Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Currently: February 2025


Happy Wednesday, friends, and welcome to February's Currently post; today we're talking about what we're currently loving, anticipating, remembering, sharing, and wish-listing. I'll jump in with today's post!


I am loving (LOVING) reading the book of Exodus. This was where I read yesterday, and I wrote in the margin that Moses called God, "The LORD is My Banner". I didn't write this there, but the thing I keep seeing over and over again is that God provided so wonderfully for the Israelites as they were wandering in the wilderness. He gave them enough manna for each day with a double portion the day before Sabbath; it was never too little, never too much. For years I've prayed something along the lines of what Proverbs 30:8-9, which says this:

First, help me never to tell a lie. Second, give me neither poverty nor riches! Give me just enough to satisfy my needs. For if I grow rich, I may deny you and say, "Who is the LORD?" And if I am too poor, I may steal and thus insult God's holy name. 

This is why God's manna to His people stands out to me. 

I'm loving French press coffee!

I'm loving the fresh paint still!

I'm loving painting my nails (and picking it off, apparently).

And I'm loving all things February! This picture above is my current screensaver. 


I am anticipating a trip to Dallas at the end of this month! I cannot WAIT to get my arms around my Noah. I miss him so much that it hurts. 

This was the last time I went there to see him last year in September. I could cry looking at this! 


On a fluffy note, I'm remembering why I don't love regular nail polish. It doesn't last very long! I'm still determined not to get my nails done, though. The dip powder destroyed my nails, and while I miss them looking so good all of the time, I don't regret having it removed. I know that as they grow out and get stronger, that I'll be able to better cope with them. 


I'm thinking of sharing some of the bread I made this week!


I'm wish-listing lots of things, but here's just one.

Click on the picture to be re-directed to a separate Amazon link. 

Thanks for being here to link up with me today, friends! I'm looking forward to reading your posts. See you back here tomorrow! 


I hope you make plans to join us again next month! The date will be Wednesday March 5th. We'll be talking about the things we're currently loving, craving, pinning, planning, and appreciating. 

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  1. The bread looks so good! Remind me to talk nails with you again about some other options. I know you will be so glad to see Noah later this month. Happy Wednesday!

    1. You wrote this at 3:35 a.m...I hate to see that you weren't able to stay asleep! Hopefully you were able to sleep a little more after this! Okay, remind me to remind you. 🤣 I wish I wasn't joking!

  2. I love the photo of you and Noah. Wishing the days go by fast so you can give him a great big hug soon!

    1. Thank you! I don't usually want to wish the days away, but I am hoping this month hurries by.

  3. I will send you an Amazon link for the nail polish I use. Click on the store and it takes you to a slew of colors.

    1. I got it! Thank you! I've never heard of that brand.

  4. The bread looks amazing and whoever you share it with will love it!

  5. I'm over here laughing at myself because wish-listing makes much more sense as a currently prompt whereas I (somehow?!) read that well-wishing and that prompt really stumped me! LOL! Your bread looks so delicious and I am sure whomever you share it with will be so appreciative. I bet you are so giddy over seeing Noah! That is very exciting.

    1. That made me laugh! I do that all the time; I read things wrong. Well wishing would be a hard prompt! 🤣🤣 Good job for trying!

  6. Can't wait to read all about your time with Noah- yeah!!

    1. I'm excited about going again! My mom is going this time; we have fun traveling together!

  7. Your bread looks beautiful. I hope you have a wonderful visit with your son - my oldest is a senior in high school - I'm feeling sympathy pangs thinking about him leaving home soon...

    1. Thank you for that! never gets easier, does it?

  8. I wish I had that loaf of bread :) it's so pretty! Also, did you look into that nail kit I sent you awhile back (on IG)? I still haven't used mine, but it looks simple. And visiting Noah is something to look forward to :) I haven't seen my kids this week and it's killing me. I can't imagine how much you miss him!

    1. I wish I could give it to you! I don't remember what it was, can you send it again? I'm so bad at remembering. 🤣 I know you miss seeing your kids!

  9. The bread looks great and your nails look great too.

  10. YYYEEEAAA for going to see Noah! :)

  11. I miss having my nails done with dip powder all the time because of how nice they always looked, but same. It destroyed my nails so I only do it for really special occasions now.

    1. It's a real struggle. 🤣 But it's not worth it, because of how bad they hurt when you take that stuff off. I recently heard/read that it has formaldehyde in it. That is AWFUL. I mean, we're all going to die of something, but I'm trying to be healthier in general, you know?

  12. Hooray for being able to go to Dallas again! I know you are beyond excited:) I have always wanted painted cute nails...but am not up for ruining my nails. Strong nails and hair are just all I've got going on over here - lol!! Thanks for hosting the link-up!:) Here's to a great February!

    1. I know! I'm excited about it. Right? It's not worth it, and polish is good enough. I have lots of new perspectives on things these days! I love that! You keep on rocking those strong nails and curly hair!

  13. I love a good French Press coffee but haven't had any in forever. I forget we have on with it pushed to the back of the cupboard. I am the same with my nails. I love having them painted but it I do it myself they don't last long, and if I go somewhere my nails become so brittle.

    1. I'm so glad I hung onto mine! I've had it forever, and I do have to use it on occasion. You should pull yours out and give it a try! About the nails...ugh. I hate that it's so bad for our nails!

  14. How exciting that you have a visit with Noah coming up!! The bread looks scrumptious!! I just love fresh baked bread - and with coffee it's even better. You reminded me that I haven't used my French press in simply ages. It was my treat when I got together with a best friend and I haven't been in the same room with her for a couple of years now. :-( And I need to do my nails today actually. Thanks for hosting, and I hope you have a great week!


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