Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Currently, July 2023


Happy Wednesday, friends! We're talking about what we're currently loving, savoring, celebrating, remembering, and trying this month. I can't wait to read your posts! Just a reminder: link back here and don't forget to leave some comment love when you visit the other participating bloggers. 

I am currently loving this week! I love all the great food that we eat, I love seeing all the beautiful fireworks, Our town is known for their incredible fireworks show each year, and we have the biggest, best, and longest show in our county. I love that we can sit on the sidewalk in front of our house and watch them between the trees and the roofs. They're shot off from a park that's right across the street from where we live. I love where we live and how centrally located we are! 

I am loving that it's Christmas in July on the Hallmark channel, too, and have been watching movies all weekend. I don't know what it is about this that I so love, but maybe it's the fact that it feels like a thousand degrees outside and seeing the fake snow makes me feel cooler? Whatever it may be, I am here for this all month long!

I am currently savoring puppy cuddles with Chloe.

She's so cute! I am not a fan of the puppy training phase, though. I get really impatient and aggravated, so I'll be glad when she's a bit older. It always takes a couple of months to get them used to the lay of the land when we bring a new dog into our home. 

Also, even though it's hot, I am savoring the lazy days of summer. By the end of July, I'm usually ready for cool weather again, but for now I am trying to savor all these moments. 

I am currently celebrating my husband! He broke the 200 pound mark this week and is now under that number! I am so proud of him. 

I love that he has a newfound confidence and that he feels good about himself again. He's always been so handsome to me, no matter his size, but I love seeing him like this and the fact that he no longer minds seeing himself in pictures. 

I am  currently remembering this advice my best friend shared on social media last week. 🤣 

And I'm remembering what our house used to look like before our big remodel a few years ago. The difference is still amazing to me! This was before we had the flower beds done, but you get the gist.

I am currently trying to motivate myself to start walking everyday. I started this yesterday and listened to a podcast while I used the treadmill. I woke up feeling better, so I was ready to try. I'll take anything as progress! 

I am so glad all of you linked up with us this month! I can't wait to read all of your posts. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all.

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  1. Congrats to your husband! We saw some pretty impressive fireworks over the weekend and I was telling my boys how I used to be able to watch them from the front yard of the house I grew up in (I think the mature trees would block them now though).

  2. Your town sounds like an awesome place to live! The way you describe it I imagine that it might be like Stars Hollow on Gilmore Girls. Congratulations to your husband, that's an amazing achievement. Chloe the puppy looks very cute but it must be tricky in those early days. Keep enjoying your warm sunny summer and don't be like me and forget to drink water! 😊

  3. wonderful on the walking! I am trying to figure out gym or walking and when to do each. I want to do both. Nothing has been routine lately so I need to get there.
    Congrats to your hubby!
    Your house looks so good and love that you don't have to leave for the fireworks!

  4. I haven't watched Hallmark Christmas movies this month but I did pick up my first Agatha Christie book and it was set right around Christmas time which I thought was cool- Christmas in July (now there was a murder which is obviously not as "cozy" as a romance, lol but it was still a good read). Your hubby looks great! We can see city fireworks from our house as well which is cool. We actually didn't watch them last night but we heard them! Have a great Wednesday!

  5. Congrats to your hubby- such an amazing accomplishment! The fireworks sound incredible too- glad you are savoring your summer days :)

  6. I love your house! The new paint made a huge difference, but the style is still great in both pics. And congrats to your husband! It's so hard losing weight, although it seems a lot easier for men. And I'm not an exerciser, but I do feel better when I make myself do it.

    Hope you had a great 4th of July!

  7. Chloe is so adorable in all those pictures. Congrats to your hubby. I may have to try a Christmas movie today. Hubby and I have been enjoying the Hallmark Mystery Movies lately. Have a great day.

  8. Thanks, Joanne! How cool that you had that same experience with fireworks from your house growing up. I love that we have that here! I love a great fireworks show. Nothing says summer like fireworks!

  9. Ruth, it really is similar to that Stars Hollow feel! I love it here and that it feels small, even if it's not quite as small as I'd like it to be. I've written about it before, I will share those again someday. I had a series on my blog for a while called "Around town" and if you ever want to, you can search for that in the search bar on the top left. I will drink water, I assure you! I did much better yesterday. Thanks, friend!

  10. Thanks, Amy! I felt so good afterward! I listened to Scamanda as I walked, so I'll do the same thing today, with episode 2. It really did make the time go by quickly. I know how it goes when you can't find your routine! I know you'll get there, though. I hope to do the same! I'm already trying to plan when I'm going to walk today. It may be later in the day.

