Monday, November 6, 2017

the weekend

My heart and prayers go out to those affected by the shooting at the church in Sutherland, Texas yesterday.  I found out during choir practice yesterday about what had happened.  It's heartbreaking, the events we keep hearing about on all the news programs.  I keep praying this one thing: Jesus, we need You.  We desperately need You.  He is our only hope, friends, and in light of what keeps happening, He is the only One who can bring peace where there would otherwise be no peace.

I also know that He does not want us to live in fear.  Second Timothy one verse seven says that: 

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.

I am so thankful for the word of God, and for the fact that though I am hundreds of miles away from where such evil happened, that I can pray for the ones who witnessed all of this yesterday.  And prayer isn't just an afterthought, friends, it's the best thing that we can do, this interceding on behalf of others.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus.  

On a much lighter note, I am already thinking ahead to this week, and all that is going on.  Probably right after this, I am going to need to make a list or two.  I am glad that the weekend was restful, because this week will be anything but.  

Friday we did not have lunch with Dad, as is usual.  We saw him a lot last week and we took that day to finish up the school work (the boys) and to clean and do a bit of laundry.  I was going to get out at one point, or so I thought, but I never left.  I did get ready if we went out that night, but I stayed in comfy clothes all day.  It was LOVELY.

That night for dinner, Todd, the boys, and Rachel and Leah went to a taco truck that they love.  I opted to stay home and eat the last bowl of chicken tortilla soup.  I watched The Gilmore Girls while I ate.  

When they got home, we watched an episode of The Good Wife, and then I went to bed.

Saturday morning I got out to run a few errands.  

My first stop was the library, and LOOK at the colors you see peeking from between these pillars.  There are so many right now that are glorious.

I dropped off some books, then went to Home Goods.  I wasn't looking for anything in particular, but I did buy a couple bottles of good smelling hand soap for the boys bathroom and for my side in ours.  

Then I went to Lifeway.  I bought a gift, then I bought a new bible!

I LOVE IT!  It's the She Reads Truth bible, and mine is gray linen.  Look how beautiful the pages are!  I've been wanting this since it came out, and for a little while, it's thirty percent off, making it $35.  I like to replace my bibles every couple of years, because I write in them so much.  I want my boys to have them someday when I'm gone, and that is how I justify doing this.  Though, at this point, my grandkids will each have one, too.  

I came home after the trip to Lifeway, then I did a couple of days of bible study homework using the new bible.  I also finished reading in Ruth, to freshen my memory for community groups that happened last night.

Also on Saturday was the sixth anniversary of when we got Crash.

Look at how little and precious he was!  And he was so white.  He has TONS of black spots now.  

I made one of their favorite meals for dinner, since we were all home, and they watched football.  I stayed in the kitchen, getting acquainted with the new bible, and catching up on my reading from last week that I missed.

Yesterday, Noah and I left for church at ten till nine, then Toddley called me to see if I would come sing to fill in for someone on the praise team, so I came back home and changed clothes and then joined them for practice before the service.  We came home after lunch and I tried to nap, but that never happened, because I had to be back at two for a shower, then choir practice at three.  We had community group last night, and had the sweetest discussion over the book of Ruth.  I love nights like that!  I joined my favorite man back at home, we watched a couple of episodes of our show, then I went to bed.  

But look at this picture that I took on the way to church yesterday.

I love how pretty our house looks with leaves all over the place.  I have always loved the look of our home, and I still do.  The sky was bleak and dreary, because it rained on and off most of the day.  

It's the same today, but I still have to get out and run to the store.  But first, the lists.  I need to write down every little thing so that I won't forget.  It's that busy, and trust me when I say that I do NOT love being busy.  But some weeks it just happens, so I will pray and ask the Lord to help me get through it and to make the most of every opportunity.  

Thanks for reading!  Love to all.  

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