Wednesday, May 25, 2016

things that make my heart happy

Have you seen the newest video that went viral and practically broke the internet?  The mom with the Chewbacca mask?  Well.  I am slightly obsessed with this video.  Y'all, my sweet friend Katie sent me that video in a Facebook message on Friday, and I (might have) watched it five times.  It makes my heart so happy!  I said at the very end of it that I want to be Candace's best friend.  (See?  I know her name now.)  I knew when I watched that video, that this was a lady who loved the Lord with all of her heart, soul, mind and strength.  Because when you love Him, how can you NOT be full of inexpressible joy?

To prove my point about her, I'm giving you a link with an article that I read this morning.  Click HERE and watch for yourself.  She says some really great things and she issues a challenge to those of us who are believers in the glorious Lord Jesus Christ.

The coolest thing about me knowing that she was believer is this: the Holy Spirit within us connects our hearts to like-minded people.  Have you ever met someone and had an instant heart connection?  I have, with several people, and that is why.  I love how He knits our hearts together.

Y'all.  This red ball makes my heart really happy.  I know, I know, it sounds silly, but this is something that my kids have had forever, and we have gotten rid of almost every toy they have ever had.  We still have sports equipment of course, because boys, and we still have Lego's.  But this ball just randomly appears all over my house, all of the time.  I walked into the kitchen Wednesday before leaving for church, and there it was.  Drew was the culprit.  He bounces it, he sits on it, he throws it against the wall, he just walks around with it constantly.  I love how something so cheap and seemingly meaningless makes him so happy.  I think that, technically, this ball belongs to him.  I don't even remember where it came from.

Graham made our dinner last night, or most of it at least.  He grilled this chicken that you see and the delicious pineapple that you see behind it.  I want to try and find a more healthy version of it, but I sprinkled brown sugar (maybe two tablespoons worth) and cinnamon over the top of it, then he grilled it in a foil packet, for thirty minutes.  He flipped it at the fifteen minute mark.  Look at that chicken, though!  He is such a great grill master.

Now, to teach the other boys to follow in his footsteps.

I love these boys and their sweet friendship.  It makes my heart so full to know that they have such a wonderful group of friends.  My prayer is that they always have friends that are edifying to God and satisfying to them, and that they stir up or provoke one another on to love and good works.

(I posted a picture with that verse on it earlier this week.)

Teenagers make my heart so happy.  This includes all our teenage girls in the youth, but most of the others aren't in this picture.  I look forward to a summer spent with them all!

It is a joy and a privilege to be able to lift them up to God each day.  What a gift for them to know that someone other than mom or dad is praying for them.  I didn't have an older woman investing in me when I was growing up.

Speaking of joy and such, it's biblical.  This is one of my favorite passages in Scripture.  I memorized it a long time ago and I pray everyday that God will manifest these within me.  Happiness is a feeling, but JOY is a fruit of the Holy Spirit.  I am not always happy, because some days are terrible, but I am always full of the joy that God has given me.

I was aggravated when I started praying this morning, but very quickly, He convicted me and softened my heart toward Him and others as I prayed for them.

The last thing I had in mind to write about is something you know about me.  I started writing out the book of 1 Peter this morning.  I have been "stuck" in this book lately in my quiet time, and I keep hearing or reading or seeing images with passages from this book.  I figure that God wants me to just plant myself here for a while, so this morning I started writing it out.  I also read it while I write, and something new jumped out at me.  I love that about the Bible.  It's truly living and active, just like His word says.  I am writing out this book, along with the passages I write out daily as a part of writing plan that I always post about.

Well, the kids are all up and at 'em, and we're going to have a little family meeting around the kitchen table.  Nobody is in trouble, I just want to touch base with them.  That's getting harder and harder to do, the older they get.

Thanks for reading!  Love to all.

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