Just Dance for hours.  Seriously, hours.  Around midnight my friend Missy went home so she could be up with her hubby before work this morning, and I headed to bed.  I made sure they were all settled in their sleeping areas for the night and left them watching old movies on The Disney Channel.

I watched an episode of a show on Netflix, and by one thirty, was fast asleep.

I was up at seven for coffee, and the first girl came down at eight.  I made them pancakes and turkey bacon for breakfast (well, Missy made the bacon) and had apple juice, milk, orange juice and coffee.

And by ten, as quick as they all came, they headed back home.

It was a fun night!

Love to all.

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