Tuesday, August 9, 2022

What's for dinner?


Happy Tuesday, friends! I keep finding myself in a dinner rut...so I'd love to hear what you're eating this week. I recommended this kind of post to Amy yesterday, because I think we all struggle in this area. 

I had a dental appointment yesterday morning, then I also needed to make a grocery store run, so last night was an easy dinner night. We had chicken Caesar salad from Costco and some shrimp salad on naan bread, both from the deli section of the store. Have I mentioned lately how much I love Costco? I had to go there for several bigger item things and rather than go to two different stores, I just made it my grocery trip for the week. It was a very expensive trip, though, which always stings. Speaking of going to the store and asking the people in our house about what they'd like for dinner, this is always their answer.

It's so hard to consistently come up with meals! I digress.

Tonight the plan is to have hamburgers. Todd and I will eat ours with lettuce, but I'll have buns and cheese slices for the boys. When we eat it without the buns, we use lettuce, tomato, onion (if I have some) and hamburger pickles. It's really good dipped in some kind of sauce, but I'll probably use a little bit of ketchup and mustard mixture. I will eat mine with baked Lays that I bought from Costco yesterday. 

Wednesday nights are tricky now, with it being church night, so if we don't go to the picnic they're having there tomorrow night, we'll most likely eat leftovers here. I love that our church has a picnic a couple of times a year. It's either free or very inexpensive, I can't remember because it's been a while. I know this is going to sound weird, but I can't eat anything heavy before choir rehearsal. It's hard to sing on a full stomach! Last week I snacked at four and had dinner afterward with Missy. I may have more shrimp salad and naan bread this night.

Thursday night's dinner is coming from a local catering spot in our town, right off the square. I ordered two chicken jalapeno popper bakes. It looked as delicious as it sounded to me when they shared this week's menu on social media, so I promptly ordered two.

My mouth just watered! We love jalapeno poppers, so hopefully this will be as wonderful as I think. It said "keto friendly" on their social media post. But look at their adorable storefront.

I borrowed both of these images from their Facebook page. Their full name is Simply Done Catering and Events and each week they post several menu items to be made and picked up the following week. They put the menu out on Thursdays and pickup is the following Wednesday. All you do is drive up, call them, pay with cash or Venmo and they bring it right out to your car. I'm pretty excited about dinner on this night. I'll update you on Friday with how it was. I ordered two bakes, because one only feeds 2 or 3 people. 

Hopefully I'll have lots of leftovers for my weekend, which is always my favorite thing...or for lunch on Thursday with Dad. We're hanging out on Thursday of this week, because I had made plans on Friday that conflicted with our day together. It's your turn! What are you having for dinner now that school is back in session, or almost back in session? I'd love to hear from each one of you and be inspired. I've gotten ideas from several of you who have shared! Thanks for your feedback and thank you for always reading my blog! I am so thankful for all of you. Love to all! 


  1. Aw, thanks for the mention. Maybe my post today will start the ball rolling because I am talking about making certain things more automatic or routine.
    My mouth is watering over that popper bake. And, the storefront is adorable! That could be one thing where you just say I'm going to do this once a week or every other week. I am feeling the entree salads with the heat right now. And, you know I'm bowl obsessed. Asian or chicken teriyaki bowl, buffalo chicken bowl, fajita or burrito bowl, BBQ bowl, BLTS and side salad, soup and sandiwch, clean out fridge night, breakfast for dinner night. I would say to make a list and post it and then rotate through. I am so stumped if I don't have a list. It's weird.
    I wouldn't be able to sing on a full stomach either. Heck, I can't sing well on an empty one.
    Blessings to you today!

  2. Amy, right?! I have really high hopes for this, so I hope it's good! That's a great idea and I don't know why I've never written it down before. I do go through meal planning phases, but I've never made it like a calendar...if I treat it kind of like I treat this blog, I imagine it would be so much easier. I do see myself ordering once every two weeks or so from Simply Done.

    You made me laugh. I hope you have a great day!

  3. The popper bake looks really good! I don't change much regarding what we have for dinners during the summer versus when school starts. The main seasonal thing I do differently is to have soup more when the weather ceases to be hot regularly. I make a lot of copy cat recipes; when we eat at restaurants and I try something I like, I go online to try to find recipes that duplicate the dish. Last night I made copy cat Chipotle chicken. It's definitely not an exact replica but it's good and healthy and easy to do so it's in the rotation. I hope you have a great Tuesday, friend!

  4. Maria, doesn't it?! I definitely make heartier meals when the weather is no longer so hot. I love soup weather! That's a great idea to do copycat recipes! I once had a copycat recipe for Chili's queso dip. It was so good! I hope you have a great day too! ❤️

  5. Ah, I need a Simply Done in my neighborhood!! Not only for the deliciousness but just for the cuteness!! Could that be any easier? I hope you enjoy it...and I hope you make it to the picnic. Are you expecting a break in the weather soon? I think we are either tomorrow or Thursday. It will feel great!!

  6. Jennifer, right? I can't wait to try it for dinner! I haven't decided on the picnic yet...I'll probably see what my husband does and go from there. It rained here today, which cooled it off tremendously, so YAY!


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