Tuesday, October 8, 2024

things that have surprised me


Happy Tuesday, friends! I'm linking up with Joanne for today's blog post. As I've been living my life lately, there are some things that have surprised me along the way, so I thought I'd talk about some of those things today. 

I no longer mind confrontation. It seems like my life has called for that a lot lately, and this no longer bothers me like it once used to. I have so much more to fret over, that this is one of the least of my concerns these days. 

I'm getting used to being the bug killer in my house. 

Let me tell you how my Sunday started: I went downstairs to let the dogs out and feed them at 6:30, and the first thing I noticed when I got to the kitchen was the spider cricket on the floor. Have you heard of one of these? Or seen one? If you've never seen one, be grateful, but they're exactly as their name depicts: giant crickets with spider legs so long that they can literally jump to the ceiling. Ask me how I know. I think I cussed and turned around in circles for a solid minute until finally having the thought to grab the fly swatter off the top of the fridge and putting it firmly on top of it until I squashed it. I prayed that the Lord would keep it still while I did all of this so it wouldn't jump on me, otherwise I'd have had a heart attack.

Have I mentioned how much I hate spiders? I found one on the ceiling last week, that was a little bigger than my taste, and I just sucked it up with the vacuum hose, but even that freaked me out. 

That's what I feel like every time I kill one! 🤣

Changing sides of the beds can seriously mess up your sleep. I did this over the weekend when I noticed my side of the mattress was getting an indention and the other side was not like that; I may have to switch back and just have Jonah help me turn the mattress. I don't think I can keep sleeping on a different side! Also, I think it's messed up my sleeping position and my body is aching from it. I don't even know if that's possible, but it's where I am right now. 

This happened to me at a doctor's appointment last week. I was stunned when this man chose the seat practically on top of me in a room with no less than 18 other chairs. I almost moved, but it seemed like a rude move, so I just sat there and sent this snapchat to my people. 🤣

When only two people live in the house, you don't have a lot of laundry or dishes to run through the dishwasher. You also don't produce a lot of trash. I don't know that I'll ever get used to this after raising a house full of boys and having their friends in and out nonstop. 

On that same house note, ours stays clean all the time with just Jonah and me. We have always been the cleanliest two in the family, and it rarely gets dirty. 

I don't mind going to bed with a dirty kitchen anymore. There are nights when the sink and the counters aren't cleaned off, and guess what? I do not care. It's freeing! 

My cooking has changed a lot, and I only cook once or twice a week. I have things that are quick for Jonah and me to eat, but it's something I've noticed since my life is so different right now. I made a big family dinner last night, and my heart was full to overflowing. My three Memphis guys came over, along with Zach, Drew's roommate and best friend. It was wonderful having so many people over for dinner! We had steak, tater tots, mushrooms, and chives and cheese focaccia. 

People have told me they're envious of my life right now and the freedom I have. That shocked me, because I would never wish for anyone to walk through what I've been going through since June. I mean, I am enjoying the freedom and I've mentioned that, but I expected that it would be more like me envying my married friends' lives, not the other way around. I don't say this to brag, I promise! It just surprised the daylights out of me. 

I'm shocked that I haven't been more sad at the death of my dad. I guess because I treasured all the times we spent together, and because I know without a shadow of a doubt that I'll see him again someday in Heaven. My pastor and I talked about this, and he experienced the same thing when his mom died. He did grieve a bit, yes, but he never mourned the loss of her. He shared that with me and told me that it sounded like I would be the same way. I'm still so thankful that Dad didn't suffer for long, and that his life was so full until it wasn't. Just his last month were hard, but a few weeks prior to him dying, we enjoyed a couple of road trips together on our Fridays. 

Do you want to participate in the monthly link party I host called The Cozy Chronicles? It's coming up this Saturday! In October we're talking all things Halloween and fall, and the cozy traditions and bucket list things we do each year. I'd love for you to join me! Here's a graphic if you want to use it, if not, no worries.

Is there anything that has surprised you lately? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!


  1. I think the same way every time I kill a bug here! I am surprised at how much still keeps happening. I feel like every day is a surprise, but I am also surprised at how I have kept going for so long. I can so relate to the dishes in the sink, not running the dishwasher, laundry and cooking. I hope the boys can come help you flip that mattress. I don't think I could switch. One of my best surprises has been meeting real life friends through this blogging community! Have a good day friend!

    1. That will never grow old, I'm afraid, this new phase of killing all the bugs. I had that same thought last week- I'm coming up on four months of living on my own without a husband. It's unreal! I did another surprising thing today, I finally figured out how to reset the internet router. Our power went out for a few hours last night, and I had to do that before I could be online this morning. I finally figured it out! I love what you said about meeting friends IRL through this community. That's the greatest blessing of all! Have a great day yourself, my friend.

  2. So many positive things! I loved reading this!

    1. Thanks! I had a good laugh over myself and the spider cricket on Sunday morning.

  3. Go you, killing the bugs! The sound of those spider crickets sounds terrifying. I always suck spiders up with the vacuum but them panicking about having to empty it! lol
    I am glad you are still getting to cook big family meals now and again.

    1. They're HORRIFYING! I almost had a heart attack when I saw it. I also panic about emptying the vacuum canister, and I even stuck my hand in there one day to pull something out that had clogged it and forgot about the dang spider. I almost died all over again! I don't know that I'll ever get over having to do this. 🤣 Thank you for that! I am too, and they even stayed and sat outside with me a lot last night. It was wonderful!

