Monday, April 25, 2022

weekending/Hello Monday


Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for this blog post. 

How was your weekend? Mine was really good. Our weather was nice and warm and it was the perfect chance to be outside. I noticed our sons enjoyed all the sunshine and warmth and spent their time over the weekend cleaning their vehicles and taking their trucks off-roading, which led them back here to clean them once again. Ha! It's an endless cycle.

They love going down to this area where a river is to do this. They call this area the bottoms.

I started off my weekend with my dad, as usual. It was so good to see him and we love getting our weekend started together in that way. I made us lunch here that day and we enjoyed coffee afterward as we tried to solve all the problems of the world.

(I liked my outfit on Friday and yes, I did sneak that picture of Dad while we were chatting.) That night Todd worked, and the boys were all in and out. I watched the first Downton Abbey movie and part of an episode of the show Julia on HBO Max. I woke up early Saturday and finished the show and thought it was good. I loved the movie Julie & Julia, and this show picks up where that movie left off, when Julia and her diplomat husband moved back to the U.S. after living abroad.

I spent part of that morning finally putting the tabs into my Bible that my mom in love gave me as part of my birthday gift.

Aren't they cute? I love them. They were an Amazon find and the brand is called Diversebee. It took me about 45 minutes to do this, because I was being precise and careful. I love how they turned out. I went out for a while with my mom and sister Trish, and we had lunch and then went to our favorite little antique store. It's about 40 minutes away from my house in Bartlett, and it's called Southern Vintage. The store is sectioned off into booths, and each booth is decorated by the seller. 

This is always my favorite booth! I love everything about how it's decorated and all the things they have for sale. You can find antique Tupperware or crystal dishes, hand bags, perfume bottles with fragrance still inside, books, records, you name it, it's there. I came away with a wooden sign that reminds me of a trip we took on a family mission trip a few years ago, and a set of plans for the Collierville Reserve. I spent a grand total of $15. 

That night I met my in-love's for dinner at my favorite local taco truck, Tacos-N-Ganas, and went back to their house for a visit. (Todd was working again.) I came home and was in bed by nine thirty. I spent yesterday at church and it was a great day of worship. I got to help lead worship that morning, then I stayed and helped decorate for a going away party we had after rehearsal that night. I came back home and ate something substantial (aside from the small plate of desserts I'd consumed at the party), put on pajamas and started re-watching Downton Abbey. 

My plans for today consist of putting the house back into order from the weekend and Bible study homework. Monday's are always one of my favorite days for that very reason—getting the house all clean once again. How was your weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. 


  1. Glad you had a nice weekend! It sounds relaxing and very enjoyable, spending time with your family and church family.Those tabs are really pretty! We had great weather, here, too and spent time outside (and had to turn on the AC as it got to 79 degrees inside the house- that is a tad too warm even for me!). Have a wonderful Monday, friend!

  2. Thanks Maria, I'm glad you had that same beautiful weather. Hopefully yours was good too! I hope you have a great day!

  3. So glad you had beautiful weather- still waiting for true warmth to arrive here in New England! Sounds like a perfect little weekend :)

  4. Looks like the boys have so much fun with the mud and trucks! I had the movie Julia and Julia in my blog post today too...ha, ha! Hope you have a good week!

  5. My son and I are really enjoying Julia too! We've been Googling more about Julia Child as we watch and have learned so much about her.

  6. What a wonderful weekend! Busy, but not too busy. We had a pretty good one too. Hope your day is great

  7. So tell me more about those tabs - do they feel sturdy? I see them on bibles & they are SOOO cute but I'm afraid they'll look rough in a few months / years.

  8. I LOVE Downton. And also those bible tabs. So cute! Visiting you from the Hello Monday link up.

  9. Thanks, Holly! I know you're ready for some of that nice warm weather. I love your area of the country and would love to experience the fall that you get to see each year. We have barely any of that here in Tennessee. I hope your weekend was good as well!

  10. Tanya- boys and their toys! It's all I think of when I catch wind of what they're doing. That is so funny that you also mentioned that today on your blog. What are the chances?! I kept hearing great things about the show, so I decided to try it, especially because that's one of my favorite movies. I hope you had a great day!

  11. Joanne, that's so great! I'm interested in reading some books about her. I'd checked a couple out, but never got to them before they were due back.

  12. Thank you, Cathy! I am glad to hear yours was good too! I hope you had a nice day, my friend.

  13. Rebecca Jo, as cute as they are, they do feel pretty flimsy. It's not much of an issue for me since I replace my Bibles pretty often. They feel like cardstock. I'll keep you posted on how they hold up, but they're not very expensive.

  14. Hey Lauren! Thank you for stopping by my blog! I cannot describe how much I loved that show. I see myself re-watching it for years to come. I do that with my favorite shows! I hope you had a great day!


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Friday Favorites, 2.7.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! How was your week? I hope that you can say that it was a good one. Mine was pretty great and it went by really fast...