Friday, September 9, 2016

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals for this blog post.  If you've not ever checked out her blog, click on the title and go read for a while.  

When we came home last Saturday, my new Bible study had arrived in the mail!  I am so excited to start studying Second  Timothy (again) in a couple weeks.  This is Beth Moore's latest study that just released.  Also, I received these Scripture memory cards, because I am going to try my best to memorize the book of 2 Timothy.  I'll keep you posted on how that goes, but I know these cards will greatly help.

You can buy this study at Lifeway or online at any of your favorite retailers.  Sadly, the cards are no longer available.  

Look at the new colors from OPI!  It's been a long time since I've gotten some new nail polish colors, and this collection might warrant a trip to the place I like to shop for new such a thing.  I love all of these and have been polishing my own nails again.  I did the salon visits over the summer for gel polish that lasted for two weeks, but I missed changing colors often and I missed it being free.  

My favorite picture of them from vacation.  I keep looking at it, wondering where time went, that they all grew so big?

Speaking of vacation, I got this while we were in Branson.  This is my favorite Bible verse and it's a coaster.  I love having cute little treasures like this around my house, and I love it even more when they have Bible verses on them.  

On Tuesday night, while I was at Bible study, Todd texted me, asking if I wanted to watch this go down.  I left immediately, and it was worth it.  Drew sent Emma on a scavenger hunt and it ended at Chick Fil A, to ask her to homecoming.  They're so cute.

I'm still plugging away at my favorite pasttime: Scripture writing.  I loved this day's verse from Amos, and the translation that my Bible is.  (The HCSB.)

I wrote about this desk yesterday, and how I made it mine on Wednesday.  This is becoming my favorite spot.  I love that all my books and such are right within arm's reach.  I can't believe it took me so long to finally get around to this task.  

See?  My view as I write this post on Thursday afternoon.  (I timed it to where it wouldn't publish until Friday morning, though.)  

And my favorite photo from my week?  This one.  Drew was at Todd's shop and they were messing around with some blower thing and this happened.  His hair is too much.  I love this kid and his crazy antics.  

Well, happy Friday to you!  Thanks for reading, and if you want, feel free to leave some comment love.  :)  

Love to all.  

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Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? I hope that you can say that it was a good one. Mine was pretty great and it went by really fast...