Thursday, December 22, 2022

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! It's crazy to think that we're down to the last two weeks of the year. I said this last week, but I do plan on posting tomorrow and all of next week. I'll be home, none of us are traveling, so I have the time. Plus, I have ideas for posts next week, some of which are really fun. You should check back everyday! 

I'll jump in with Rebecca Jo and this week's list of things I am thankful for.

I am thankful for our pets! I honestly think we would be miserable people if we didn't have our dogs to keep us entertained. Pictured are Crash (10 years), Chip (5 years) and Oakley (the black one that belongs to my son Graham who is 1 year). Yesterday's post mentioned our German Shephard Callie, who is seven years old. And yes, we have four dogs in our house. Three are ours and Oakley is Graham's. Before all of these dogs was the greatest of all pups, Andy the Wonder Dog. 




And just for fun, Chip when he was tiny puppy.

I did not grow up with dogs in the house. We had a dog, but he lived outside. I did grow up with cats, both inside and outside of the house. Todd grew up with dogs in his house and was determined that he was going to talk me into agreeing to the same for our own sons. I'll never forget how this came to be—Todd talked me into getting a dog while we were at church on a Wednesday night. Not only did we get "a dog", but a giant dog that weighed in at a whopping 130lbs, give or take a few. Andy was a gentle giant that I nicknamed Andy the Wonder Dog. 

This picture was taken in the summer of 2012. This is our oldest son Graham driving a Jeep on his own with Todd's friend riding shotgun and Andy in the backseat. I would guess that Graham was six or seven in this picture. Todd's friend lived on a farm, so he was driving across open pastures. Well, pastures dotted with cows. 

Andy came to us when he was three years old, the same age that Jonah and Noah were at that time. I'll always remember this because of that fact. He was three and came to us as a perfect dog—already house broken, NOT A PUPPY, mild mannered, gentle, friendly and perfect. 😉 We had him until May of 2012 when he died from something similar to Alzheimer's disease that people have. That's not what they called it for him, but his brain stopped sending signals to his body to tell it to do things like eat and use the bathroom. He was such a good boy! It took me years before I could talk about him without crying. He was our first family dog, and then came Crash. He was already named that when we got him, if that tells you anything...I won't get into it, but if you want to read an old and really funny blog post from those days, you should go read this post that I titled, My Life is a Comedy

What I said in that old post became true and Crash finally settled down into an excellent old man of a dog. Just tonight he and I spent some more quality time together driving around to look at Christmas lights. I had to run to my best friend's house to drop off something, so I took that opportunity to ride around with him again. In case you didn't read yesterday's post, we have now done that for two nights in a row.

This is the street we love the most that we've seen so far. I remember hearing they did this last year, but the whole street, which is about a half mile long, strung lights over the road and every single house put out decorations. Isn't that amazing? Last night when I drove down it again, the homeowners were outside dressed up as Christmas movie characters and handing out candy canes. They tried to talk me into stopping to let Crash hang out with them. He probably would have loved that!

So, I said all of this to say one thing—I am thankful we have pets to help us enjoy our life. Now that the boys are grown and our house has grown quiet, we cherish the joy and laughter they bring us. For instance, did you know that dogs know how to tippy toe? Both Crash and Chip tippy toe around the house when they're in trouble. I promise you that this is a true statement and my stepdad Bill can attest to the fact. 

I'm thankful for lots of other things as well, but since I've made this post about #allthedogs, I decided to keep the focus of this on them. They're worth it and deserve the attention. Todd and I often joke that we like dogs way more than most people. 🤣 What about you? What's something you're thankful for this week? I'd love to hear your answer for this! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!

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  1. Your dogs are so cute! I'm glad they've brought and bring you joy. I grew up with dogs but never pined for one as an adult. My husband didn't grow up with a dog and has no desire for one. We have been in complete agreement on not owning a dog. We love the concept but not the care and hair aspect of a dog! We love seeing our friends' and family members' dogs and being a part of the dogs lives through them ;).

  2. Thanks, Maria! I totally get and understand not wanting one because of care and their hair...that is why it took me SO LONG to get on board with the idea, but if my husband is only one thing, it's that he is persistent. I finally relented...and I'm so glad I did. I question my decision everyday of my life as I clean countertops (I have to clean before I cook, because I am weird), dust and vacuum for the second time that day. 🤣 I question it...and then I remember how they make us laugh so much.

    It's great that you have friends with dogs that you get to enjoy!

  3. Funny thing. My first thankful thing on my list was our dog, Lucy. I promise, I wrote my post last night and did not copy off you! lol

    Seriously, I love your thoughts and pictures of your dogs and I went back and read about Crash. Puppies are crazy and full of so much energy. Our Lucy is 9 years old, but still acts like a pup. Dogs are the greatest. I also love it that your dogs like to look at the lights. Unfortunately, Lucy doesn't ride well in the van, so she doesn't get to go look at lights with us.

    Have a great and thanks for continuing with Thankful Thursday.

  4. Awww your dogs are beautiful- thanks for sharing! Thank you for reminding me to be very thankful for my Remi too :)

  5. Cathy, that is so funny that we both shared about our pets! What are the chances? Our Crash is ten- he LOVES to ride in the car! We also have one that gets car sick, so we leave her at home. Thanks for linking up today, my friend!

  6. Pets are such a gift and one that we often do not deserve!

  7. We love dogs! I got a dog named Celie when I was still single, and she was just the best dog through the beginning of marriage and little kids era. Then Rosie, and now Albie. We are very tempted to get a second dog, but I'm trying to resist!

  8. Crystal, you are so right! There is nothing quite like the friendship, loyalty and love of a dog! ❤️

  9. Tanya, I get it! I will say this, though- we have found that a companion for older dogs livens them up and gives them joy. It may even add some length to their lives!


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