Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Currently, January 2024


Happy Wednesday, friends, and welcome to our first Currently link party of 2024! I'm excited you're back to join me for another year. Today we'll be sharing what we're currently loving, looking forward to, resolving, doing to stay cozy this month, and cooking. You'll notice throughout the year that I'll keep those first two prompts the same and will change up the other three. If you have any you'd like to add into the mix, feel free to share your thoughts with me in the comments! In February, we'll be sharing what we're currently loving, looking forward to, doing to be romantic, changing, and celebrating. I look forward to you being here with us each month! 


I am loving the newness of a month and a year. January is always one of my favorite times each year! I know I am in the minority on that feeling, but that's alright. It's no surprise to any of you by now why I love new starts; they remind me of God's mercies that are new every morning!

Great is His faithfulness! I also love the anticipation this month brings, because at any moment we could have a snow or ice day. I hope I'm never too old to enjoy those! I'm loving being a part of a work staff who prioritizes kingdom-related matters; we are reading a book together right now called The Gospel and Personal Evangelism by Mark Dever. Basically at this moment in time, I am loving life. 

Looking forward to:

I am looking forward to lots of things! I like to dream about places I want to go to each year, and I'm dreaming about my next trip to Colorado, somewhere I'd like to visit in the spring, a possible beach trip in the summer, and anywhere else the Lord allows me to go. I also look forward to simpler things: a day out with my mom and sister, a good book to read, a new movie to watch, time with our sons and their significant others, date nights with my husband, and time spent with best friends. All of these things are so good for my heart! 


I am resolving to not put a lot of stock into resolutions. I'm not big on making these, but because of circumstances in 2023, I just want to be more present and intentional with my time. You never know how quickly things can change, so I want to have more in-person visits, phone conversations, and opportunities to love on those that the Lord has placed in my life. I also want to be serious about being healthier again. I don't know how I didn't manage to put back on more weight after a month of treats, but I need to get the four pounds off again, plus more. I let myself be carefree in December, because I discovered that people bring tons of sweet treats to a church staff! 

Doing to stay cozy this month:

I am doing lots of things to stay cozy this month! Here's one way I like to stay warm.

My sister Debi gave these slippers to my other sisters and me back in 2020. They're so toasty and warm! I love them because they wash really well. Do you ever wash your shoes? This is something all of us do frequently because I feel like it extends the life of the shoe (slipper). Other things I do to stay cozy during this month are making hearty dinners, having a fire in the fireplace, wearing all of the fleece I have, and using blankets. I love this time of year! 


I am cooking all of the hearty and warming foods that I can! I am using my crock pot, I am cooking soups during the week, and we are eating comfort food that's healthy. One of our favorite dinners is taco soup. It's so delicious, healthy, and easy! I use 1 pound of browned taco meat, then I add one full box container of low sodium beef broth, two or three cans each of Rotel, corn, dark and light kidney beans, and black beans, and two packets of ranch seasoning. I let the broth come to a simmer, then I add the canned things and ranch seasoning. I let it simmer for 30 minutes, then we eat it with tortilla chips. (Also, I drain and rinse all of the beans, but I leave the juice in on the corn.) 

Thanks for reading my blog and for linking up with me today! I'll see you back here tomorrow. Love to all! 

P.s. Anyone else feel like this meme below? Just me? 

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  1. Love your looking forward to, I think half the fun of a trip is the planning. Your slippers look very cozy. What is taco meat? Is that ground beef cooked with a package of taco seasoning? Thanks for hosting Currently!

  2. Oh can't wait to follow along on your Colorado trip! We are loving all of the soups and cozy foods here too- one of the highlights of winter for sure :)

  3. Your upcoming trips sound fun! I love to have those to look forward to. Cooking hearty food has to be one of the best things about winter :). That and fireplaces and blankets and slippers!! Have a great Wednesday!

  4. I agree on all the things you wrote! I am also going to be trying to include more healthy foods. I do love cuties oranges, so that is one treat I will have on hand. I also plan to scour Slender Kitchen for those comfort foods and I love making a soup on Sunday.

  5. Thanks, Pamela! I love that part too, within reason. If it's too much, though, I get easily overwhelmed. I think if I were to take a big trip, we would use a travel agent. Yes! I'm sorry for not clarifying: it's one pound of ground beef with one package of taco seasoning. Typically, it's one package of seasoning per pound of meat. I forget that not everyone who reads lives in the U.S.!

