Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! Rebecca Jo and I would love for you to join us for this week's installment of Thankful Thursday. Link back to us and leave some comment love on the other blogs! 

I am thankful for days of sunshine in between days of rain. I miss the sunshine when it's not out this time of year! I am also thankful that it was nice when we had our fire drill yesterday. Today it's raining and getting colder again. 

I am thankful for a great night of sleep. I haven't been getting that lately and I miss it so much! I feel like it's something I take for granted and don't realize it until I'm in a streak of not sleeping well at night.

I am thankful for things to look forward to!

I am thankful that Monday is a school holiday. It'll be so nice to be able to lounge around the house all day. I can't wait! 

I am thankful that I don't have young kids. I'm not sure I would be able to work full time with young kids around. I know that people do what they have to do, but I'd be much grumpier, I'm sure. As it is, I love that mine are older and basically on their own. It's nice to not worry too much about a bunch of things to do after school lets out. My co-workers have school aged kids who are busy after school, and I have the most respect for them and what they do! 

I am thoughtful for kind gestures. My friend at work brought me a bag of carrot chips when I mentioned how much I love them and how I can't ever find them where I shop. Isn't that the sweetest? 

I'm so thankful for caring and loving words from my family. It means the world that they ask me and genuinely care how work is going. I love knowing they care about what I do and take the time to ask and learn about my job. 

Your turn! Tell me something you're thankful for this week! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

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  1. I know what you mean about working with young kids. I don't know how those mama's do it. Have a great Thursday!

  2. I love the way you have shared your thankfulness. I haven't been sleeping well either and would be truly grateful to be able to put my head on my pillow and go to sleep like my husband does every night.

  3. Tanya, I know, right? I don't either! It makes me pray for them more diligently.

  4. Thank you, Marti! It makes me realize how little I appreciate great sleep when I have consecutive nights in a row of not sleeping. I am so glad that last night I finally had a great night of sleep. I'll be praying you're able to get some rest. It's hard on our bodies to keep going without!

  5. How sweet of your friend to bring you carrot chips! I'd honestly never heard of them. Love your other thankfuls too.

  6. Astrid, it really was the sweetest! I love them because they're thinner. Thanks for that!


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