Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I am so glad you're here today for the Thankful Thursday link up. I'll jump right in with some things fresh off the pages of my journal. This week, I'm thankful for: 

  • new beginnings
  • lunch with my friend Dedee
  • getting my teeth cleaned after lunch on Monday and getting a good report about my dental health
  • friends that work at our dentist; we've been going there for over twenty years and we love and know those people as well as we do some of our own family members
  • jeans weather
  • the amazing salad bar place that my friend introduced me to and the yummy one I made for myself
  • a slow week in the bookstore and the time to organize and clean out

  • my work bestie Mandy

When you show up matching, you need a picture! 

  • for the millionth time, a job that I love
  • my friend's son's successful surgery
  • new hobbies 
  • a great book and a funny TV show
  • beautiful weather and a pool to swim in this week
  • quality time with my people, whether in person, on the phone, or in a text or Snapchat 

I'll take any of those things any way I can get it! 

What are you thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all! 

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  1. We have been enjoying a fabulous but very busy week! Highlights included awards night, Alec and a few of his friends spent from 2 until nearly 10 last night decorating caps at our house and they were all so impressed with my Cricut and crafting supplies. It was so much fun! Evan and I have also been hiking a few times and we picked fresh strawberries... which I've already used to make homemade jam and will use to make fresh strawberry shortcake for father's day.

    1. Your week sounds like it's been great, especially last night when they were all over decorating their caps. I bet you felt like a rockstar when they saw your impressive equipment and witnessed all of your amazing abilities! Those are the most fun times ever!

  2. Cute picture of you and your friend. I love to match anybody!! The girls had forgotten about many of their matching outfits that I dressed them in when they were young girls but saw all the pictures for Alyssa´s grad party pictures. They didn´t think all of the outfits were too cute (though I liked them all). I was like, girls, to buy these they needed to be on a good sale and in both of your sizes. Those were my criteria! Anyway, I love matching! Sounds like you have some great things to be thankful for- so many blessings. Thanks for the link up. I wrote a post; could not remember if you did this every Thursday or not.

    1. Thanks! I used to dislike matching anyone, but now that my mom and I match all the time, I find it hilarious and I kind of love it and am proud to say that I look like her! It's funny what perspective does for someone, right? I read your post and already commented on it; thank you for joining in with me here today! I loved your post and had a good laugh over the antics of the criminal.

  3. Replies
    1. It has been! I'm so glad that yours has been good too!

  4. Love the pic of you and your work bestie- you ladies look fabulous! So much to be grateful for :)

    1. Thanks, Holly! Isn't that fun to show up matching unplanned??

  5. What wonderful reasons to be thankful!
    A good report at the dentists is always welcome and I love yours and your friends matching outfits.

    1. Thanks, Kim! You are right about that, my friend. I always feel the same and am grateful to have wonderful dental care twice a year!

  6. You and Mandy are so cute together!

  7. I went to the dentist and was also happy to have a clean report. I have been going to the same dentist for many years and feel like my hygienist is my bff. :)

    1. Yay for cleanings and good reports! I always used to have such anxiety over the dentist, but now that I know them all so well, that's no longer the case. My hubby has known our actual dentist Floyd since he was a little boy, and I think he may have babysat his son a time or a few. I know what you mean about your hygienist, we know so everything about each other and our families! That's such a blessing.


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