  6. Holly, you are so right! I'm not planning a trip just yet, I'm just still in the dreaming phase. I'm waiting on Todd to have some surgery before I plan anything!

  7. Maria, I wholeheartedly agree! It's one of my favorite parts about this time of year. I hope you have a great day!

  8. I love that you want to be more intentional with your time - that is also something I need to work on. Building relationships with more phone calls and visits is also something I'm resolving to do this year. Thanks for hosting this link-up!

  9. Amy, I need to be better at making more recipes. I tend to just keep doing the same things that work for us; then again, if Todd likes those and never complains, why mess with a good thing? I think I'm the issue and get tired of the same things. He's great, though, and will eat anything I make each and every night. I love cooking for him!

  10. Thanks, Megan! Those are the ways that I got started in building relationships, so you're off to a great start just in recognizing those vital steps. I think texts are great too, for time saving, but I also love to hear someone's voice. I'm glad to host and thankful that you're linking up!

  11. Dara, I feel the same! Thanks for linking up!

  12. I have 2 pairs of Snoozies to keep my feet warm and love them and I can wash them too. Fuzzy blankets are a favorite of mine to stay warm. Yum for taco soup! Hope you have a great day!

  13. Love, Love, Love! I love all the cozy here, my friend. January is a relaxing month, and I am here for it! We may have a snow event this weekend! I am ready!

  14. Cathy, my fleece pajama pants are another way I stay cozy this month. I have them on now! I came home after work and changed, because I was FREEZING! Thanks, my friend!

  15. Billie Jo, I feel the same way about this month! It gets a bad rap, but I'm here for all the lazy and cozy I can get. That sounds promising! I love when it snows in the winter. We don't get it too often!

  16. I heard yesterday it is offically slow cooker month! We need a slow cooker recipe exchange on the blog world. I need to eat healthier, but I'm not off to a good start this year. I am going out to eat tonight and plan on eating taco soup!

  17. That's interesting to know, Marilyn! That's a great idea for a post this month. I feel you! I'm trying, but it's so tempting to keep eating the same since I did in December. The struggle is real!

  18. I'm going to try your taco soup. It sounds really good!!! And I just bought a pair of new slippers today because I am down to one pair and I need to wash them and I HATE being without slippers, especially this time of year!

  19. Thanks so much for hosting this fun link-up in 2024! I love reading all about the cozy winter things you guys do in the Northern Hemisphere. Winter sounds way more fun over there than over here so I will have to remember all the cozy tips for when it's your turn again.

  20. oops...I meant to say OUR turn.

  21. Those slippers look so cozy and wonderful! I don't put a lot of stock or emphasis on resolutions either but I'm always working to improve my eating/health and to make sure to try and really enjoy live, be a good person, etc. I don't need a "fresh start" to make better choices; I try to remember that each day is a new day to start again. :)

  22. I don't love the high expectations of January but I love the fresh start after the clutter of the holiday season is cleared away.

    Thanks for hosting!

  23. Kristin, I get that! I love the freshness of it as well. Thanks for linking up today!

  24. I love the newness of a new month...and a new year!! It feels fabulous:) Thanks for keeping the link-up party going. I always look forward to it! Hope you are having a great week, my friend!

  25. Natasha, you need some slippers! I don't like being without either. Thanks for linking up with us this month!

  26. Ruth, thanks for the kind words! I am glad to host again this year!

  27. Thanks, Joanne! I like what you said about needing a new year to do better. That's a great reminder!

  28. Jennifer, I feel the same! I'm so glad you joined us again this month. I love it, too!

  29. Love what you're looking forward to, and what you're resolving (without actually resolving! haha) to do. I've only got some vague plans for travel at the moment, but I am looking forward to those trips and to a few more that are still in the dreaming and hoping stage. Stay cozy and have a great year!

  30. Love that verse from Lamentations!

  31. That soup sounds delicious! I love soup weather! I agree with your resolutions on intentionality. Me too! I also love January because I love new beginnings, so you're not alone! I hope you have a wonderful month! Thanks so much for hosting this!

  32. That meme is very relatable! haha Taco soup is one of our faves too...I might just put that on the grocery list for next week.


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