  11. Thanks, Maria! Your book sounds delightful- which one was it? I'd love to know! I love Agatha Christie. We'll be listening to fireworks put us to sleep for days to come!

  12. Thanks, Holly! I am trying my best! I feel like it'll be gone before we know it.

  13. Congrats to your husband. Your puppy is just the cutest. I hope you had a nice 4th of July. Enjoy the rest of the week and weekend.

  14. Thanks, Debbie! I actually loved it the old way as well, but it's so much better now that it's new. We had vinyl siding put on over the siding that was there- Masonite siding? A lot of it had rotted, so they replaced those pieces with wood, then sided over the old. It's doubly insulated! We also replaced all the windows on the house, had new piping put in from the street to the house (we had tons of pinhole leaks), and my stepdad and sons built the roof-like awning over the front porch.

    I think you're right about men versus women losing weight. I did have a great 4th, I hope you and your family did as well!

  15. Thanks, Cathy! You should try one- they're so good!

  16. Thanks, Julie! I hope you do the same. I'm so glad you linked up here today!

  17. Well my timing was perfect to read this....I had just turned on a Christmas movie! Although, I realized this is one on Great American Family Channel. They are showing Christmas movies too. I am trying to go back and find some I haven't seen before. Yes, I am ready for some cooler temperatures by July too!

  18. Marilyn, how funny! I've been turning them on in the mornings as well. You and me both! I think it's too hot to swim this week, if that makes sense. I know the water will be too warm. I'll resume next week, hopefully.

  19. That's awesome that you can watch the fireworks from your lawn! Those pictures of the fireworks are beautiful!! Christmas in July?! How did I not know this? My TV will now be parked on the Hallmark channel! Thanks for sharing! Chloe is such a beautiful pup! So sweet! Congrats to your husband! What an accomplishment! The fact that he feels better is the most important! I love the update to your home. It's gorgeous!

  20. I absolutely can't walk without an audiobook or podcast. It makes the time go by so much faster! Congrats to your husband! Thanks for the fun link up...I forgot but just got a post done. :)

  21. Wow, your husband's progress is amazing! I love your Hallmark schedule printable. Did you design it or find it online somewhere? I've been searching everywhere.

  22. Thanks, Crystal! I love that we can see fireworks from our house. It's the perfect location! It took us many years to work our way to the point that we're at with our house now, but it was well worth the wait. We'll be celebrating 20 years in this house in November! It's hard to believe. I feel like I need to rent a dumpster and celebrate by purging most of the junk we have stored in closets and the attic. 🤣 I am always happy to enlighten about Christmas in July movies on Hallmark! Thanks for joining us today!

  23. Tanya, it helped tremendously! Was it you that gave me that advice? I feel like it may have been. I'm so glad you joined us today!

  24. Thanks, Pamela! I follow the Hallmark channel on Instagram, so I got it from their page. I just cropped it to neaten it up, but I always appreciate a schedule. I love these movies!

  25. I love fireworks on the 4th of july. I can't imagine not seeing fireworks on the 4th...last year we were in Mexico, and we still caught a few in the distance! Chloe is too cute. Congrats to your husband!! I love the before/after pics of your home. The gray is so pretty!

  26. Jen, I feel the same! Thank you for that!

  27. We got to watch our town's fireworks from the church property this year, and it was so good! It was very nice to not have to drive a long way and fight for a parking spot so that we could walk a long way in order to see fireworks. That said, I still miss being back home and with our kids for the 4th. Congrats to your hubby, and best wishes to you as you establish the daily walking habit!

  28. Well, hello friend! I am finally back to blogging....and linking up with my friends! I have missed following along with all that is going on in your world - but I see there is a new puppy! My goodness, I sit here for an hour and read through your back posts. Not sure I actually have time for that but I do look forward to catching up soon. Hope you are doing well - and loving summer. It certainly looks like it! Have a wonderful weekend my friend!! Enjoy all the puppy snuggles!

  29. Thanks as always for hosting this link up! How cool that you can watch the fireworks from your front yard. Stay cool and enjoy the summer days, however you choose to spend them.

  30. Okay, as much as I am loving summer, I'm now tempted to find a Hallmark movie to watch, especially since it's not a great day to be outside today. Also, those fireworks are amazing! That's so cool that you get a great view right from your yard. And yes, I need to motivate myself to walk some more in this heat... Way to go you for getting out there. Thanks for hosting "Currently"; it's such a fun link up.

  31. Aw, puppy snuggles sound and look adorable. Congrats to your husband - I'm on my own fitness journey, and it really does make you feel better when you see results. :)

    Lauren @

  32. Puppy training is HARD. Right up there with having a newborn ha ha.

    We're doing gray siding on our house too right now. It's such a good color for the exterior.

    Thanks for hosting!


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