Wednesday, September 1, 2021



Happy Wednesday, friends and more than that, HAPPY SEPTEMBER. I love, love, love this month! It's ushering in my favorite season and time of year and know that as you read this, I am in my home, all cozy and enjoying my fall decorations. They come out on September first every year and stay put until Thanksgiving night, except for last year, because I decorated for Christmas early. 

I am linking up with Anne over at 💓in residence, where we talk about all things beginning, ending, loving, picking, posting for the month of September. 


I began to decorate our home for fall yesterday! I will add things here and there throughout the season and I'll move things from one place to another, but I got most of it all put out and arranged yesterday. I'm writing this on Tuesday morning, so I don't have a picture to show you that is current...but here is one from last year.

This excites me to no end! I truly think that this is the most wonderful time of year, when we walk into these last months. 


I read all the summer books over the summer and I am officially ready to put that type of book away until next year. When we cross over into September, I am always ready to start reading things that are appropriate in that season. This time last year, for instance, was when I picked up the first Harry Potter book to read. Maybe I'll read book two in that series? I love mysteries and tend to lean toward them more in these months. 

I'm also thinking of ending my years long stint with really blonde highlights. I don't love my hair right now and I'm thinking of making a change soon. Then again, I could decide to just keep it the same. Who knows? Do you have times when you don't seem to look right, when you look in the mirror? This happened to me over the weekend—my makeup didn't look right, my hair felt like it looked terrible, I hated what I had on—you get the gist. I don't know if all of that was true or if it was just me being weird. I'm just thinking out loud here. Surely I'm not the only one who experiences this?


I know this is going to sound strange, but I am loving being at home right now. I have a very predictable life that is easy and comfortable. I go to the grocery store, I leave to get my nails done, I go to church, I come home, I occasionally go out to lunch or dinner with a girlfriend, I enjoy takeout from our favorite sushi place with my husband...I like to be at home. That being said, after a week of that last week, I also loved getting out of the house on Saturday with Mom and my sister Trish.

It felt good until we all got way too hot and had to call it quits. It felt like it was over a hundred degrees out!


I have already started picking out my fall colored clothes and put aside the ones that are more summery. I stay away from brighter colors once September comes. 

And I do the same with my nail colors. This was me yesterday after I came home from getting them done.


Oh, I'll keep posting about my dogs and how cute they are (minus Callie in this picture below)...

...and once fall is officially here, I'll share some pictures of my newly decorated fall home.

Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. ❤


  1. Fall decorations!!!! They make me so happy - I need to pull mine out this weekend!!!
    your home looks like mine with all the dog beds.
    Give me dark nail colors all fall long - I've already got my first set on.

  2. Your decor is so cute! I love fall colors when it comes to everything as well!

  3. "Loving being home!" Isn't it great!? And what fun with all those pups to keep you company. I'm sure they are loving you be home just as much!! Off to get my pumpkins out of their bins!:)

  4. Very cute decorations! I'll definitely have the house all decorated by the end of the month but haven't started putting everything out yet. I have pulled a few fall pieces of clothing out already and just bought two new cardigans.

  5. They make me happy too, Rebecca Jo! And yes, my home is COMPLETELY overrun with dogs, dog beds and dog toys. This puppy drags everything all over the house!

  6. Bri- thank you! It's such a good time of year... I feel like the best version of myself. Ha!

  7. Jennifer- YES! I feel so very fortunate. I know it's not for everyone, but I'm so glad I've been able to be at home for all these years. And yay! Happy decorating to you! What a happy day.

  8. Joanne- thank you! That sounds delightful! I love a good cardigan. I would love a new one as well, maybe in a pretty fall color. I hope your week has been good so far!

  9. My nail color also represents the season. Its such a fun little thing to change up. And isn't it great that you are feeling happy at home after so many lockdowns and restrictions? I feel similar and it always makes me thankful that I do not need to have thee urge to be out and about and feel restless.

  10. I got my fall chrysanthemums yesterday and every time I step outside they make me happy!


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