  4. I kill a lot of bugs here, too. I hate having flies in the house- one of the best things about cold weather here is knowing that no flies are going to make their way inside my house. I don´t mind spiders as much as those big house flies (to be clear, I don´t care for the spiders but if I was ranking them...) You are dealing with your huge life changes so well!

    1. I wholeheartedly agree about that being a great thing about the colder weather! I hate house flies, and we get a lot inside because of our dogs going in and out. Thanks, friend!

  5. I have the same feelings about my father’s passing in June. I am glad someone else understands how I feel.

    1. I think it's more common than we think! I do certainly have my days, but I am comforted knowing that he is right where he wants to be. I'm sure you feel that same way!

  6. Hello, my friend. I enjoyed this post as it allowed a peek into things I did not know about you. Bugs? Ugh. I also feel that way about little frogs and toads. I just can't!!!! I know exactly what you mean about the person sitting right next to you! I do the same thing! I take a pic and send it to my people!!! And cooking is a wonderful way to show love. I am glad you found joy in your cozy family meal. Have a cozy afternoon. You are doing this thing called Life extremely well!

    1. Hello, my friend! Thank you for that! You made me smile about the frogs and toads; I'm sure if I lived near water, I'd feel the same. It was so much having some of my guys here last night! I hope you're having a great week, friend.

  7. I am the same way with bugs; and with 4 guys living in the house I didn't expect to have to kill so many of them myself but they all seem to have a real "it's not hurting anyone mentality" and I do not! I actually do tend to sleep on the other side of the bed when Ben's gone; or even smack dab in the middle of it. Not sure why but I think it started when he was travelling a lot and the boys were small; his side of the bed is closest to the door and I guess I felt like I needed to be closer just in case they needed something? I've been brainstorming a post for Saturday but I'm just not sure what I want to say and include! LOL.

    1. I am definitely not that way either! That makes me laugh thinking about it and their indifference. I'm surprised that you can go back and forth like that; I'm not sure if I can do that! Well, if you think of something, join in with us!

  8. I am dying laughing at your bug killing- might have to fly you up here when my hubby is traveling- ha!! I love reading about your freedom- you are "slaying" it as my kids would say :)

    1. I'm glad I could make you laugh! I laughed at myself afterward, trust me. Thanks for that, sweet friend!

  9. I am like you with the spiders/bugs, but also mice and bats. I can't even look at pictures or watch something on TV or in a movie.....my scalp is crawling as I type this. (And where I used to live, we had those spider crickets - they're horrible!)

    1. This makes me laugh! I'm so glad I'm not alone in my bug hating. They are TERRIBLE!!!

  10. I know what you mean about grieving, but not feeling sad. My mom passed away in 2015 (gosh, almost 10 years ago - hard to believe.) She struggled so much in life and we had a difficult relationship. I almost feel like her passing let me remember and dwell on the good times and release the problems and trouble we had while she was alive. This just brings tears to my eyes to reflect on this! Also, I know what you mean about the trash, cooking, cleaning etc. It is so different now with just two of us here. Sometimes I love the lighter workload, but sometimes it can make me miss family life so much. Let's just say I'm counting down til Christmas when both kids will be home! :)

    1. That has to be hard to think back on, my friend. I am sure that it was helpful in some ways that she passed away, but I also get feeling sad over knowing how much she struggled here on earth. I remember you telling us about her while we were on our bloggers retreat in April. On a lighter note, isn't that strange? I am sure you're counting down until they're both home for Christmas. This phase of life is not for the faint of heart!

  11. Oh I know what you mean about your dad. My dad I know without a doubt is in heaven and while there are so many things I wish he could have experienced, especially seeing my girls as grown women with children of their own, I have great peace whenever I think of him. I think too when someone we love is in heaven it makes us long for heaven more.

    1. I get sad when I think of how much he's missing now that he's gone, too! He would have loved to know that Noah was thriving in Dallas, and that Graham had bought his first house. He loved keeping up with and doing life with my sons; Jonah always had stories for him to make him laugh, and Dad loved knowing that Drew was in the HVAC industry, because they had lots to talk about. I think you are so right! Have you heard Hymn of Heaven by Phil Wickham? The first line always brings me to tears: "How I long to breathe the air of Heaven..."

      The more people that go on before me make it all the more sweeter to think about.

  12. Definitely do not think I could sleep on the other side of the bed. Who knows why...but we need "our sides" even when we travel. Too goofy. Knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that our loved ones are in Heaven...and there is a grand reunion coming one day...well, it makes all the difference in our grieving. Amen!

    1. I am FINALLY getting used to it! It's taken forever. Ha! I long to breathe the air of Heaven, as Phil Wickham sings in Hymn of Heaven. It gets a little sweeter each day!

  13. You are AMAZING and such an inspiration to me! I am so sorry for what you are going through, but you are using all of it to glorify God and help others going through very difficult circumstances. You are such a gifted writer and need to start writing a book that will help others going through similar circumstances! It will be a NYT's Bestseller!

    1. You are so sweet to encourage me! Who are you?? I would love to know! I hope that is true, and I would love to do just that if He leads me to it. I know that He will work through this situation I'm going through, and if I can encourage even one person, it will be worth all the pain that it's been to me.

  14. I am the same with spiders "(all bugs really) - there is a reel that shows a woman with a giant spider on her and her friends trying to get it off - I would have to be institutionalized ;) I am glad you're embracing the good things about this terrible journey you're on - and my prediction is that in a year or two you won't care if it's rude, you'll get up and move if someone sits right next to you in an empty room!

    1. You and me both! All bugs are gross. I'm so glad I haven't had any this week. Thank the Lord! Thank you for that encouragement, my friend. I hope that is true! I bet you are right. That made me laugh!


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