Gretchen Rubin had an epiphany one rainy afternoon in the unlikeliest of places: a city bus. "The days are long, but the years are short," she realized. "Time is passing, and I'm not focusing enough on the things that really matter." In that moment, she decided to dedicate a year to her happiness project.
In this lively and compelling account, Rubin chronicles her adventures during the twelve months she spent test-driving the wisdom of the ages, current scientific research, and lessons from pop culture about how to be happier. Among other things, she found that novelty and challenge are powerful sources of happiness; that money can help buy happiness, when spent wisely; that outer order contributes to inner calm; and that the very smallest of changes can make the biggest difference.
I don't necessarily agree with all of what the above says, but I am finding it to be an interesting book that is inspiring me to make some changes, no matter how small they may be. In reading the "getting started" portion of the book, I made some rules for myself in the coming year and thought I'd share them here today. Here they are:
These aren't all that different from how I am now, but some of them are. I am considering them rules and guidelines for how I want to be treated, and for how I want to treat others. I think they're good reminders for me now, considering the life I am living out.
1. Be myself unapologetically.
2. Love Jesus and others wholeheartedly.
3. Be kind at all times.
4. Rise above!
5. Forgive freely.
6. Let. It. Go!
7. If I want to, just do it!
8. Be humble.
9. Work hard!
10. Enjoy every moment.
11. Be present!
12. Give everything my best.
The last one reminds me of a Bible verse that I love:
And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17
I think that with the help of the Lord, these are great things for me to focus on this year to have the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. If you could name one or two things in your life that would contribute to your inner peace (or happiness), what would it or they be? I would love to hear your answers! I'll be checking in occasionally with more thoughts from this book.
Thanks for reading my blog today, friends. Love to all!
Jenn 🖤
I like your list! I just started this book yesterday and am mostly through the first chapter; I too don't agree with everything but definitely feel like I'm in a bit of a funk lately. I feel like I keep spending my winter waiting around-- waiting for nice weather, waiting for whatever fun plans we have on the calendar to get closer, etc. I've gotten away from enjoying the small things. I think partly due to the changes in the house with Alec being gone and getting ready to send off another next year, partly due to seeing less and less family as more and more have moved away, and partly just winter. Ugh! I hate winter. So I figure trying out a happiness project of my own can't hurt. I'm keeping up my gratitude sentence a day and think that's helping me to look for the good in the everyday too.
ReplyDeleteHopefully the book will help pull you out of the funk. I go through times like that, and I try my best to really practice gratitude a lot each day. It does help! It sounds like you're on the right path, between the book and the sentence a day of things you're thankful for. Change is hard! I certainly know how that feels, my friend. Much love!
DeleteLove your list and I feel like you do most of this, but the key word is "intentional". When you read a book like this it makes you more intentional about how you live your life. I'm looking forward to the February chapter and I already have some ideas of things I will add.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I agree about really being intentional. I'll give you an example: I have a tendency to drive fast because of someone in particular who rubbed off on me. I have to be intentional everyday about not speeding and remind myself often that I'm not in a hurry and to be kind to other people who drive stupidly; they could just be having a bad day! I have had my share of those lately, so I think it helps me to be more intentional in thinking of how I treat others. I'm looking forward to continuing with this!
DeleteYou know, I think it’s more about joy than happiness. Happiness is elusive. JOY comes from the Lord. I saw this book many, many years ago (maybe a decade?) and although the idea is good, I think the focus needs to be more on joy. I know there is much to be learned about inner happiness, inner peace, and having a positive outlook in our circumstances. I know you are an avid student of the Bible, and that is where your foundation is! I struggle with giving time and attention on anything focusing on “self” but look forward to hearing more about what you can learn in this book!
ReplyDeleteOh, I wholeheartedly agree! Happiness is circumstantial, but true joy comes from the Lord! The words "happiness" and "self" are off-putting to me, like someone mentioned below, although I do believe we should take good care of ourselves since we can't pour from an empty vessel. But joy is what I'm seeking, and I know it's only found in Jesus, just like Psalm 16:11 says! Focusing on Him leads to peace, and it really effects our daily lives. Thanks, friend!
DeleteI have always struggled with the word "happy" in terms of pursuing it. Maybe it's because I know of people who have made, what seem to me, very selfish choices in the name of, "finding their happiness." Leaving a relationship because they were't "happy." It just seems like a worldly endeavor that is very focused on the self? I think self improvement and introspection are good to the extent they improve one's character. For me, if my character is good, meaning I am living by speaking and acting truthfully, I am honest, I am not selfish, that leads to feeling contentment and, like Jennibell wrote about, joy.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I have struggled with that too. I'm living in the consequences of someone who made a very selfish and terrible choice in order to find his happiness. Did I tell you that part of my life when you texted me? It was almost verbatim what you said in this comment! I agree with you, though, and think instead of searching for "happiness" that I'll continue to seek the Lord first and gain the kind of joy that only comes from Him. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me today! ❤️
DeleteThis is wonderful. What a journey you will go on. Very inspirational. I want to try it when I have a little more time but just know that I will be following along here and know you will rock this!
ReplyDeleteI think so too! Thanks, friend. Much love!
DeleteI love this and may need to join! I would love to see this book.
ReplyDeleteI'll try to remember to bring it with me Thursday night so you can look at it!
DeleteI think the biggest thing that would bring me inner (and outer) peace and happiness is to give more (and show more) grace. To others - and if I'm honest myself too. I try, it's just sometimes so hard.
ReplyDeleteI totally get that! I remind myself of that often and am always reminding myself of the phrase, "Grace upon grace". When I was in choir we sang a song with that phrase, and it has stood out to me ever since. Don't you think as women/moms/wives that we're all hard on ourselves? I know I am, and am my own worst critic. I don't need someone to be mean to me, because I treat myself that way already! I'm kidding, partially, of course, but you know what I mean.
DeleteMy mom used to tell me to quit being so hard on myself all the time. She told me the world will beat me up enough, I don’t need to beat myself up too.
DeleteThat is so true!
DeleteI think if you make it your own it will work for you. I'm a little put off by the emphasis on happiness which is often rooted in self, but I know your focus is Jesus so it will look different in the way you put it all into practice. I do think it's good to live with intention and as I read your list I found myself thinking of what I'd put on my list. Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteYes! That was my exact thought. I also get irritated by the word "happiness"...because it's circumstantial. I try to focus more on peace and joy...and one feeds into the other. I like that this had you thinking about what you would put on your own list. I do think I need lots of daily reminders! Especially because of my current life, but enough about that. 🤣
DeleteI like your list and I love that verse. I need to put it where I'll see it every day, along with my 2025 daily prayer to give me more of Jesus!
ReplyDeleteThanks, friend! It's a great idea to put verses in your planner. I have a friend who asks people their favorite Bible verses; she highlights the verses and then writes the names beside it so that she can pray for them. Isn't that the best idea?
DeleteThat is an awesome idea!
DeleteI think so too!
DeleteI went to a wedding a couple of years ago and instead of having a guest book they had a Bible. We were all supposed to highlight our favorite verse and write our name next to it for the couple. I thought that was the neatest thing!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous project for the year. I am going to go investigate that book. I need to read more nonfiction and I like reading 'self-help' or life improvement books. Especially at this time of year. Have added it to my cart. Thank you for sharing.