Monday, December 9, 2024



Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a good weekend! I'm linking up with Holly and Sarah for today's post. Did you do anything fun this weekend? I hope so! Mine was pretty full, and I'm thankful for that since I always need plenty of distractions. 

I watched this early Friday morning; have you watched this yet? I thought it would be a Taylor and Travis love story type movie, but it wasn't! I loved it, and I think you should give it a try if you haven't seen it already. I love my Friday mornings! I had my quiet time (and finished 2 Corinthians), then I got dressed shortly after so that I could go work for a little while. 

I am still loving my new Bible!

I had to go set all these poinsettias around the Christmas tree at work. Isn't this beautiful? 

Christmas parade ready! I took this so that I could update my social media profile picture. 

Chloe had to have some cuddle time before I left again that evening. 

Trish came over, and we went to our Christmas parade!

We froze our butts off, even though it was fun, but we left thirty minutes early. I couldn't feel my toes! Graham was there with us, but he wouldn't take a picture with me. I don't know why! 🤣

Graham's baby dogs were with me this weekend, and I was so happy to see Crash! I went out to do a few things with Mom and Trish that morning, then I came home for a while before going back out later. I met my friend Michelle at her house, and then we went downtown to The Orpheum to see Charlie Brown! 

She made me pose like this for her picture of me, and I didn't hate it! Solo pictures of myself are my new thing, apparently. 

It was so adorable! I loved seeing the downtown area decorated for Christmas. I want to go back down there again soon! And that was about it for the weekend, but it felt full and fun, so I am happy with how it turned out. There were some down moments too, unfortunately, but I'm trying to come to a resolution. What did you do that was fun this weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!

Jenn 🖤


  1. It looks like you had a nice weekend! I have not watched any Christmas movies- gonna have to wait until the girls come home for break :). The theater where you saw Charlie Brown is so pretty! Love your solo picture and the one with your friend. I'm glad your weekend was full- it sounds festive and really nice :).

    1. It was really, really good for the most part! I'll take that as a win. I can't believe you haven't watched Christmas movies in none at all? I am laughing as I write this, because my crazy self has been watching them since mid-October and still loving them. It's borderline ridiculous. I love that theater! And any historical buildings in general, but it is such a treat to be able to go there! I hope you have a great day, friend.

  2. I have the Chiefs love story recorded to watch with Rachel and she keeps not wanting to watch it. Maybe I'll just have to watch it by myself! Our weekend was actually almost perfect -- got some decorating done, some errands done, got to church, and got to sleep in a little. Yay! That picture of you on the stairs is gorgeous!

    1. You should watch it, it's so good! I love weekends like that, don't you? I know that felt good. Thank you for that!

  3. It sounds like a full and seasonal weekend! love the cute red shoes and yes, pose for all the pictures! you look great!

  4. I love the Orpheum and going downtown, especially this time of year. You look so cute in your pictures! We need to catch up on the happenings of the weekend.

    1. Yes!! Me too. I still want to do that with you and go to the Peabody! Thank you for that, and I look forward to seeing you tonight! We will still need a catch up session before or after that since we'll be with other people.

  5. You look beautiful Jen and what a wonderful and festive weekend!

  6. I feel like I look super awkward in a solo photo but you rocked it! How fun to see Charlie Brown's Christmas. That's my favorite! Happy Monday!

    1. Oh, I felt super awkward when she made me do this! I was laughing at myself, which is why my eyes were all squinty. 🤣 There was also a random man in the picture behind me that I had to edit out of the photo. I'm glad she had me do this, though! The play was precious; the man who played Snoopy did such a great job of taking on his characteristics!

  7. I was going to ask you if you'd seen the Chiefs Hallmark movie yet. As a KC native and Chiefs fanatic, I loved it. I tried to be an extra, but I didn't get picked. Boo! Looks like your weekend was filled with festive fun! Happy Monday!

    1. I loved it! It's cool that you tried to be an extra on the movie. It was a good one, and I hope yours was too!

  8. So fun how you make the most of your citie’s Christmas events, and I always enjoy how your dogs are living their best lives best lives ! Quiet weekend here with a cozy, rainy Saturday!

    1. They really are living their best dog lives! That sounds like a nice weekend, too.

  9. You look fabulous! It sounds like you had a fun weekend. The only time I even left the house was to go grocery shopping so not a very fun or memorable one for me.

    1. Thanks, friend! It was a good one, for the most part. Sometimes that is needed and nice!

  10. What a festive weekend! We went downtown for the company Christmas party - lots of fun! Hope you have a good week!

    1. It was! That sounds like so much fun. I love Christmas parties! I have one coming up this week too.

  11. You had a lovely weekend!
    The poinsettias around the tree are so pretty and I love your Christmas sweater.
    You are rocking the solo pictures!

    1. I did! I love those poinsettias around the tree. Here's to hoping I don't kill them! Thanks for that, friend!


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