Saturday, June 24, 2023

share 4 somethings- the June edition


Happy Saturday, friends! Welcome to the June edition of Share 4 Somethings, where we talk about what we loved, learned, read, and ate this month. I'm so glad you're here! Just a reminder—make sure to visit the other participating blogs and leave some comment love for them. Happy reading!

I have loved the lazy days of summer! I cannot get over how luxurious it feels to stay home again, and maybe I'll tire of it eventually, but for now, I am here for it. I have not been bored yet, and I worked for about 30 hours last week, so I have been plenty busy. 

I have loved swimming twice a week with my mom-in-love, and I've loved getting darker. I've loved all the extra time I've spent reading beachy books, and taking things easy in this time of year. I've loved the time spent outdoors while we do yard things, I've loved having a break from choir practice each week in June, I've loved wearing all the bright colors. I've loved all the fresh fruits and veggies, too, which has always been such a great thing about summer. Did you read other blog posts about summer this week? I loved all of those too! 

And I have loved (for the past two years) seeing Noah's very bright car parked on our street. He's getting a different car this weekend, and he'll be back to boring silver for a while before he wraps it again, but you should see his next color choice! I highly approve.

I will miss seeing him drive this! It's a beautiful wrap that has an iridescent look to it in certain lighting. His car is the same make and model, and one year newer. He's actually trading someone outright today, at least that is the hope. I'll be anxious when they come home later today! Todd and Jonah went with him to make sure the man isn't a Craigslist killer. 

In June, I learned (again) how much I love the editing process. I can usually very easily spot mistakes while I'm doing that, and I love the challenge of rearranging words to make for a better read. I've also learned so many details about the world of publishing, since we are self-publishing this Bible study. There are so many details to remember! My friend Amy has been a champ at this as we've walked through it all together. You should see my notes—it's notes upon notes!

I read some great books in June, and I'm still reading! I can't wait to share about the books I read this month on Friday, June 30th. You should definitely come back then to check them out! Here's a book I read and loved, though.

In June, I ate some great things! Todd and I have been an avocado kick and each have one with dinner almost every night. He is the designated avocado-picker, though. He picks great ones, now that I taught him what to look for in one.

I ate Mexican food, both in restaurants and what I made at home (fajitas!), I ate this delicious TikTok casserole with shredded chicken, squash, zucchini, tomatoes, and Olive Garden Italian salad dressing, and just this week I ate this delicious tomato sandwich for dinner. I love the summer fruits and veggies that are so abundant right now, and I've been picking fruit to eat each day as well. 

It's your turn to share and link up! I'm excited to read all of the posts over the next few days. I am always glad you're here to join us! I will be at the beach next week (Monday-Friday), but I will still be here posting each day. I hope you come back and visit! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!

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  1. I am jealous of your summer - it's freezing ehre. I'm just getting another jacket to go out in...The food looks great and the blue car is very snazzy indeed!

  2. All your foods look so good and healthy!

  3. I really like adding avocado to a salad. I like how it adds a creamy texture. I made the best salad with the Cheese Gal recipe with spring mix, carrots, grape tomatoes (from the farmer's market), cucumbers, hard boiled egg, and avocado. Yum! I have not been making avocado toast much this summer. I think I overdid it in the spring. That casserole looks really good!

  4. I hope your son's car buying experience is a good one. We bought our convertible sight unseen. It turned out to be a good buy but it was kind of scary to do. Lazy days of summer are the best especially after working so hard during the school year. I subbed less this year than I did the previous two but it's still nice to know that I can't work right now (in school anyway) even if I wanted to if that makes sense. Have a great time at the beach!

  5. Summer is my favorite season, so I relate to the joys you mention. And editing words is one of my favorite things to do too. It comes easier to me than actually writing the first draft. lol. Enjoy your time at the beach! We went in May and it was perfect.

  6. It sounds like you are having a great summer. Lots of books and lots of good fruit and veggies. Who has time to be bored? lol Hope you have a great weekend.

  7. i want to go swimming with you! that pool looks glorious.

  8. Lydia- where do you live? I have another blogging friend who lives in New England, and she has said the same about the weather where she is. I'll be jealous of you before long, though- just tomorrow, our heat index is going up to 107! That's a little too hot for my taste. 🤣

  9. Amy, that salad sounds amazing! I'm not a huge fan of avocado in a salad, for some reason. I think it makes me taste it less, and I love the flavor of a deliciously ripe one. We had a yummy salad for dinner one night for dinner this week. It was so good!

  10. Maria, I am really going to miss seeing his car out front! I have loved the color he chose for it, and he has too. I'm excited for him, though, and I hope his experience is as good as yours was for your family. My husband is with him today, which I'm glad for. That does make perfect sense! I hope you've enjoyed your time off so far.

  11. Thank you, Lisa! That makes sense about editing being easier than a first draft, and I wholeheartedly agree with you. Thanks for that, I'm excited to get there. The weather is supposed to be great! I'm hoping it stays that way.

  12. Thank you so much, Cathy! And you are so right about that!

  13. Linda, I wish you could! It's so wonderful to have a place so beautiful to swim. I don't take it for granted!

  14. Love the slower pace of summer too, Jennifer! Sounds like you're off to a good start. UGH, I don't know anyone who actually loves editing, you're the first. It's probably my least favorite thing to do about writing!

    But I DO love Mexican food, and don't get to eat it too often because my husband does not! That casserole looks amazing!

  15. Sun with fresh fruit and vegetables is a great combination, Jennifer! I hope you have a great time at the beach next week! I'm looking forward to the future release of your Bible study, so keep us posted.

  16. I love editing too, Jennifer! I also loved reading all the other things you're loving now ... so much to be joyful about! Avocados are my favorite ... what did you tell your husband to look for when picking one out? (I need similar help.)

  17. Donna, it's funny that we feel so different about editing! I would be so sad if my husband didn't love Mexican food. It's my definite go-to for a quick and easy meal, both that I make and that I want in a restaurant. I am sure you take advantage of the times you get to eat it!

  18. Thanks, Lisa! I will share about it here when it gets closer to time. It should be ready to order by our next Share 4 Somethings date.

  19. Thanks, Lois! I agree, there is so much to be thankful for. So on avocados, not only does the color matter - darker means it's more ripe - you need to feel of it. If it's hard, it won't be ready to eat for days. You should be able to squeeze it and feel some give...the softer it is, the more ready it is to eat as soon as possible. We have been going through them here like crazy!

  20. The avocados looked perfect and all the food looks delicious!

    Enjoy your beach trip!

  21. Your summery relaxing by the pool looks just glorious! So many things to love! Sounds like your summer is off to a great start, and I hope it keeps getting better!

  22. I love summer. LOVE. Can you share the TicTok casserole?? We have an abundance of squash in our garden this year!! I love roasting and grilling it.
    Enjoy the beach - one of my favorite places to visit.

  23. Jennifer, what a great month! Thank you bunches for hosting this amazing group of friends.

  24. Oh, that pool looks so inviting! And I love the blue color on the car. This is such a fun idea with the 4 things, glad to join in once again. Hope you have an even more wonderful July!

  25. I am SO late to the party this month, but I made it!! I LOVE the pool pictures and I will try not to be jealous...I haven't been to a pool yet! I love the color of the car and would miss it as well. I am glad you are having a relaxing summer! I hope it continues to be that way. Happy Independence day tomorrow!


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Wednesday Hodgepodge

  Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with  Joyce over at From This Side of the Pond  for today's post. I'll jump right in!...